Law (Legal Aptitude 1)

Description: To increase leagl knowledge
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: LAW Criminal and Motor Accident Laws Legal Aptitude/ Awareness Legal Terms Personal Law Constitutional Law GP Word Problems
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The Supreme Court is a court of record. This means

  1. all decisions of the Supreme Court are recorded

  2. all statements of the Supreme Court are binding law

  3. power to punish for its contempt

  4. Both (2) and (3)

Correct Option: D

The Supreme Court shall be a court of record means all statements of the Supreme Court are binding law and shall have all the powers of such a court including the power to punish for contempt of itself.

Minimum number of judges which can give an advisory opinion to the President is

  1. one-third of the total strength of the Supreme Court

  2. five

  3. half of the total strength of the Supreme Court

  4. seven

Correct Option: C

Minimum number of judges which can give an advisory opinion to the President is half of the total strength of the Supreme Court.

“Ignorance of the law excuses no man; not that all men know the law, but because it is an excuse every man will plead". Who said these words?

  1. Rousseau

  2. John Wilson

  3. John Selden

  4. B. H. Brewster

Correct Option: C

John Selden said that 'Ignorance of the law excuses no man; not that all men know the law, but because it is an excuse every man will plead and no man can tell how to refute him'.

________ is the law of place.

  1. National law

  2. Lex loci

  3. Jus remedium

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

The term lex loci is a Latin word, which means 'the law of the place' and it is a shorthand version of the choice of law rules that determine the lex causae, i.e. the law chosen to decide a case.

……… are those offences for which a police officer can arrest a person without a warrant.

  1. Cognizable offences

  2. Non-cognizable offences

  3. Bailable offences

  4. Non-bailable offences

Correct Option: A

Cognizable offence are the offences where police officer has the authority to make an arrest without a warrant. The police is also allowed to start an investigation with or without the permission of a court.

According to section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, the dishonor of cheque results in awarding punishment of

  1. two year imprisonment or with fine or both

  2. one year imprisonment only

  3. only fine

  4. no punishment

Correct Option: A

According to section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, the dishonor of cheque results in awarding punishment of imprisonment for a term which may be extended to two years or with fine which may extend to twice the amount of the cheque or with both.

Lawyers are officer of the court and are constituted into an independent profession under the

  1. Constitution of India

  2. Advocates Act, 1931

  3. Advocate Act, 1951

  4. Advocate Act, 1961

Correct Option: D

Lawyers are officers of the court and are constituted into an independent profession under the Advocate Act, 1961.

Charles Dudley Warner’s statement – “I am surprised in visiting jails to find so few respectable looking convicts “ means

  1. Usually unrespectable people commit crimes

  2. Poverty breeds crime

  3. Rich men commit fewer crimes

  4. Both rich and poor commit crime but poor are convicted more

Correct Option: D

Charles Dudley Warner’s statement – 'I am surprised in visiting jails to find so few respectable looking convicts' means both rich and poor commit crime, but poor are convicted more.

Which of the following statement can be attributed to Montesquieu

  1. Liberty is the right to do whatever the laws permit

  2. Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains

  3. Public opinion is always in advance of law

  4. Law is an ass

Correct Option: A

'Liberty is the right of doing whatever the laws permit' is a statement attributed to Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu.

“Justice must not only be done but also appear to be done , and may I add must be paid for being done ‘ who is the author of this statement?

  1. Henry Cecil

  2. Francis Bacon

  3. Voltaire

  4. Seneca

Correct Option: A

'Justice must not only be done but also appear to be done, and may I add must be paid for being done‘ Henry Cecil is the author of this statement.

Muslim marriage is a

  1. Sacrament

  2. Legal Bond & a Social Contract

  3. Divine commandment

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

In Islam, Marriage is a legal contract between two people. The bride is to consent to the marriage of her own free will. There must be two Muslim witnesses of the marriage contract.  

Who is the author of these immortal words

Mastering the lawless scienceof our Law, That codeless myriad of precedent That wilderness of single instances Through ‘ which a few , by wit or fortune led May beat a pathway out to wealth and fame

  1. Disraeli

  2. Tennyson

  3. Dickens

  4. Shakespeare

Correct Option: B

Alfred Lord Tennyson, is the author of these words.

The law relating to marriage divorce and succession of various communities

  1. is codified in common civil code

  2. is contained in various personal laws codified and uncodified

  3. is entirely uncodified

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The law relating to marriage, divorce and succession of various communities is contained in various personal laws codified and uncodified. Some codified laws are: The Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939 The Special Marriage Act, 1954 The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 The Indian Succession Act, 1925 etc.  

Large majority of Indian muslims are covered by …. School of law

  1. Hanafi

  2. Ithna

  3. Ashri

  4. Ismaili

Correct Option: A

The Hanafi school is one of the four religious Sunni Islamic schools of jurisprudence(fiqh). Hanafi is the fiqh with the largest number of followers among Sunni Muslims.

There are two classes of advocates in India

  1. Advocates and senior Advocates

  2. Barristers and Solicitors

  3. Lawyers and Attorneys

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

According to section 16 of THE ADVOCATES ACT, 1961, there shall be two classes of advocates, namely, senior advocates and other advocates. An advocate may with his consent be designated as senior advocate, if the Supreme Court or a High Court is of opinion, that by virtue of his ability, standing at the Bar or special knowledge of experience in law, he is deserving of such distinction.

Once appointed, judges of supreme court serve till they attain the age of

  1. 62

  2. 63

  3. 64

  4. 65

Correct Option: D

Supreme Court Judges are appointed by the President and they hold office until they attain the age of 65 years.

What is the minimum number of judges of supreme court who must sit together to constitute a Bench?

  1. 3

  2. 5

  3. 7

  4. 9

Correct Option: B

Judges of supreme court sit in smaller Benches of two and three, coming together in larger Benches of 5 and more only when required to do so or to settle a difference of opinion or controversy. Any bench may refer the case up to a larger bench if the need to do so arises

Central vigilance commissioner under the central vigilance commission act of 2003 shall be appointed by

  1. Chief justice of India

  2. President of India

  3. Prime minister of India

  4. Attorney General for India

Correct Option: B

The Central Vigilance Commissioner and the Vigilance Commissioners shall be appointed by the President on recommendation of a Committee consisting of the Prime Minister (Chairperson), the Minister of Home Affairs (Member) and the Leader of the Opposition in the House of the People (Member).

The chief justice of supreme court takes oath from the

  1. Cabinet secretary

  2. Prime minister of India

  3. President of India

  4. Speaker of lok sabha

Correct Option: C

The chief justice of supreme court takes oath from the President of India.

By virtue of Article _______ judgments of supreme court are binding on all court of India

  1. 141

  2. 142

  3. 143

  4. 144

Correct Option: A

By virtue of Article 141 of the Indian Constitution, judgments of supreme courts are binding on all court of India.

Which statement is true (1) Supreme court superintends the high courts (2) High court superintends the subordinate court

  1. Only I

  2. Only II

  3. Both I & II

  4. Neither I nor II

Correct Option: B

All of the subordinate courts to the Hon’ble High Court are being routed by the High court of their jurisdiction.

Which statement is correct?

  1. every state has its own high court

  2. every union territory is clubbed with one of state high court

  3. two or more states or two or more union territories or two states and one or more union territories can have a common high court

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

Two or more states or two or more union territories or two states and one or more union territories can have a common high court.

If the substance of a statute is in reality beyond the competence of the legislature, the veil that covers it, will not save it

  1. Doctrine of harmonious construction

  2. Doctrine of Colourable legislation

  3. Doctrine of pith and substance

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The doctrine of colourability is the idea that when the legislature wants to do something that it cannot do within the constraints of the constitution, it colours the law with a substitute purpose which will still allow it to accomplish its original goal.

“Ultra Vires “ is a term used for

  1. A document corrupted by virus

  2. An act beyond the authority of a person

  3. An act authorized by law

  4. An illegal act

Correct Option: B

'Ultra vires' is a Latin phrase meaning 'beyond the powers'. If an act is done without legal authority, it is ultra vires.

Commission which reorganized states on the linguistic basis was headed by

  1. J. Fazal Ali

  2. Swaran Singh

  3. Harnam Singh

  4. Dharam Vir

Correct Option: A

Commission which reorganized states on the linguistic basis was headed by J. Fazal Ali.

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