Biology Test 10 (Part - II)

Description: Get Complete Study Material for AIIET Biology Test, AIIET Biology, AIIET Biology Exam, AIIET Biology Preparation, Structural, Physiological, Evolutionary, Systematics, Cell theory, Evolution, Genetics, Homeostasis, Energy
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: AIIET Biology Test AIIET Biology AIIET Biology Exam AIIET Biology Preparation Structural Physiological Evolutionary Systematics Cell theory Evolution Genetics Homeostasis Energy Crop Improvement Hybridisation in Plants to Improve Their Yield
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The quickest method of plant breeding is

  1. introduction

  2. selection

  3. hybridisation

  4. mutation breeding

Correct Option: A

The oldest method of plant breeding is

  1. introduction

  2. selection

  3. hybridisation

  4. mutation

Correct Option: B

The wheat variety introduced from Australia is

  1. ridley

  2. sioux

  3. texas-2

  4. dixie

Correct Option: A

Pomato involves the hybridization of

  1. poppy and potato

  2. potato and tomato

  3. poppy and tamarind

  4. poppy and tomato

Correct Option: B

The earliest place where agriculture began is

  1. Nile valley

  2. Northern India plain

  3. China River Valley

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A

'Sharbati Sonara' is a result of

  1. aneuploidy

  2. polyploidy

  3. hybridisation

  4. mutation

Correct Option: D

The aquatic fern, which is an excellent biofertiliser, is

  1. marsillia

  2. salvinia

  3. azolla

  4. pteridium

Correct Option: C

The first state to achieve the goals of green revolution in India was

  1. Punjab

  2. Kerala

  3. U.P.

  4. West Bengal

Correct Option: A

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae are important for

  1. nitrate nutrition of plants

  2. phosphate nutrition of plants

  3. carbonate nutrition of plants

  4. sulphate nutrition of plants

Correct Option: B

Which N2 fixing bacterium forms loose association with roots of grasses?

  1. Azospirillum

  2. Azotobacter

  3. Rhizobium

  4. Bacillus

Correct Option: A

Agriculture originated about

  1. 17,000 - 23,000 years ago

  2. 27,000 - 33,000 years ago

  3. 7,000 - 13,000 years ago

  4. 700 - 1,300 years ago

Correct Option: C

Total utility of pesticides in India is about

  1. 5.2 M tonnes

  2. 9.2 M tonnes

  3. 11.2 M tonnes

  4. 14.2 M tonnes

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is a nitrogen fixing cynobacteria?

  1. Clostridium

  2. Rhizobium

  3. Anabaena

  4. Azotobacter

Correct Option: C

Additional copies of nif genes for increasing nitrogen fixation have been transferred to

  1. bradyrhizobium

  2. rhizoboium

  3. clostridium

  4. both (1) and (2)

Correct Option: D

Which one of the following is a non-symbiotic biofertilizer?

  1. VAM

  2. Azotobacter

  3. Anabaena

  4. Rhizobium

Correct Option: B

Which one of the following is a phosphate solubilising microorganism?

  1. Bacillus subtilis

  2. Acetobacter diazotroph

  3. Rhizobium radicicola

  4. Azotobacter vinelandii

Correct Option: A

BGA is chiefly used as biofertiliser in the field of

  1. wheat

  2. gram

  3. paddy

  4. mustard

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is source of liquid wax?

  1. Jojoba

  2. Winged bean

  3. Subabul

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Which of the following alkaloids is/are good plant insecticides?

  1. Pyrethrum

  2. Nicotine

  3. Cinerine

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

DDT - a widely used pesticide is a/an

  1. organochlorine

  2. organophosphate

  3. pyrethroid

  4. nicotinoid

Correct Option: A

Integrated pest management includes

  1. biological methods

  2. mechanical methods

  3. chemical pesticides

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

 Integrated pest management (IPM), is a broad-based approach that integrates practices for economic control of pests using three methods - biological methods, mechanical methods and chemical pesticides.

Natural insecticide azadirachtin is obtained from

  1. tobacco

  2. neem

  3. fungus

  4. algae

Correct Option: B

Agrochemicals are

  1. pesticides

  2. fertilisers

  3. growth regulators

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D

Pyrethrin is obtained from

  1. carthamus

  2. chyrsanthemum

  3. azadirachta

  4. amaranthus

Correct Option: B

Confusion technique involves

  1. confusing insects by releasing sterile males

  2. laying traps containing pheromones

  3. spraying hydrophobic papers containing pheromones

  4. introducing juvenile hormones at an inappropriate stage

Correct Option: C
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