Judicial Services Mock - 1

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Which article of the Constitution of India confers on the Supreme Court the power of Judicial Review?

  1. Article 32

  2. Article 33

  3. Article 34

  4. Article 35

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Article 32 talks about constitutional remedies.

Judgement debtor means

  1. borrower of a bank

  2. defendant

  3. person against whom a decree is passed

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Judgement debtor means person against whom a decree is passed.

The evidentiary value of a retracted confession is that it

  1. still remains an evidence

  2. remains an evidence but a weak one

  3. becomes a corroborative but a weak evidence

  4. becomes other evidence from only evidence

Correct Option: C

Option (1) is incorrect: A retracted confession is one which is withdrawn or retracted later on by the person making it. It is a very weak type of evidence. Option (2) is incorrect: Doesn’t remain in evidence till corroborated Option (3) is correct: A confession, when retracted by the person making it, becomes a weak type of evidence and will require to be corroborated while in trial. Option (4) is incorrect: No such provision

Section 114 Evidence Act applies to

  1. admissibility of facts

  2. relevancy of facts

  3. relevancy of opinions

  4. legal presumptions

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Section 114 of Evidence Act states that Court may presume existence of certain acts.

Which of the following is/are relevant and may be received in evidence?

  1. Tape recordings

  2. Dog tracking

  3. Narco analysis test

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Tape recordings, dog tracking and narco analysis test all are received in evidence.

'Professional Communication' between an advocate and his client

  1. is not admissible in evidence

  2. is a privileged communication only until the contract continues

  3. is admissible in evidence with consent of the client

  4. is not admissible until it is legal

Correct Option: C

Option (1) is incorrect: 'Professional Communication' between an advocate and his client is admissible in evidence. Option (2) is incorrect: 'Professional Communication' between an advocate and his client is a privileged communication even after the contract rescinds. Option (3) is correct: U/s 126 of Evidence Act, no barrister, attorney, pleader or vakil shall at any time be permitted to disclose any communication made to him in the course of his employment, unless with his client’s express consent. Option (4) is incorrect: It is admissible whether it is legal or illegal.

A prosecutes B for adultery with C who is A’s wife. B denies that C is A’s wife. But the court convicts B for adultery. Thereafter, C is prosecuted for bigamy for marrying B during A’s lifetime. C says that she was never A’s wife. The judgement against B is

  1. irrelevant against C

  2. relevant against B

  3. not relevant against B and C

  4. relevant against C

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Judgements, orders or decrees are irrelevant unless the existence of such judgment, order or decree is a fact in issue, or is relevant under some other provision of this Act. So, judgement against B is irrelevant against C.

Entries in the books of account, regularly kept in the course of business, are admissible under Section 34 of Evidence Act

  1. if they by themselves create a liability

  2. if they by themselves do not create a liability

  3. irrespective of whether they themselves create a liability or not

  4. Either (1) or (2)

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: U/s 34 of Evidence Act, entries in the books of account, regularly kept in the course of business, are relevant whenever they refer to a matter into which the court has to inquire but such statements shall not alone be sufficient evidence to charge any person with liability.

Newspaper report about any matter is which of the following types of evidence?

  1. Hearsay

  2. Circumstantial

  3. Primary

  4. Secondary

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Newspaper report about any matter is secondary evidence and falls under Section 63 of the Evidence Act.

Hostile witness is one who

  1. does not tell one who

  2. gives statements against the opposite party

  3. gives statement against the party who called him as a witness

  4. is not desirous to tell the truth, and gives testimony against the party who called him as a witness in his favour

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Hostile witness is one who gives adverse statement against the party who called him as a witness.

“World Food Day” is celebrated on

  1. October 12

  2. October 16

  3. October 20

  4. October 30

Correct Option: B

“World Food Day” is celebrated on October 16.

In a criminal case, service of summons can be made on the witness

  1. only through police

  2. only through bailiff

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. even by Registered Post AD

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: In a criminal case, service of summons can be made on the witness only through police.

What is re–examination of a witness?

  1. Re-calling the witness

  2. Repeated examination of the witness

  3. Cross examination of one’s own witness

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Re-calling the witness is known as re-examination of a witness.

What is a private document?

  1. Document executed in a family

  2. Secret document

  3. Document in custody of a private person

  4. Document other than a public document

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Under Indian Evidence Act, a private document is a document other than a public document.

If a thirty years old document is produced from a proper custody, then

  1. the court shall presume its execution

  2. the court may presume its execution

  3. presumption is not involved

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Under Evidence Act, if a thirty years old document is produced from a proper custody, then the court will presume.

The expression 'police custody' means and includes

  1. control by the police over the accused directly

  2. control by the police directly as well as through third persons indirectly over the accused

  3. control over the accused indirectly through third persons

  4. some kind of surveillance and restrictions over the accused by police or through third persons

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Police custody means accused is under the supervision of police or person authorised by a police officer.

To find mens rea, which of the following conditions is necessary?

  1. The act was intended

  2. There must be a resultant consequence

  3. The act of causing injury to another

  4. The knowledge of existence of facts

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Mens rea must be accompanied by actus reus. So, to find means rea, there must be a resultant consequence of mens rea.

Test Identification Parade pertains to the field(s) of

  1. investigation

  2. trial

  3. satisfaction of the investigating officer that he is proceeding in the right direction

  4. Both (1) and (2)

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Test Identification Parade pertains to the fields of investigation and trial both.

Importation of a girl from a foreign country into India to force her for sexual intercourse with any other man is a punishable offence under Section 366 B of the IPC, provided the age of the girl is

  1. below 14 years

  2. below 16 years

  3. below 18 years

  4. below 21 years

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: U/s 366 B, the mentioned offence is punishable if the age of the girl is below 21 years.

Preparation to commit murder is

  1. punishable

  2. not punishable

  3. punishable with fine

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: An offence is punishable when it is accompanied by mens rea and actus reus. Only preparation to commit murder is not punishable under Indian Penal Code.

Whoever dishonestly uses any movable property to his own advantage has committed the offence of

  1. breach of trust

  2. wrongful gain

  3. misappropriation

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Whoever dishonestly misappropriates or converts to his own use any movable property has committed an offence of dishonest misappropriation of property u/s 403 of IPC.

For proving an offence under Section 307 of IPC,

  1. intention to commit murder has to be proved

  2. causing of grievous hurt is to be proved

  3. use of lethal weapon is to be proved

  4. actual injury is to be proved

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: The starting words of Indian Penal Code state "Whoever does any act with such intention or knowledge”. So, u/s 307 of IPC, intention to commit murder has to be proved.

An unlawful assembly including a particular state of activity accompanied by the use of force or violence is riot, but it does not include which of the following parameters?

  1. There must be five or more persons.

  2. There must be animation by a common object.

  3. Persons assembled for lawful purpose but started quarrelling without any previous intention.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Option (1) is incorrect: An assembly of five or more persons is designated an "unlawful assembly”. Option (2) is incorrect: An unlawful assembly must be animated by a common object. Option (3) is correct: It doesn’t include that persons assembled for lawful purpose but started quarrelling without any previous intention.

Preparation to commit dacoity is

  1. a punishable offence

  2. not a punishable offence

  3. no offence

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Preparation to commit dacoity is punishable u/s 399 of the IPC.

Whoever entices a girl child of less than 16 years is said to have caused kidnapping out of the keeping of the lawful

  1. parents

  2. foster parents

  3. adopted parents

  4. guardians

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: U/s 361 of IPC, whoever entices a girl child of less than 16 years is said to have caused kidnapping out of the keeping of the lawful guardian of such minor and is said to kidnap such minor or person from lawful guardianship.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. Preparation to commit dacoity is not an offence.

  2. Preparation to commit murder is not an offence.

  3. Attempt to commit murder is not an offence.

  4. Both (1) and (2)

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Preparation to commit murder is not an offence and is not punishable under criminal law.

A contingent contract depending on the happening of an uncertain event in future can be enforced when the event

  1. happens

  2. becomes impossible

  3. does not happen

  4. Any of the above

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Contract which is entered to be performed on the happening of some event. In that case, both the parties are liable to give their performance when that particular event happens.

‘A’ entered into a contract with 'B' for the supply of certain things manufactured by 'C'. 'C' did not manufacture those goods. What is your advice?

  1. A is discharged from his obligation.

  2. A is not discharged from his obligation and is liable to 'B' for damages.

  3. B can say to A to get the goods manufactured from other party.

  4. The contract becomes void.

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: As this contract was between 'A' and 'B' (to supply certain things), so if  'A' has not given the performance under the contract, then he (A) is liable to 'B' for damages. 'A' can sue 'C' for non-performing the contract between them to supply goods to 'A'.

The maxim “De Minimis non curat” relates to

  1. slight harm

  2. trifles

  3. exhibition of disrespect

  4. annoyance

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: The maxim “De Minimis non curat” relates to slight harm which deals with section 95 of the IPC.

Extortion is _______ when it is committed under fear of instant hurt.

  1. theft

  2. attempt to murder

  3. robbery

  4. wrongful restraint

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Section 390 of IPC states, extortion is robbery when it is committed under a fear of instant hurt.

A, intending to murder B by poison, purchases poison and mixes the same in a glass of water. He gives it to the bearer to serve it to ‘B’. The bearer, while approaching B, loses his balance and the glass drops out of his plate. What offence has ‘A’ committed?

  1. A has committed no offence.

  2. A has committed the offence of attempt to commit murder.

  3. A has committed the offence of abetment.

  4. A has committed the offence of attempt to commit homicide.

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Offence under IPC includes mens rea and actus reus. Here in the above case, actus reus is not there. So, ‘A’ has not committed any offence.

The punishment period prescribed under the IPC for the acts which cause slight harm is

  1. 15 days

  2. 30 days

  3. No punishment is there

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Nothing is an offence by reason that it causes, or that it is intended to cause, any harm, if that harm is so slight that no person of ordinary sense and temper would complain of such harm. So, no punishment would be there for the acts which cause slight harm.

Where a Hindu male and Hindu female contract their marriage under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, Hindu personal law

  1. applies to such marriage

  2. does not apply

  3. applies with some modifications

  4. applies with Indian Contract Act

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Where a Hindu male and Hindu female contract their marriage under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, Hindu personal law does not apply.

Instigating or engaging in a conspiracy or intentionally aiding a person to commit an offence is better known as

  1. principal crime

  2. second degree crime

  3. wilful misrepresentation

  4. abetment

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Instigating or engaging in a conspiracy or intentionally aiding a person to commit an offence is an offence of abetment u/s 107.

The provisions of Section 498-A of IPC, which punish the husband or any of his relatives for harassing the married woman for dowry, were introduced in IPC by

  1. Act 46 of 1983

  2. Act 43 of 1986

  3. Act 42 of 1993

  4. Act 24 of 1995

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: The provisions of Section 498-A IPC were introduced in IPC by Criminal Law (Second Amendment) Act, 1983.

Assertion (A): A, having a wife alive, marries another woman. The marriage is void. Reason (R): Monogamy is the law.

  1. Both (A) and (R) are true.

  2. Both (A) and (R) are false.

  3. (A) is true but (R) is false.

  4. (A) is false but (R) is true.

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: If a person having a wife living marries another woman, such marriage is void. The condition is defined u/s 5(i) of Hindu Marriage Act called monogamy.

Which of the following is not an essential requisite for creating a partnership as per Section 4 of the Partnership Act?

  1. An agreement to carry on a business

  2. Sharing of profits

  3. Sharing of losses

  4. Business to be carried by all or any of them acting for all

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Section 4 of Partnership Act states that partnership is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all. Sharing of losses is not an essential requisite under this section.

When two persons are descendants of a common ancestor but by different wives, they are said to be related to each other by

  1. full blood

  2. uterine blood

  3. half blood

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (1) is incorrect: Two persons are said to be related to each other by full blood when they are descended from a common ancestor by the same wife. Option (2) is incorrect: Two persons are said to be related to each other by uterine blood when they are descended from a common ancestress but by different husbands. Option (3) is correct: Two persons are said to be related to each other by half blood when they are descended from a common ancestor but by different wives.

That the respondent was, at the time of the marriage, pregnant by some person other than the petitioner, is a ground for voidable marriages under

  1. Section-12(1) (a)

  2. Section-12(1) (b)

  3. Section-12(1) (c)

  4. Section-12(1) (d)

Correct Option: D

Option (1) is incorrect: Section-12(1) (a) of Hindu Marriage Act deals with impotency of the respondent. Option (2) is incorrect: Section-12(1) (b) of Hindu Marriage Act deals with bigamy. Option (3) is incorrect: Section-12(1) (c) of Hindu Marriage Act deals with unlawful consent for marriage. Option (4) is correct: Section-12(1) (d) of Hindu Marriage Act deals with the fact that if the respondent was, at the time of the marriage, pregnant by some person other than the petitioner, then it is a ground for voidable marriage.

Partnership is

  1. trust

  2. company

  3. mutual agency

  4. mutual fund

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: In determining whether a group of persons is or is not a firm, or whether a person is or is not a partner in a firm, regard shall be given to the real relation between the parties as provided under Section 6 of the Act.

'Which cannot be done directly, cannot be done indirectly'. This statement epitomises the doctrine of

  1. colourable legislation

  2. pith and substance

  3. harmonious construction

  4. eclipse

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: This statement epitomises the doctrine of colourable legislation.

Article 360 of the Constitution of India relates to which of the following entities?

  1. Ordinance making power

  2. Amendment

  3. Election Commission

  4. Financial Emergency

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Article 360 of the Constitution of India provides provision as to Financial Emergency.

Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. Every partnership is based on mutual agency.

  2. Every agency is based on mutual partnership.

  3. Every agent is a partner.

  4. Every partner is a sleeping partner.

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Section 6 of Indian Partnership Act defines that in determining whether a group of persons is or is not a firm, or whether a person is or is not a partner in a firm, regard shall be given to the real relation between the parties. Option (2) is incorrect: Agency is a contract between two persons, in which one person is Principal and other is Agent. Option (3) is incorrect: Every partner is an agent of firm defined u/s 18 of Indian Partnership Act. Option (4) is incorrect: Partners in a partnership firm may be active partner and sleeping partner both.

Ban on smoking in public place is a violation of which of the following articles of the Constitution?

  1. Article 14

  2. Article 20

  3. Article 21

  4. Article 25

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Ban on smoking in public place is a violation of Article 21, i.e. protection of life and personal liberty.

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below:

List I List II
(a) Common intention (1) Section 34
(b) Good faith (2) Section 149
(c) Dishonest intention (3) Theft
(d) Common object (4) Mistake of fact
  1. (a) - (1), (b) - (4), (c) - (3), (d) - (2)

  2. (a) - (1), (b) - (2), (c) - (3), (d) - (4)

  3. (a) - (4), (b) - (3), (c) - (2), (d) - (1)

  4. (a) - (4), (b) - (1), (c) - (2), (d) - (3)

Correct Option: A

(a) - (1), (b) - (4), (c) - (3), (d) - (2)

Right to Property is covered under Article

  1. 14

  2. 19

  3. 31

  4. 300-A

Correct Option: D

Option (1) is incorrect: Article 14 states equality before law. Option (2) is incorrect: Article 19 states Right to Freedom. Option (3) is incorrect: Right to Property earlier was included under Article 31 as a Fundamental Right. Option (4) is correct: Article 300-A states Right to Property as a legal right.

The Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court may be enlarged by the

  1. Parliament by law

  2. Parliament by resolution

  3. President of India

  4. President of India in consultation with the Chief Justice of India

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: The Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court may be enlarged by the Parliament by law.

The rule of ‘Audi alteram partem’ requires reasonable opportunity of hearing. The hearing may be

  1. in writing only

  2. oral only

  3. in writing or oral

  4. in writing and oral both

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Hearing under “Audi alteram partem" may be in writing or oral.

The high court can exercise the supervisory jurisdiction over the courts and tribunals subordinate to it under

  1. Article 32

  2. Article 226

  3. Article 227

  4. Article 141

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Article 227 of the constitution states that the high court can exercise the supervisory jurisdiction over the courts and tribunals subordinate to it.

Under the Indian Contract Act, acceptance of proposal should be

  1. conditional or unconditional

  2. conditional but not absolute

  3. unconditional and absolute

  4. unconditional but not absolute

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Under section 7 of Indian Contract Act, acceptance of proposal should be unconditional and absolute.

Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List - I List - II
a. Marriage during Iddat period is. i. void
b. Marriage with an impotent person is ii. irregular
c. Marriage below the age of 18 years is iii. voidable
d. Inter-caste marriage iv. valid
  1. a - i, b - ii, c - iii, d - iv

  2. a - ii, b - i, c - iv, d - iii

  3. a - iii, b - ii, c - i, d - iv

  4. a - ii, b - iii, c - i, d - iv

Correct Option: D

a - ii, b - iii, c - i, d - iv

In which of the following is consideration not required?

  1. Contract of insurance

  2. Contract of bailment

  3. Contract of guarantee

  4. Contract of service

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Anything done, or any promise made, for the benefit of principal debtor may be a sufficient consideration to the surety for giving the guarantee. So in a contract of guarantee, a consideration is not required separately.

Section 73 of the Indian Contract Act applies to

  1. sale of movable property

  2. sale of immovable property

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Section 73 of the Act has not specifically mentioned any property; so it implies it would include both movable and immovable property.

Essentials of valid contract include

  1. meeting of minds

  2. meeting of parties

  3. meeting to discuss consideration

  4. meeting to discuss proposal and acceptance

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Meeting of minds is an essential of a valid contract.

In which of the following conditions can a lease be terminated?

  1. Efflux of time

  2. On termination of lessor’s interest or power

  3. On merger

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Lease can be terminated by efflux of time, termination of lessor’s interest and on merger.

Match the items in table A with the items in table B using the codes given below:

Table A Table B
a. Essentials of partnership i. Section 41
b. Partnership at will ii. Section 4
c. Effect of non-registration of firm iii. Section 7
d. Compulsory dissolution of firm iv. Section 69
  1. a - i, b - ii, c - iv, d - iii

  2. a - ii, b - iii, c - iv, d - i

  3. a - iii, b - iv, c - i, d - ii

  4. a - i, b - ii, c - iii, d - iv

Correct Option: B

a - ii, b - iii, c - iv, d - i

In Indian Contract Act, the term 'voidable contract' has been defined under

  1. Section 2(e)

  2. Section 2(h)

  3. Section 2(i)

  4. Section 2(g)

Correct Option: C

Option (1) is incorrect: Section 2(e) of Contract Act defines the term 'agreement'. Option (2) is incorrect: Section 2(h) of Contract Act defines the term 'contract'. Option (3) is correct: Section 2(i) of Contract Act defines the term 'voidable contract' as an agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more of the parties thereto, but not at the option of the other or others. Option (4) is incorrect: Section 2(g) of Contract Act defines the term 'void contract'.

Choose the correct essential(s) of a valid contract.

(i) Parties to contract should have capacity to contract. (ii) Parties to contract should have legal mind. (iii) Parties to contract should be intelligent. (iv) Invitation to offer should be accepted.

  1. Only (i)

  2. Only (i) and (iv)

  3. Only (ii)

  4. All of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: For a valid contract, the essential is that the parties should have capacity to contract.

Transfer of property for the benefit of an unborn person can be made by

  1. creation of a prior interest in favour of a living person for any period

  2. vesting the right directly to the unborn

  3. creation of a prior interest in favour of a living person till the existence of the unborn person

  4. either the unborn or a living person

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct. U/s 13 of Transfer of Property Act, 1882, transfer of property for the benefit of an unborn person can be made by creating a prior interest in favour of a living person till the existence of the unborn person.

‘Tuhr’ means

  1. period of menstruation

  2. period of iddat

  3. period between menstruations

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Tuhr is the period between menstruations.

A Muslim wife may sue for divorce under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939 if the husband has been insane for a period of

  1. 1 year

  2. 2 years

  3. 3 years

  4. 5 years

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: U/s 2(6) of Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939, a woman married under Muslim law shall be entitled to obtain a decree for the dissolution of her marriage if the husband has been insane for a period of two years.

Which of the following modes of transfer of property is not covered by Transfer of Property Act, 1882?

  1. Sale

  2. Mortgage

  3. Testamentary disposition

  4. Exchange

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Testamentary disposition is not a mode of transfer covered by Transfer of Property Act, 1882.

If two suits between the same parties involve the same subject matter and the same question, then ______ suit(s) should be stayed.

  1. former

  2. subsequent

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Section 10 of Code of Civil Procedure states "If two suits between the same parties involve the same subject matter and the same question, then subsequent suit should be stayed."

In which of the following case will the plaint be ordered to be returned for presentation to the proper court?

  1. The plaintiff frames his suit in a manner not warranted by the facts and goes for his relief to a court which cannot grant him.

  2. The plaintiff chooses a wrong court in respect of territorial limits.

  3. The plaintiff chooses a wrong court in respect of pecuniary limits.

  4. Both (2) and (3)

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: The plaint will be ordered to be returned for presentation to the proper court if the plaintiff chooses a wrong court in respect of territorial or pecuniary limits.

When a commission has been issued under Section 75 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the commission, if not a Judge of Civil Court,

  1. can call any witness relating to that matter

  2. can determine the legality of questions asked during the conduct of proceedings by the commission

  3. can extend time and grant exemption from personal appearance

  4. cannot impose penalties or fine and initiate contempt of court proceedings

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Under Section 75 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, when a commission has been issued, it cannot impose penalties or fine and initiate contempt of court proceedings.

‘Khula’ is a form of divorce by

  1. sale

  2. purchase

  3. agreement

  4. coercion

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Khula is a form of divorce by agreement. Under this, the husband agrees to give talaaq on the condition to return back to him the money he gave his wife at the time of marriage as dower.

Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List – I List – II
i. Appointment of Judges a. Article-124
ii. A Court of Record b. Article-129
iii. Appeal in civil cases c. Article-133
iv. Certificate for appeal to Supreme Court d. Article-134A
  1. i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d

  2. i - a, ii - c, iii - b, iv - d

  3. i - a, ii - b, iii - d, iv - c

  4. i - b, ii - a, iii - d, iv - c

Correct Option: A

i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d

A pleader has a duty to inform the court about the death of parties under

  1. Order 22 Rule 1 of CPC

  2. Order 22 Rule 4 of CPC

  3. Order 22 Rule 8 of CPC

  4. Order 22 Rule 10A of CPC

Correct Option: D

Option (1) is incorrect: Order 22 Rule 1 of CPC deals with no abatement by party’s death, if right to sue survives. Option (2) is incorrect: Order 22 Rule 4 of CPC provides procedure in case of death of one of several defendants or of sole defendant. Option (3) is incorrect: Order 22 Rule 8 of CPC states when plaintiff’s insolvency bars suit. Option (4) is correct: Order 22 Rule 10A of CPC states duty of pleader to communicate to court the death of a party.

Directions: Read the following statements Assertion (A) and Reason (R), and choose the correct option.

Assertion (A): An agreement not enforceable by law is said to be void. Reason (R): Law has no force.

  1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

  2. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

  3. (A) is true, but (R) is false.

  4. (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: An agreement not enforceable in the eyes of law is said to be void under Indian Contract Act. Law doesn’t take action on these agreements. 

A court to which decree has been transferred for execution, while executing, cannot

  1. order attachment

  2. execute the decree against the legal representatives of the deceased judgment debtor

  3. send the decree for execution to another court

  4. order execution at the instance of the transferee of the decree

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: A court to which decree has been transferred for execution, while executing, cannot order execution at the instance of the transferee of the decree.

Principle of res judicata applies to

  1. suits only

  2. execution proceedings only

  3. arbitration proceedings only

  4. suits as well as execution proceedings

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Res judicata under Section 11 of the Code of Civil Procedure deals with any suit or issue. So, the principle of res judicata applies to suits and execution proceedings also.

Judge is defined as the presiding officer of civil court under ______ of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.

  1. Section 2(8)

  2. Section 2(4)

  3. Section 2(5)

  4. Section 2(2)

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Section 2(8) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 defines "judge" as the presiding officer of a civil court. Option (2) is incorrect: Section 2(4) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 defines “district”. Option (3) is incorrect: Section 2(5) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 defines foreign “judgement”. Option (4) is incorrect: Section 2(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 defines “decree”.

Interpleader suit cannot be instituted

  1. for any property which relates to two persons, but which is being held by a third person for the time being

  2. for determining the relationship between a property and the persons claiming it

  3. for getting himself absolved from the liability to keep the property, which is not being held by him

  4. where a suit is pending in which the rights of all parties can properly be decided

Correct Option: D

Options (1), (2) and (3) are incorrect: Under Section 88, where two or more persons claim adversely to one another the same debt from another person who claims no interest therein other than for charges or costs and who is ready to pay or deliver it to the rightful claimant, such other person may institute a suit of interpleader against all the claimants for the purpose of obtaining a decision. Option (4) is correct: Proviso to Section 88 states where any suit is pending in which the rights of all parties can properly be decided, no such suit of interpleader shall be instituted.

A caveat under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 may be lodged when any

  1. suit is instituted

  2. proceeding is initiated or instituted

  3. suit is about to be instituted

  4. suit or proceeding is instituted or about to be instituted

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Under Section 148A of the Code of Civil Procedure, a caveat may be lodged when a suit or proceedings instituted or about to be instituted in a court, i.e. when a person claiming a right to appear before the court on the hearing of such application may lodge a caveat in respect thereof.

Once revision is made before the court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, it

  1. acts as a stay on the proceedings

  2. acts as a res judicata on the issues

  3. acts as an injuction for immediate relief

  4. shall not operate as a stay of suit or other proceeding before the court, except where such suit or proceeding is stayed by the court

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: When the High Court calls for the record of any case which has been decided by any court subordinate to such High Court, such suit shall not operate as a stay of suit or other proceeding before the court, except where such suit or proceeding is stayed by the court.

The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 is a

  1. substantive law

  2. procedural law

  3. combination of substantive law and procedural law

  4. directory law

Correct Option: B

Option (1) is incorrect: Substantive law provides rights and liabilities. Option (2) is correct: The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 is a procedural law as procedural law provides a procedure to move proceedings in a court.

Mesne profit means

  1. profit earned by a mission

  2. very minimum profit

  3. profit received or could have been received by a wrongful possessor of property

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Mesne profit means profit received or could have been received by a wrongful possessor of property.

Compromise under Order XXIII, Rule 3 of the CPC

  1. must be in writing and signed by the parties

  2. must be in writing, but need not be signed by the parties

  3. must be in writing, but need not be lawful

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Compromise under Order XXIII, Rule 3 of the CPC must be in writing and signed by the parties.

For the application of the principle res subjudice, which of the following is essential?

  1. Suits between the same parties or litigating under the same title

  2. Two suits must be pending for disposal in a court

  3. The matters in issue in the two suits must be directly and substantially the same

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Under Section 10 of the CPC, for the application of the principle res subjudice, suits must be between the same parties or litigating under the same title must be pending for disposal in a court and the matters in issue in the two suits must be directly and substantially the same.

Where the plaint has been rejected, the plaintiff on the same cause of action

  1. may present a fresh suit

  2. cannot present a fresh suit

  3. may present a fresh suit with the leave of the High court

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: The rejection of the plaint on any of the grounds mentioned under Order VII, Rule 10 of the CPC shall not, of its own force, preclude the plaintiff from presenting a fresh plaint in respect of the same cause of action. Option (2) is incorrect: After the rejection, a plaintiff can present a fresh suit. Option (3) is incorrect: A plaintiff does not require the leave of the High Court.

A court may not issue a commission to

  1. examine any person

  2. examine accounts

  3. perform any ministerial act

  4. arrest a person

Correct Option: D

Option (1) is incorrect: Under Section 75 of the Code of Civil Procedure, a court may issue commissions to examine any person. Option (2) is incorrect: Under Section 75 of the Code of Civil Procedure, a court may issue commissions to examine and adjust accounts. Option (3) is incorrect: Under Section 75 of the Code of Civil Procedure, a court may issue commissions to perform any ministerial or clerical act. Option (4) is correct: Under Section 75 of the Code of Civil Procedure, a court cannot issue commissions to arrest a person.

The members of the UPSC are appointed by the

  1. Cabinet

  2. Chief Justice of India

  3. Prime Minister of India

  4. President of India

Correct Option: D

Option (1) is incorrect: The Cabinet cannot appoint the chairman and members of the UPSC. Option (2) is incorrect: The Chief Justice of India cannot appoint the chairman and members of the UPSC. Option (3) is incorrect: The Prime Minister of India cannot appoint the chairman and members of the UPSC. Option (4) is correct: The chairman and members of the UPSC are appointed by the President of India.

Which article of the Indian Constitution is related to the doctrine of self-incrimination?

  1. Article 20(1)

  2. Article 22

  3. Article 20(3)

  4. Article 20(2)

Correct Option: C

Option (1) is incorrect: Under Article 20(1), no person shall be convicted of any offence, except for the violation of the law in force at the time of the commission of the Act charged as an offence. Option (2) is incorrect: Under Article 22, no person who is arrested shall be detained in custody without being informed. Option (3) is correct: Article 20(3) embodies that no person accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a witness against himself. Option (4) is incorrect: Under Article 20(2), no person shall be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more than once.

Which of the following in not correct?

  1. The High Court should not pass interim orders, which are likely to hamper investigation.

  2. A Magistrate can, under Section 156(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 send a complaint of non-cognizable offence to the police.

  3. The power of the Magistrate of the first class to take cognizance of cognizable offence may be impaired by territorial restrictions.

  4. During the course of investigation by the police, the question of cross-examination does not arise.

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Section 156(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure states that any magistrate empowered under Section 190 may order such an investigation as mentioned under Sections 156(1) and 156(2).

A Magistrate can issue summons to an accused to appear before a police officer. The statement is

  1. true

  2. false

  3. partly correct

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: A Magistrate cannot issue a summons to an accused to appear before a police officer.

A proclamation under Section 82 of the CrPC can be issued against a person against whom a warrant has been issued. Thus, a proclamation can be issued against

  1. accused offender

  2. a surety

  3. a witness

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Section 82 of the Code of Criminal Procedure uses the words "any person against whom a warrant has been issued”. So, any person includes accused offender, surety and witness.

No police officer can investigate a non-cognizable case without the order of the

  1. Superintendent of Police concerned

  2. Magistrate having the power to try such case or commit the case for trial

  3. Chief Judicial Magistrate

  4. Sessions Court

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Under Section 155(2) of the CrPC, no police officer shall investigate a non- cognizable case without the order of a Magistrate having the power to try such case or commit the case for trial.

Which court has the power to grant maintenance to wife, children and parents under the CrPC?

  1. The Sessions Court

  2. The Court of Magistrate of 1st Class

  3. The Court of Magistrate of 2nd Class

  4. The Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: The Court of Magistrate of 1st class has the power to grant maintenance to wife, children and parents under the CrPC.

"The statement of an accused under Section 313 of the CrPC is to be recorded on oath”. The statement is

  1. true

  2. false

  3. partially true

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Under Section 313(2) of the CrPC, no oath shall be administered to the accused when he is examined under Section 313.

Any person, aggrieved by a refusal on the part of an officer in charge of a police station, to record the information relating to the commission of a cognizable offence may send the substance of such information, in writing and by post, to the

  1. District Magistrate

  2. Magistrate having power to try the case

  3. Chief Judicial Magistrate

  4. Superintendent of Police concerned

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Any person, aggrieved by a refusal on the part of an officer in charge of a police station, to record the information relating to the commission of a cognizable offence may send the substance of such information, in writing and by post, to the Superintendent of Police concerned.

Under which of the following chapters of the CrPC are provisions for “Preventive Action of the Police” provided?

  1. Chapter X

  2. Chapter XI

  3. Chapter XII

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Option (1) is incorrect: Chapter X of the CrPC deals with Maintenance of Public Order and Traquillity. Option (2) is correct: Chapter XI of the CrPC provides provisions for Preventive Action of the Police. Option (3) is incorrect: Chapter XII of the CrPC talks about information to the police and their powers to investgate. 

To seek compliance of maintenance order, an aggrieved party must make an application to a court within a period of

  1. three months

  2. six months

  3. one year

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: To seek compliance of maintenance order, an aggrieved party must make an application to a court within a period of one year.

Which section of the CrPC provides for confirmation by the High Court of an order of death sentence passed by the Sessions Court prior to its execution?

  1. Section 366

  2. Section 368

  3. Section 369

  4. Section 365

Correct Option: B

Option (1) is incorrect: Section 366 of the CrPC talks when sentence of death is to be submitted by the Court of Session for confirmation. Option (2) is correct: Section 368 of the CrPC provides for power of the High Court to confirm sentence or annul conviction. Option (3) is incorrect: Section 369 of the CrPC provides for confirmation or new sentence to be signed by two Judges. Option (4) is incorrect: Section 365 of the CrPC provides for when the Court of Session is to send a copy of finding and sentence to the District Magistrate.

A memorandum of arrest of a person is required to be signed and attested by a member of

  1. his family and one of his relatives

  2. the locality and one of his relatives

  3. other locality and one member of his family

  4. his family and one member of the locality, and countersigned by the arrested person

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: A memorandum of arrest of a person is required to be signed and attested by a member of his family and one member of the locality, and countersigned by the arrested person.

The provisions of ‘Plea Bargaining’ under Chapter XXIA of the CrPC are not applicable if the offence is committed against a child below the age of

  1. 12 years

  2. 14 years

  3. 16 years

  4. 18 years

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Chapter XXIA of the CrPC is not applicable if the offence is committed against a child below the age of 14 years.

An Executive Magistrate is empowered to secure a security bond from habitual offenders under Section 110 of the CrPC, for a period not exceeding

  1. one year

  2. two years

  3. three years

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: An Executive Magistrate is empowered to secure a security bond from habitual offenders under Section 110 of the CrPC, for a period not exceeding three years.

In a bailable offence,

  1. conditions can be imposed while granting bail by the police officer

  2. conditions can be imposed while granting bail by the court

  3. no condition can be imposed while granting bail by the police officer or by the court

  4. only mild conditions can be imposed by the court only

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: In a bailable offence, conditions cannot be imposed while granting bail either by police officer or by the court.

Which of the following contracts is specifically enforceable?

  1. A, an author, contracts with B, a publisher, to complete a literary work.

  2. A contracts to sell and B contracts to buy a residential building.

  3. A contracts to marry B.

  4. A contract by a guardian to purchase immovable property on behalf of a minor.

Correct Option: B

Option (1) is incorrect: Literary work is based on personal qualification of an author. Option (2) is correct: It is a contract that can be specifically enforceable. Option (3) is incorrect: It cannot be specifically enforceable as marriage is the personal decision of a person. Option (4) is incorrect: A minor is not bound to specifically enforce an act.

Arrange the following in the sequence in which they occur:

(i) Offer is communicated. (ii) Counter-offer is made. (iii) Offer is rejected. (iv) Counter-offer is accepted.

  1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  2. (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)

  3. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)

  4. (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)

Correct Option: B

(i), (iii), (ii), (iv)

The general principle regarding the transfer of title is that the seller

  1. can transfer to the buyer of goods a better title than he himself has

  2. cannot transfer to the buyer of goods a better title than he himself has

  3. can transfer to the buyer of goods no title than he himself has

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Where goods are sold by a person who is not the owner thereof and who does not sell them under the authority or with the consent of the owner, the buyer acquires no better title to the goods than the seller had.

A suit for recovery of possession of an immovable property under Section 6 of the Specific Relief Act can be filed against a

  1. private individual only

  2. government

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. Neither (1) nor (2)

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: A suit for recovery of possession of an immovable property under Section 6 of the Specific Relief Act can be filed against a private individual only. Option (2) is incorrect: Under Section 6(2) of the Specific Relief Act, it has been stated that no suit under this section shall be brought against the government.

Delivery means

  1. compulsory transfer of possession by one person to another person

  2. voluntary transfer of possession by one person to another

  3. mere transfer of possession by one person to another person

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Delivery means a voluntary transfer of possession by one person to another.

Which of the following has been specifically excluded from the definition of complaint under Section 2(d) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973?

  1. Protest petition

  2. Joint complaint

  3. Police report

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: Complaint is always to magistrate and police report is always made to police.

Specific performance of contract is allowed where

  1. the plaintiff is not entitled to recover compensation

  2. the defendant is incompetent to perform the contract

  3. compensation is not the adequate relief

  4. the defendant has died

Correct Option: C

Option (1) is incorrect: Specific performance of contract is not allowed where the plaintiff is not entitled to recover compensation. Option (2) is incorrect: Specific performance of contract is not allowed where the defendant is incompetent to perform the contract. Option (3) is correct: Specific performance of contract is allowed where compensation is not the adequate relief. Option (4) is incorrect: Specific performance of contract is not allowed where the defendant has died.

A statement under Section 161 of the CrPC can be used to

  1. corroborate the statement in a court

  2. corroborate and contradict the statement in a court

  3. contradict the statement in a court

  4. cannot be utilised for any purpose

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: A statement recorded under Section 161 of the CrPC by a police officer during investigation in the course of an examination can be used to contradict in the court during trial.

Inquiry is conducted by a Magistrate with a view to

  1. find out a prima facie case

  2. convict the accused

  3. authorise remand of the accused

  4. release the accused under Section 436

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: After investigation, an inquiry is conducted by a magistrate to find out a prima facie case. Option (2) is incorrect: Conviction cannot be made during inquiry. Option (3) is incorrect: A Magistrate cannot authorise remand of the accused while inquiry is going on. Option (4) is incorrect: Inquiry is not conducted to release the accused under Section 436.

A enters into a contract with B for the sale of goods to be delivered at a future date. Which type of case is this?

  1. It is a case of wagering agreement.

  2. It is a case of future consideration.

  3. It is a case of contingent contract.

  4. It is an impossible agreement to be performed.

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: Goods (subject matter) are to be delivered at a future date. Therefore, this contract is a case of future consideration.

Ordinarily place of trial is

  1. where the offence has been committed

  2. where the victim resides

  3. where the accused resides

  4. where the FIR is lodged

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Under Section 177 of the CrPC, every offence shall ordinarily be inquired into and tried by a court within whose local jurisdiction it was committed.

If a creditor does not file a suit against the buyer for the recovery of price within three years, then the debt becomes

  1. time-barred and hence, irrecoverable

  2. time barred, but recoverable

  3. not time-barred

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Debt collectors have a limited number of years to collect their debts. They can sue for the debt in that particular time, which is 3 years. After that, debts become time-barred debts and they are irrecoverable.

Partnership in which the partners do not fix any term and are free to break their relationship at their will is known as partnership at will. The statement is

  1. true

  2. false

  3. partly true

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Under Section 7 of the Partnership Act, where no provision is made by contract between the partners for the duration of their partnership or for the determination of their partnership, the partnership is partnership at will.

Goodwill is the value of reputation

  1. which the firm establishes overtime

  2. which the firm earns due to integrity, efficient service to the customers

  3. the value of reputation earned by the firm due to quality of its products, industry, etc.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: Goodwill is a non-tangible asset in the form of reputation due to any of the above reasons. It can be quality of goods, customer’s satisfaction or anything which built good image of the company.

In exchange, under the provisions of the Transfer of Property Act, which of the following statements is true?

  1. There is a consideration.

  2. There is no consideration.

  3. There is no transfer of property.

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: When two persons mutually transfer the ownership of one thing for the ownership of another, it is called exchange. So, consideration must be present there.

Can a mortgagor make a lease of a mortgaged property?

  1. Yes, with no conditions at all.

  2. Yes, with certain conditions provided by the Transfer of Property Act.

  3. No

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is correct: A mortgagor can make a lease of a mortgaged property with certain conditions provided by the Transfer of Property Act.

According to the Constitution of India, uniform civil code is a

  1. fundamental right

  2. statutory right

  3. directive principle of state policy

  4. state subject

Correct Option: C

Option (3) is correct: According to the Constitution of India, uniform civil code is a directive principle of state policy.

Whether an oral transfer of a property is legal under the provisions of the Transfer of Property Act?

  1. No

  2. Yes, but with permission of a court.

  3. No, unless karta of Hindu undivided family agrees.

  4. Yes, in certain cases.

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct: An oral transfer of a property is legal where it values below 100 rupees and mere delivery of property is sufficient for a valid transfer.

McDonald's started operations in India in the year

  1. 1996

  2. 1997

  3. 1995

  4. 1998

Correct Option: A

McDonald's started operations in India in the year 1996.

Who is the author of 'Gitanjali'?

  1. Rabindranath Tagore

  2. Hale

  3. Plato

  4. Dante

Correct Option: A

Rabindranath Tagore

Which of the following sections deals with personal bars to the remedy of specific relief?

  1. Section 14

  2. Section 15

  3. Section 16

  4. Section 17

Correct Option: C

Option (1) is incorrect: Section 14 of the Act deals with contracts not specifically enforceable. Option (2) is incorrect: Section 15 of the Act deals with who may obtain specific performance. Option (3) is correct: Section 16 of the Act deals with personal bars to relief. Option (4) is incorrect: Section 17 states that contract to sell or let property by one who has no title, not specifically enforceable.

Which game is also known as 'Rathera'?

  1. Kabbadi

  2. Archery

  3. Hockey

  4. Kho kho

Correct Option: D

Kho kho is also known as 'Rathera'.

Who was the first Asian and also the first Indian to have won a medal in the Olympics?

  1. Leander Paes

  2. Norman Pritchard

  3. Karnam Malleswari

  4. Milkha Singh

Correct Option: D

Milkha Singh was the first Asian and also the first Indian to have won a medal in the Olympics.

Defamation by spoken words or gestures is known as

  1. innuendo

  2. slander

  3. libel

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Option (1) is incorrect: An indirect intimation about a person or thing, of a disparaging nature Option (2) is correct: Defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc. Option (3) is incorrect: Defamation by written or printed words, pictures or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures Option (4) is incorrect: Option (2) is correct.

'Challenge the limits' is the baseline of

  1. LG

  2. Konika

  3. Samsung

  4. Philips

Correct Option: C

'Challenge the limits' is the baseline of Samsung.

Who among the following directed the movie 'Peepli Live'?

  1. Ashutosh Gowarikar

  2. Kiran Rao

  3. Anusha Rizvi

  4. Seema Chisti

Correct Option: C

Anusha Rizvi directed the movie 'Peepli Live'.

Match the following:

List I List II
I. Habeas corpus A. Violation of natural justice
II. Mandamus B. Unlawful arrest and detention
III. Quo warranto C. Exercise of power without jurisdiction
IV. Cerritory D. Non-performance of public duty
  1. I – B, II – D, III – C, IV – A

  2. I – A, Il – C, III – D, IV – B

  3. I – B, II – C, III – D, IV – A

  4. I – A, Il – D, III – C, IV – B

Correct Option: A

I – B, II – D, III – C, IV – A

Which of the following options represents the correct duration of the 12th Five Year Plan of India?

  1. 2011-2016

  2. 2012-2017

  3. 2013-2018

  4. 2014-2019

Correct Option: B

2012-2017 is the duration of the 12th Five Year Plan of India.

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