Diversity in Living Organisms

Description: Diversity in Living Organisms
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Diversity in Living Organisms Identification of Quadrants Classes of Animals - Invertebrates Characteristics of Fungi
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Directions: During a field-trip some students of Model school visited an agricultural farm in Pathankot and saw a few birds eating earthworms. They enjoyed the scene and then they also started picking and killing the earthworms for pleasure. The farmer strongly objected and asked them to leave the field.

To which of the following phylum does earthworm belong?

  1. Phylum Arthropoda

  2. Phylum Mollusca

  3. Phylum Annelida

  4. Phylum Protochordata

Correct Option: C

Directions: During a field-trip some students of Model school visited an agricultural farm in Pathankot and saw a few birds eating earthworms. They enjoyed the scene and then they also started picking and killing the earthworms for pleasure. The farmer strongly objected and asked them to leave the field.

Which of the following is a characteristic feature of the phylum to which the earthworms belong?

  1. Metameric segmentation

  2. Jointed legs

  3. Presence of shells

  4. Presence of notochord

Correct Option: A

Directions: Rishab has a beautiful pet dog 'Tommy'. One day, he observed a small insect between its toes. He removed it carefully from the toe and observed it curiously, as a chapter titled 'Diversity In Living Organisms' was being taught in the school.

Identify the organism from options given below which belongs to the same phylum as the insects.

  1. Centipede

  2. Earthworm

  3. Spiders

  4. Both 1 and 3

Correct Option: D

Directions: Rishab has a beautiful pet dog 'Tommy'. One day, he observed a small insect between its toes. He removed it carefully from the toe and observed it curiously, as a chapter titled 'Diversity In Living Organisms' was being taught in the school.

Which attribute does Rishab exhibit?

  1. Curious

  2. Dumb

  3. Notorius

  4. Dawdling

Correct Option: A

Directions: During a field-trip some students of Model school visited an agricultural farm in Pathankot and saw a few birds eating earthworms. They enjoyed the scene and then they also started picking and killing the earthworms for pleasure. The farmer strongly objected and asked them to leave the field.

Which of the following values are missing in children?

  1. Honesty

  2. Intelligence

  3. Sensitivity towards other living organisms

  4. Playfulness

Correct Option: C

Directions: Vicky was playing volleyball in the ground with his friends. One of his friend, Himesh who was standing near the boundary felt something climbing upon his feet. Subsequently he started crying in pain. Vicky being a class IX student identified the climbing creature as leech and helped in removing the leech.

What kind of coelom does leech possess?

  1. True coelom

  2. Psedocoelom

  3. Acoelom

  4. Excoelom

Correct Option: A

Directions: A group of children were playing on a heap of sand near the sea shore. One of them collected some shelled creatures from the sand. Having been taught a lesson on diversity in School in Class IX, one of the children identified them as snails.

Which of the following organisms belong to the same phylum as that of snails?

  1. Unio

  2. Holothuria

  3. Prawn

  4. Antedon

Correct Option: A

Directions: A group of children were playing on a heap of sand near the sea shore. One of them collected some shelled creatures from the sand. Having been taught a lesson on diversity in School in Class IX, one of the children identified them as snails.

Which of the following features do snails possess?

  1. Notochord

  2. Kidney-like excretory organs

  3. Pseudocoelom

  4. Jointed legs

Correct Option: B

Directions: A group of children were playing on a heap of sand near the sea shore. One of them collected some shelled creatures from the sand. Having been taught a lesson on diversity in School in Class IX, one of the children identified them as snails.

What values do the children exhibit?

  1. Analytical value

  2. Criticising value

  3. Honest values

  4. Bravery values

Correct Option: A

Directions: Rishab has a beautiful pet dog 'Tommy'. One day, he observed a small insect between its toes. He removed it carefully from the toe and observed it curiously, as a chapter titled 'Diversity In Living Organisms' was being taught in the school.

To which of the following phylum do insects belong?

  1. Phylum Insecta

  2. Phylum Arthropoda

  3. Phylum Annelida

  4. Phylum Myriapod

Correct Option: B

Directions: Ricky and his mother were walking in the garden near their house. He saw mushrooms growing on decaying leaves. He tried to uproot them for no reason. He was stopped by his mother instantly.

Which of the following modes of nutrition do mushrooms exhibit?

  1. Parasitic

  2. Saprophytic

  3. Holozoic

  4. Symbiotic

Correct Option: B

Directions: Vicky was playing volleyball in the ground with his friends. One of his friend, Himesh who was standing near the boundary felt something climbing upon his feet. Subsequently he started crying in pain. Vicky being a class IX student identified the climbing creature as leech and helped in removing the leech.

What value does Vicky exhibit?

  1. Helping

  2. Fun loving

  3. Playfuless

  4. Evasive

Correct Option: A

Directions: Ricky and his mother were walking in the garden near their house. He saw mushrooms growing on decaying leaves. He tried to uproot them for no reason. He was stopped by his mother instantly.

To which of the following kingdoms do mushrooms belong?

  1. Kingdom Plantae

  2. Kingdom Animalia

  3. Kingdom Fungi

  4. Kingdom Protista

Correct Option: C

Directions: Ricky and his mother were walking in the garden near their house. He saw mushrooms growing on decaying leaves. He tried to uproot them for no reason. He was stopped by his mother instantly.

What values does Ricky’s mother exhibit?

  1. Wanderer since she loves to roam in gardens

  2. Dominating since she controls her child

  3. Caring since the mushrooms could be poisonous

  4. Clever since she wanted to pluck them on her own

Correct Option: C

Directions: Vicky was playing volleyball in the ground with his friends. One of his friend, Himesh who was standing near the boundary felt something climbing upon his feet. Subsequently he started crying in pain. Vicky being a class IX student identified the climbing creature as leech and helped in removing the leech.

To which of the following phylum does leech belong?

  1. Phylum Arthropoda

  2. Phylum Platyhelminthes

  3. Phylum Annelida

  4. Phylum Echinodermata

Correct Option: C
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