Strengthen-Weaken - 3

Description: Strengthen-Weaken - 3
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Quicklearn and Smartstudy are two leading schools at Glendale. Their faculty salaries account for thirty percent of the student fee earned. In an attempt to increase enrolments and reduce costing, Quicklearn is considering lowering the school fee (to attract more students) as well as faculty salaries (to rationalize costing).

Which of the following, if true, would make the above proposal counterproductive?

  1. Quicklearn and Smartstudy are located within easy reach of each other.

  2. Last year Smartstudy had a greater number of enrolments than Quicklearn without lowering the fee.

  3. A reduction in faculty salary would reduce the quality of faculty and this would ultimately lead to lowering of standard of education.

  4. Salaries at Quicklearn already are, on an average, 15% lower than those at Smartstudy.

  5. Both schools are recipients of alumni contributions.

Correct Option: C

It is possible that drop in salaries will lead to an exodus of qualified faculty and this will in turn lead to students going elsewhere for better coaching.

A pre-election survey revealed that 32 per cent of the population surveyed planned to vote for the candidate John and only 18 percent for his opponent James. In the final tally, candidate James received 51 percent of the votes and candidate John received 40 percent. This shows that the poll procedure was seriously flawed.

Which of the following statements most directly contradicts the conclusion drawn above?

  1. Candidate James received valuable public endorsement.

  2. The media was openly supportive of candidate James' position.

  3. All the voters did not vote during the election.

  4. Many voters, who were initially undecided, made up their minds after the pre-election survey.

  5. Several other opinion polls were conducted at the same time as the pre-election survey.

Correct Option: D

The conclusion is that poll procedure was flawed. (4) clearly points the reason for the difference between the pre-election poll and the final tally as the voters’ later decision rather than a flawed poll procedure.

In a recent study, researchers observed that old people are more likely to suffer from depression immediately after the holiday season. They concluded that this was because old people are exhausted by the end of the holidays.

Which of the following statements most directly contradicts the conclusion drawn above?

  1. Old people lack the energy and strength of the younger people.

  2. No study has yet proved that holidays are the cause of any serious illness.

  3. After the holidays, old people have nothing to look forward to and become melancholy.

  4. Old age is a debilitating factor for most persons, particularly when one is free.

  5. Several old people gain health during the holiday sojourn.

Correct Option: C

This directly contradicts the conclusion about exhaustion being the culprit. Old people get lonely because they have nothing to look forward to and this leads to depression.

All students who earned advance management degree from Abacus University received several excellent job offers. Typically, many graduates of Payola College have gone on to pursue advance management degrees at Abacus. Thus, enrolling as an undergraduate at Payola College is a wise choice for students who wish to ensure success in their careers.

Which of the following would most strengthen the conclusion?

  1. All students of Payola College have had a choice of career.

  2. Payola college graduates meet the stringent academic standards required for admission to Abacus University.

  3. Several alumni of Payola College do not accept the job offers.

  4. Payola College is the only one in the immediate vicinity of Abacus University.

  5. Alumni of Abacus University consider enrolling at Payola College as the 1st step to a successful career.

Correct Option: E

This clearly supports the argument that for 'success in their careers' Payola college is a wise choice. Graduates, who're now pursuing careers, are in the right position to judge if the academic moves of present students are headed towards success.

Some developing countries use their limited foreign exchange reserves to buy iron ore for producing steel. This steel earns more foreign exchange than it costs. However, this is a foolish policy, especially as most of these countries have large deposits of iron are, which can be mined with minimal foreign exchange expense.

Which of the following, if true, most supports the policy of these countries to purchase iron ore abroad?

  1. Most developing countries have limited foreign exchange reserves for infrastructure development.

  2. Most developing countries want to make a quick buck due to the weakening of the dollar.

  3. The process of mining iron ore is labor intensive.

  4. Mining iron ore requires extensive import of highly expensive equipment, technology and training on a sustained basis.

  5. The price of steel and commodities on the international markets has risen significantly.

Correct Option: D

Import of technology, expensive machinery and continual training would perhaps be beyond the reach of most developing nations or may require a much greater outlay of foreign exchange than that involved in the purchase of iron ore.

The government recently raised the price of alcohol to compensate for the increase in the import duty of the foreign liquor. This raise in the price of alcohol is a healthy step because it would bring down the consumption of alcohol among people. Also it would drastically reduce domestic violence, health issues and crime, which were encouraged by drinking alcohol.

Which of the following statements would seriously pose a doubt on the argument?

  1. Increasing price of domestic liquor to match with the increase in foreign liquor is bad policy.

  2. The price rise for alcohol may propel people towards buying foreign liquor.

  3. Increased price of alcohol would severely hit the low and middle income group families as the addict may not quit drinking.

  4. Weaning people away from alcohol may pose a greater health issue which would involve greater expense in treatment of the same.

  5. Consumption of alcohol does not have a significant impact on the social scenario.

Correct Option: C

The reasoning seems simple enough: increased price will bring down consumption. But if (3) happens, which is quite likely, the result will only be increased hardship for the family, with little or no reduction in alcohol consumption.

The management of Highway Mall was thinking of opening a book store to attract readers. Cloud 9 mall in the city had done a similar thing recently and had got a great response. Critics said that due to the location of the Highway Mall, it may not get a good response. According to them, the malls situated on highways attract only travellers who shop for snacks, travel accessories or car care products. The management of Highway Mall nevertheless went ahead and opened the book store.

Which of the following statements would strengthen the management's decision?

  1. Reading is a popular pastime among travellers across the world.

  2. The opinion of the critics on other matters in the past didn't count for much.

  3. When people come to get snacks or accessories in a mall, they also like to relax a little and shop around.

  4. Highways are not such a bad location for operation of a mall or a similar business venture.

Correct Option: A

If reading is a favourite pastime of travellers, it makes sense to open the book store on the highway where there will be a lot of travellers.

The airport in Flyville faces problems like flight delays and traffic congestion during winters. This results in a great discontent among the passengers and the people expecting cargo and shipments. The authorities have proposed to construct a parallel runway to the existing one. They expect it to solve the troubles involving delays and congestion. Although the cost of construction of a new runway is extremely high, the management thinks it would help increase the revenue and reduce flight delays.

Which of the following statements most directly contradicts the conclusion drawn above?

  1. Flyville experiences prolonged spells of fog and even technical failures during winter.

  2. Number of runways is just one of the reasons for congestion and flight delays.

  3. Reduction in flight delays and traffic congestion does not necessarily translate into increased revenue.

  4. Parallel runways will increase the workload of air traffic controllers and manpower constraints.

  5. Adding a runway to an airport could be a lopsided development.

Correct Option: A

The problem is not the number of runways, but flight delays due to winter. Adding one or more runways will not solve the problem of fog, and technical failure.

The public has reacted sharply to the recent ban on screening of politicians at airports. According to the spokesperson of the airport authority, politicians form an elite part of any society. People with high profile should be respected by masses and be given preferential treatment for the name and fame they bring to the society. Also, because they pose no threat to the security, it is reasonable to waive off the security procedures for such people.

All of the following factors strengthen the spokesperson's assertion except:

  1. Politicians are susceptible to use as a potential tool for breaching security.

  2. Asking the top politicians to remove footwear and accessories in public brings embarrassment to the country.

  3. The background checks performed on the politicians during their political career render them safe for this waiver.

  4. The politicians work for the good of the state and in no way intend to harm the integrity of the country.

Correct Option: A

The conclusion is that politicians “pose no threat to the security”. Precisely this is why anti-social elements may wish to blackmail them or through them.

A housing society was surveyed by a commuter company last year. The results showed that most of the residents gave their affirmation for the concept of carpool. The carpooling, they felt, would benefit them through huge savings on fuel and time. Hence, carpool is recommended for a better tomorrow.

Which of the following, if true, will strengthen the author's argument?

  1. Though the long distances between their workplaces force the members of the carpool to leave their homes early, they are adequately compensated by the fuel savings.

  2. The fuel costs are likely to witness a steep and sustained increase in the foreseeable future.

  3. By participating in the carpool, the residents contribute their mite towards reducing pollution and traffic congestion.

  4. The government is likely to allow carpools to use bus-lanes on busy trunk roads.

Correct Option: B

Carpool is recommended for a better tomorrow, as it involves huge savings in fuel and time. Option (2) ensures that the savings (in fuel, at least) will be steep and sustained. Spiraling fuel costs would be a good reason to use carpooling.

It is argued by some scientists/environmentalists that the near extinction of India's white tigers is caused by state funded and promoted real estate projects that allow tree cutting and thus, greatly reduce the species' natural habitat and privacy.

Which of the following statements most directly contradicts the conclusion drawn above?

  1. The population of white tigers in the East African Wildlife Park has remained constant for the past decade despite build-up of physical infrastructure.

  2. Tourist-friendly regulations allow access of several undesirable visitors and poachers to game reserves and natural parks.

  3. The white tiger population had not been showing positive growth even before the urgent need for housing accommodation compelled the state government to sanction tree cutting in several regions.

  4. The indiscriminate cutting of trees has also brought several bird species to near extinction.

Correct Option: B

The argument ascribes the near extinction to cutting of forests and disappearance of natural habitat of the white tiger. There is no option that directly contradicts this assertion. However, option (2) gives an alternative explanation that natural reserves earmarked for white tigers are being vandalised by providing easy access to poachers under the garb of tourists.

Juvenile crime in the state has increased by 20% over the last year. This is because of a flaw in the legislative system: judges are so unwilling to pass strict sentences that young miscreants are no longer afraid of the consequences of their acts.

Which of the following statements most directly contradicts the conclusion drawn above?

  1. The state has recorded a 50% increase over last year in overall crime rate.

  2. Law enforcement by the police has been very lax.

  3. Not all the judges show clemency when passing a sentence on juveniles.

  4. According to a recent poll, 70% of the population in the state voted for leniency toward juveniles.

  5. Several new judges support a strict verdict on young offenders.

Correct Option: B

This gives an alternative explanation. The option directly counters the conclusion that judges' leniency has caused spurt in juvenile crime. Rather police has been lax in law enforcement.

The police arrested 6 teenagers from the Olive Apartment Complex yesterday. More than 25 lbs of opium has been confiscated from them. A month ago, 3 more people arrested from adjacent areas were found in possession of illegal drugs. As a precautionary measure, the police have issued an advisory for the residents of the town to keep their children away from Olive Apartment Complex.

Which of the following measures would strengthen the issuance of the advisory?

  1. Some of the people arrested were residents of the apartment complex.

  2. The teenagers arrested were trying to find a hideout in the complex.

  3. The complex has since been thoroughly sanitized.

  4. Children are a soft target for drug-peddlers.

  5. The teenagers arrested had earlier been framed into other culpable offences.

Correct Option: D

Children are vulnerable to peddlers. Hence, the need for the advisory.

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