One Word Substitution

Description: one word substitution - m choice
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: One Word Substitution Match the Meaning and Usage Vocabulary Circle Circle and Conics Sentence Formation
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Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A verse form consisting of fourteen (14) lines with a fixed rhyme scheme.

  1. Sonnet

  2. Short poem

  3. Rhyming poem

  4. Simple poem

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

The principles on which a state is governed

  1. Constitution

  2. Structure

  3. Composition

  4. Establishment

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the option that substitutes the following phrase.

A period of one hundred years (100 years)

  1. Century

  2. Pertaining to units

  3. A period of time

  4. A sum of hundred years

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase. A person who owns a farm.

  1. Farmer

  2. Tiller

  3. Agriculturist

  4. Agronomist

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A place where criminals are kept to punish them for their crimes.

  1. Jail

  2. Lockup

  3. Prisonment

  4. Imprison

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A hot luminous body of burning gas coming from burning material.

  1. Flame

  2. Blaze

  3. Fire

  4. Light

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A large boat with sails used for pleasure cruising

  1. Yacht

  2. Boat

  3. Small ship

  4. Craft

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the option that substitutes the following phrase.

A person who writes novels

  1. Novelist

  2. Story writer

  3. Narrator

  4. Tale writer

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A book that consists of an alphabetical list of words with their meanings.

  1. Dictionary

  2. Glossary

  3. Lexicon

  4. Wordbook

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A person who has the tendency to expect the worst in all things.

  1. Pessimist

  2. Cynic

  3. Doomster

  4. Defeatist

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A small dog with a flat face and a short wide nose.

  1. Pug

  2. Dog

  3. Hound

  4. Canine

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the option that substitutes the following phrase.

Someone who always believes that good things will happen.

  1. Optimist

  2. Positive thinker

  3. Full of confidence

  4. Full of hope

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the option that substitutes the following phrase.

A place where horses are trained and bred for races

  1. Stable

  2. School for horses

  3. Were horses are kept

  4. House for horse

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A place where meals are prepared and served to customers.

  1. Restaurant

  2. Hotel

  3. Motel

  4. Eatery

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A short story, often with animals as characters that illustrates a moral.

  1. Fable

  2. Fairy story

  3. Allegory

  4. Fantasy

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the option that substitutes the following phrase.

Remains of a plant or animal that existed in the past geological age.

  1. Fossils

  2. Animal decays

  3. Animal bones

  4. Animal waste

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

Something which is given without asking on special occasion.

  1. Present

  2. Gift

  3. Grant

  4. Boon

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the option that substitutes the following phrase.

An official document issued by a government which grants permission to travel abroad.

  1. Passport

  2. Travel permit

  3. Travel papers

  4. Visa papers

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

One who can read and write

  1. Literate

  2. Educate

  3. Erudite

  4. Clever

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the option that substitutes the following phrase.

A person who has been trained for travelling in a spacecraft.

  1. Astronaut

  2. Air ship driver

  3. Cosmonaut

  4. Space traveler

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

Appearance of a particular disease in a large number of people at the same time.

  1. Epidemic

  2. Outbreak

  3. Plague

  4. Pandemic

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A man who does not know how to read and write

  1. Illiterate

  2. Knowing little

  3. Uneducated

  4. Ignorant

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

Government by small groups of powerful people

  1. Oligarchy

  2. Small group

  3. Support by small group

  4. Members of small group

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

Liquid waste that are sent out from factories where sewage is dealt with.

  1. Effluents

  2. Discharge

  3. Emission

  4. Outflow

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that substitutes the following phrase.

A book containing many articles arranged in alphabetical order that deals with knowledge

  1. Encyclopedia

  2. Comprehensive

  3. Complete

  4. In-depth

Correct Option: A
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