Biology Test 6 (Part - II)

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Hereditary material in TMV is

  1. dsDNA

  2. ssDNA

  3. ssRNA

  4. dsRNA

Correct Option: C

The most common algal partner in lichens belongs to

  1. blue-green algae

  2. green algae

  3. red algae

  4. brown algae

Correct Option: B

 The most common algal partner in lichens belongs to green algae.

Early blight of potato is caused by

  1. Phytophthora infestans

  2. Alternaria solani

  3. Cystopus candidus

  4. Helminthosporium oryzae

Correct Option: B

  Early blight of potato is caused by Alternaria solani.

Ovules are naked in gymnosperms because

  1. nucleus is absent

  2. carpels are absent

  3. integuments are absent

  4. endosperm is absent

Correct Option: B

  Ovules are naked in gymnosperms because they are not enclosed in ovary .The ovules are naked, pollen grains can enter the ovules through an opening (micropyle) on the integument. Each pollen grain germinates inside the ovule into a pollen tube, which delivers and releases two male nuclei or two flagellate sperms.

Taxonomy based on secondary metabolites is

  1. phenetic taxonomy

  2. experimental taxonomy

  3. chemataxonomy

  4. cytotaxonomy

Correct Option: C

Chemotaxonomy is based on secondary metabolites. Chemotaxonomy is the method of biological classification based on similarities in the structure of certain compounds among the organisms being classified.

Systema naturae was written by

  1. Engler and Prantl

  2. Wallace

  3. Carolus Linnaeus

  4. Darwin

Correct Option: C

 Systema Naturae was one of the major works of the Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician Carolus Linnaeus and introduced the Linnaean taxonomy.

Folds of plasma membrane in bacterial cells are known as

  1. episomes

  2. mesosomes

  3. spherosomes

  4. acrosomes

Correct Option: B

 Mesosomeman organelle of bacteria that appears as an invagination of the plasma membrane and functions either in DNA replication and cell division or excretion of exoenzymes.

Classification of kingdom protista is based on

  1. locomotory organs

  2. mode of nutrition

  3. mode of reproduction

  4. shape of the cell

Correct Option: A

 Classification of kingdom protista is mainly based on locomotory organs. Flagella and cillia are the locomotory organs of protistans.

Thylakoids are present in

  1. fungi

  2. viruses

  3. bacteria

  4. slime molds

Correct Option: C

 The thylakoid lipid bilayer shares characteristic features with prokaryotic membranes and the inner chloroplast membrane. For example, acidic lipids can be found in thylakoid membranes, cyanobacteria and other photosynthetic bacteria and are involved in the functional integrity of the photosystems.

A system of classification, in which a large number of phenotypic traits are considered, is

  1. artificial system

  2. synthetic system

  3. natural system

  4. phytogenetic systems

Correct Option: C

 A system of classification, in which a large number of phenotypic traits are considered, is natural system.

Plasmid is a/an

  1. plastid

  2. extrachromosomal DNA

  3. starch granules

  4. fat globule

Correct Option: B

 A plasmid is a small DNA molecule within a cell that is physically separated from a chromosomal DNA and can replicate independently. They are most commonly found in bacteria as small circular, double-stranded DNA molecules; however, plasmids are sometimes present in archaea and eukaryotic organisms.

Dictyosomes are absent in

  1. Mucor

  2. Rhizopus

  3. Penicillium

  4. Rhizobium

Correct Option: D

 Dictyosomes are not present in Rhizobium. 

Protozoan protists having nuclear dimorphism are

  1. sarcodina

  2. zooflagellata

  3. sporozoa

  4. ciliata

Correct Option: D

 Nuclear dimorphism is a term referred to the special characteristic of having two different kinds of nuclei in a cell. This feature is observed in protozoan ciliates.

Introduction of fish Gambusia in village ponds will help in

  1. increased availability of fish

  2. elimination of mosquito larvae

  3. clearing village ponds of algae

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

  Introduction of fish Gambusia in village ponds will help in elimination of mosquito larvae.

Euglenoids have two photosensitive structures: eye spot and _________.

  1. pustule

  2. basal granule

  3. paraflagellar body

  4. pyrenoid

Correct Option: C

Euglenoids have two photosensitive structures: eye spot and paraflagellar body.

The mode of nutrition in Trichonympha is

  1. phagotrophic

  2. symbiotic

  3. parasitic

  4. photosynthetic

Correct Option: B

 Trichonympha is a genus of parabasalid protists that live in the intestines of many, if not most, termite species. They are symbiotes, in that they break down the cellulose in the wood and plant fibers their hosts eat.

The causal agent of 'White rust of crucifers' is

  1. Cercospora

  2. Albugo candida

  3. Pythium debaryanum

  4. Agaricus

Correct Option: B

Which of the following organism is poisonous?

  1. Rhizopus

  2. Agaricus

  3. Amanita

  4. Oscillatoria

Correct Option: C

Viruses synthesize their protein coat

  1. outside the host

  2. inside the host

  3. both inside and outside the host

  4. in sugary medium

Correct Option: B

Pinus has

  1. winged seeds

  2. winged pollen

  3. mycorrhizal roots

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

Bacteriophage is a

  1. mycoplasma

  2. virus

  3. rickettisae

  4. spirochaete

Correct Option: B

Genetic material of plant viruses is/are

  1. DNA only

  2. RNA only

  3. either RNA or DNA

  4. both RNA and DNA

Correct Option: C

Fronds are

  1. aerial branches

  2. leaves of ferns

  3. flower bearing axes

  4. cone bearing axes

Correct Option: B

Coralloid roots with symbiotic blue-green alga are found in

  1. Pinus

  2. Cedrus

  3. Araucaria

  4. Cycas

Correct Option: D

Sporophyte is parasitic on gametophyte in

  1. bryophytes

  2. pteridophytes

  3. green algae

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A
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