Verbal Ability (Mixed)

Description: englsih
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: english Letter A Synonyms Letter B
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Directions: Choose the word that best expresses the meaning of the given statement.

Happening by chance.

  1. abrogate

  2. adventitious

  3. astringent

  4. acquiescence

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word that best expresses the meaning of the given statement.

Something which militates against commonsense.

  1. absurd

  2. abracadabra

  3. aberration

  4. abnegate

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that best expresses the meaning of the given statement.

To help a wrongdoer and be an accessory of his crime.

  1. abate

  2. alibi

  3. abut

  4. accomplice

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word that best expresses the meaning of the given statement.

Someone who is an expert.

  1. adapt

  2. adept

  3. adopt

  4. attach�

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. teacher

  2. of love

  3. university

  4. start

  5. bitterness

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. of love

  2. teacher

  3. bitterness

  4. start

  5. university

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. complete destruction

  2. follower, attendant

  3. lack of purpose, rootlessness

  4. spirits and demons

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. university

  2. start

  3. bitterness

  4. teacher

  5. of love

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word that best expresses the meaning of the given statement.

Reminiscent of the behaviour of your primitive ancestors.

  1. agnostic

  2. atavistic

  3. acerbic

  4. ambient

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. teacher

  2. of love

  3. university

  4. bitterness

  5. start

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. of love

  2. teacher

  3. bitterness

  4. campus

  5. university

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. follower, attendant

  2. lack of purpose

  3. join words

  4. route for aircraft

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. follower, attendant

  2. lack of purpose, value, rootlessness

  3. join words

  4. route for aircraft

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. complete destruction

  2. follower, attendant

  3. join words

  4. route for aircraft

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. compel, pressure

  2. thing thought of or added later

  3. make lively

  4. complete destruction

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given word.


  1. compel, pressure

  2. thing thought of or added later

  3. join words

  4. route for aircraft

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given words.

Air Corridor

  1. join words

  2. thing thought of or added later

  3. compel, pressure

  4. route for aircraft

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the synonym for the given words.


  1. compel, pressure

  2. join words

  3. make lively

  4. thing thought of or added later

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the best meaning for the given words.

One's sphere of influence or authority

  1. bastion

  2. bailiwick

  3. bric - a - brac

  4. bedlam

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the best meaning for the given words.

Person or thing one avoids most

  1. bratpack

  2. behemoth

  3. bête noire

  4. ballast

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the best meaning for the given words.

Argue tediously about the same point

  1. berate

  2. bust

  3. bandy

  4. belabor

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the best meaning for the given words.

Not just a collector of books but one who loves reading them enthusiastically

  1. bibliophile

  2. bibliopegy

  3. biblioklept

  4. bookworm

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the best meaning for the given words.

One extra to beat the law and that makes it a

  1. lagniappe

  2. baker's dozen

  3. bonous

  4. browns dozen

Correct Option: B

Directions: Fill in the blank.

________ is something which can be used as a standard for comparison with others.

  1. Bionics

  2. Benchmark

  3. Bivouac

  4. Beleaguer

Correct Option: B

Directions: Fill in the blank.

_______ is the study of moral issues involved in biotechnological advnaces.

  1. Big bang

  2. Bioethics

  3. Bonkers

  4. Beseech

Correct Option: B
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