Biology (Medical Entrance)

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The scientific name of bakers yeast is

  1. Aspergillus niger

  2. Acetobacter aceti

  3. Propionibacterium shermanii

  4. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Correct Option: D

The scientific name of bakers yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Name the acid obtained with the help of aspergillus niger.

  1. Acetic acid

  2. Lactic acid

  3. Butyric acid

  4. Citric acid

Correct Option: D

Acid obtained with the help of  aspergillus niger is citric acid.

Streptokinase obtained from some microbe is used as

  1. immunosupressent

  2. friuit juice clarifying agent

  3. blood cholesterol reducing agent

  4. clot buster

Correct Option: D

Streptokinase obtained from some microbe is used as clot buster.

The scientific name of house fly is

  1. Apis indica

  2. Musca domestica

  3. Periplaneta americana

  4. Drosophila melanogaster

Correct Option: B

The scientific name of house fly is Musca domestica.

The basic unit of classification is

  1. phylum

  2. class

  3. genus

  4. species

Correct Option: D

The basic unit of classification is species.

Panthera pardus is the scientific name of

  1. tiger

  2. lion

  3. leopard

  4. cat

Correct Option: C

Panthera pardus is the scientific name of leopard.

The canal system is the characteristic feature of

  1. porifera

  2. cnidaria

  3. mollusca

  4. echinodermata

Correct Option: A

The canal system is the characteristic feature of porifera.

Nephredia is the excretory organ in

  1. Mollusca

  2. Arthropoda

  3. Annelida

  4. Echinodermata

Correct Option: C

Nephredia is the excretory organ in  Annelida.

In nucleotides pentose sugar linked to nitrogen base by

  1. hydrogen bond

  2. peptide bond

  3. glycosidic bond

  4. phosphodiester bond

Correct Option: C

Pentose sugar is linked to nitrogen base glycosidic bond not by glycosidic bond.

The modern horse is known as

  1. Eohippus

  2. Merychippus

  3. Equus

  4. Pliohippus

Correct Option: C

The modern horse is known as Equus.         

In the digestive system of a cockroach food is stored in

  1. oesophagus

  2. crop

  3. ileum

  4. gizzard

Correct Option: B

In the digestive system of a cockroach food is stored in the crop.

Chloride shift occurs when carbondioxide is transported in

  1. dissolved form

  2. the form of carbamino haemoglobin

  3. the form of carboxy haemoglobin

  4. the form of bicarbonate

Correct Option: D

Chloride shift occures when carbondioxide is transported in the form of bicarbonate.

Which of the following secrets testosterone?

  1. Sertioli cells

  2. Corpus Luteum

  3. Leydig cell

  4. Germ cells

Correct Option: C

Leydig cells produce testosterone.

Which gland secretes melatonin?

  1. Thymus

  2. Hypothalamus

  3. Pineal

  4. Thyroid

Correct Option: C

Pineal gland produces melatonin.

Which of the following endocrine glands is called Throne of Immunity?

  1. Pituatory

  2. Adrenal

  3. Thymus

  4. Thyriod

Correct Option: C

Thymus helps in the maturation of t cells and controls immunity.

Myxoedema is due to the deficiency of

  1. calcotonin

  2. adrenalin

  3. insulin

  4. thyroxine

Correct Option: D

The deficiency of thyroxine causes myxoedema.

'Devonian period' is the age of

  1. amphibians

  2. reptiles

  3. mammals

  4. fishes

Correct Option: D

'Devonian period' is the age of  fishes.  

Which harmone is called birth harmone or milk ejecting harmone?

  1. Prolactin

  2. Adrenalin

  3. Progesterone

  4. Oxytocin

Correct Option: D

Oxytocin is called a birth hormone or milk ejecting hormone.

Name the cells in Islets of Langerhans which produce glucagon.

  1. Delta cells

  2. Beta cells

  3. Theta cells

  4. Alpha cells

Correct Option: D

Alpha cells produce glucagon.

The nervous system in human beings is a derivative of

  1. endoderm

  2. ectoderm and endoderm

  3. mesoderm

  4. ectoderm

Correct Option: D

 The nervous system in humans is a derivative of the outermost embryological layer called ectoderm.

The cardiovascular system is a derivative of the

  1. ectoderm

  2. endoderm

  3. mesoderm

  4. ectoderm and endoderm

Correct Option: C

 All cardiovascular systems including heart, blood vessels, lymph and blood cells have derived from mesoderm.

The process that establishes the three germ layers in embryo is called

  1. gastruation

  2. cleavage

  3. organogenesis

  4. implantation

Correct Option: A

 Gastrulation is an early stage in human embryo, when the three germ layers are formed.

The wrist is an example of

  1. fibrous joint

  2. ellipsoid joint

  3. saddle joint

  4. pivot joint

Correct Option: B

 Ellipsoid joint is a kind of ball and socket joint which allows lesser movement.

An open circulatory system is characterised by

  1. the absence of a heart

  2. the absence of blood vessels

  3. blood with a composition different from that of tissue fluid

  4. a higher-pressure circuit through gills than to other organs.

Correct Option: B

An open circulatory system do not have blood vessels.

The opening of occipital bone of the cranium through which medulla oblongata passes is called

  1. foramen ovale

  2. foramen spinosum

  3. foramen magnum

  4. foramen lacerum

Correct Option: C

 Medulla oblongata passes through this opening and keeps the head straight.

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