
Description: Preposition
Number of Questions: 35
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Tags: Preposition Sentence Formation Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
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Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

The procedure ________ transfer of debentures varies depending ________ their nature and type.

  1. of, in

  2. from, upon

  3. for, on

  4. in, onto

Correct Option: C

'Procedure for' means steps for something. 'Depend on/upon' both are correct.

Directions: Select the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

He works ______ morning _______ night.

  1. from, till

  2. in, until

  3. from, to

  4. for, through

Correct Option: C

Preposition 'from' shows the commencement of an action. 'To' refers to the time limit.

Directions: Select the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

I was standing ______ the river, looking ______ the birds and talking ________ them.

  1. across, at, with

  2. by, at, to

  3. at, to, with

  4. by, to, to

Correct Option: B

'By the river' means 'near the river bank', 'looking at' means 'to direct one‘s attention mentally upon something' and 'talking to' is the correct usage.  

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

Before his death, the old man divided the property ________ his two sons and distributed money _______ the poor.

  1. in, in

  2. among, between

  3. between, among

  4. among, amongst

Correct Option: C

'Between' is used for two; 'among' is used for more than two.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

Today, the Chinese foreign minister called ____ President Obama and remained _____ the White House _____ an hour.

  1. upon, in, until

  2. for, in, beyond

  3. on, at, for

  4. at, in, till

Correct Option: C

'Call on' is used for meeting a person; 'at' is used for specific places or time; 'for' is used to show the duration of time.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

I like ________ go ________ the temple with my parents everyday.

  1. to, to

  2. to, toward

  3. to, in

  4. to, into

Correct Option: A

We go 'to' a place. Considering this, option 1 seems to be the best answer. 'Toward' is used for direction.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

Freedom is not a gift, but a propensity _____ safeguarded.

  1. to

  2. too

  3. to be

  4. for

Correct Option: C

The key word 'safeguarded' (third form of the verb) qualifies none other option than 'to be'.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

The office will remain closed ______ the 8th ______ November ____ the 13th.

  1. on, of, till

  2. from, of, to

  3. for, in, for

  4. in, in, to

Correct Option: B

Preposition 'from' show the commencement of an action in the future. 'Of November' is the correct expression. 'To' means 'till'.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

Such problems crop _______ everyday ______ life.

  1. up, in

  2. onto, into

  3. from, for

  4. above, toward

Correct Option: A

'Crop up' means to appear unexpectedly. It is the correct expression.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

There is hardly any residential colony in Delhi that is not hemmed in by slums. Yet these slums ________ serve a purpose; they provide cheap labour and captive vote banks.

  1. to

  2. too

  3. do to

  4. do too

Correct Option: B

'Too' means 'also', and it best fits the given blank.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

Peter goes ____ his school ________ bus.

  1. to, by

  2. in, on

  3. at, in

  4. onto, at

Correct Option: A

We 'go to' a place 'by' a vehicle.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

I work _______ the day and sleep late _____ night.

  1. in, in

  2. throughout, at

  3. till, at

  4. from, in

Correct Option: B

'Throughout' means during every part of. 'At' is used to refer to specific time or place.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

I don't mind working ______ late hours.

  1. till

  2. within

  3. onto

  4. around

Correct Option: A

'Till' means 'up to'. Used to refer to time.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

The king reached the palace _____ horse back.

  1. above

  2. over

  3. in

  4. on

Correct Option: D

'On' here means 'through the use or medium of something'.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

Write your answers ________ the prescribed word limit.

  1. in

  2. into

  3. on

  4. within

Correct Option: D

The sentence implies that answers need to be written in 'not beyond the perscribed time'. Preposition 'within' best conveys the same meaning.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

Turn _____ the lights and switch ______ just the fan, please.

  1. off, by

  2. on, by

  3. off, on

  4. off, along

Correct Option: C

'Turn off' means to put off. 'Switch on' means to bring into use.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

____ a person raised ____ a town, it is natural _____ miss the simplicity _____ the village.

  1. For, in, to, of

  2. To, for, for, with

  3. For, at, into, of

  4. To, at, to, for

Correct Option: A

'For a person' is the correct usage; 'raised in' means 'brought up at'; 'to miss' is the correct infinitive form; 'simplicity of village life' is the correct usage.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

The couple decided to meet up ________ tea time.

  1. at

  2. on

  3. in

  4. by

Correct Option: A

To refer to specific time or place, we use preposition 'at'.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

He deals ____ foreign goods only, but our firm deals ____ several leading merchants who trade ____ variety ___ goods.

  1. in, in, with, of

  2. with, with, with, of

  3. with, in, of, with

  4. in, with, in, of

Correct Option: D

'Deal in something' means 'to do businees of'; 'deal with' means 'concern oneself with something'; 'in variety of goods' is the correct usage. Hence, option 4 is correct.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

Everyone in this universe is accountable to God ____ his actions.

  1. for

  2. about

  3. of

  4. against

Correct Option: A

'Accountable for' means obliged to account for one's acts; responsible for.  

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

To entertain such views is ____ my dignity.

  1. equal to

  2. above

  3. for

  4. below

Correct Option: D

'Below one's dignity' means 'below one's self pride'.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

Our country is committed ____ the policy of non-alignment.

  1. in

  2. to

  3. with

  4. for

Correct Option: B

'Committed to' means put to some purpose.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

You must refrain ____ criticizing others.

  1. from

  2. to

  3. in

  4. at

Correct Option: A

'Refrain from' means to hold back; keep oneself (from doing something).

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

You must avail ____ every single opportunity that comes your way.

  1. of

  2. from

  3. with

  4. onto

Correct Option: A

'Avail of' means to take advantage of (an opportunity, etc).

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

His mind is ____ rest now that the exams are over.

  1. at

  2. in

  3. with

  4. on

Correct Option: A

'At rest' means not active.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

All of us should abide ____ the laws of our country.

  1. on

  2. to

  3. by

  4. in

Correct Option: C

'Abide by' means 'to stand fast'.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

I was approached ____ his secretary to sign the contract.

  1. by

  2. with

  3. as

  4. from

Correct Option: A

'Approached by' means 'dealt with'.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

There was no love lost ____ the two brothers.

  1. among

  2. in

  3. with

  4. between

Correct Option: D

'Between' is used for two; 'among' is used for more than two.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

There is no exception ____ this rule. You have ____ pay attention ______ your studies.

  1. in, to, on

  2. for, to, at

  3. of, to, in

  4. to, to, to

Correct Option: D

All the three blanks require 'to'.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

This climate is not conducive ____ good health. I have a fear _____ falling sick.

  1. with, in

  2. for, to

  3. in, for

  4. to, of

Correct Option: D

'Conducive to' means tending or leading (to). 'Fear of' is the correct expression.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

He was suspicious ____ his friend's motives, though he had no doubt _______ his success in the election.

  1. of, of

  2. of, about

  3. at, of

  4. about, at

Correct Option: B

'Suspicious of' means 'doubtfull of'. 'About his success' means 'on the subject of; concerning'.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

I am not concerned ____ him ____ that business.

  1. for; with

  2. with; in

  3. with; within

  4. by; in

Correct Option: B

'Concerned with' means 'involved with'. We involve ourselves 'in' some business.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

He was deprived ____ his legitimate rights by his brother.

  1. of

  2. with

  3. against

  4. in

Correct Option: A

'Deprived of' means to keep from having, using, or enjoying.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blanks.

He lives ____ Baddi, a village ____ district Solan ______ Himachal Pradesh.

  1. in, in, at

  2. at, at, in

  3. at, in, in

  4. in, at, at

Correct Option: C

'At' is used for specific places; 'in' is used or bigger places.

Directions: Mark the most suitable option to fill in the blank.

With two lakh people migrating to Delhi every year, it is not difficult ______ see why the quality of life has deteriorated at such an alarming rate.

  1. too

  2. to

  3. not to

  4. not too

Correct Option: B

Here we need a preposition. So, options 1 & 4 are eliminated. Moreover, double usage of 'negative' is incorrect. Hence, option 3 also eliminated. Thus, option 2.

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