Simple Java Quiz - 1

Description: Simple Java Quiz - 1
Number of Questions: 7
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Tags: java
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Overriding and Overloading is for ?

  1. Methods and variables

  2. Class

  3. Variables

  4. Methods

Correct Option: D

For a subclass outside the package, the protected member can be accessed through ?

  1. Object of super class

  2. Inheritance

  3. Both

  4. None

Correct Option: B

Which, inserted independently at line 6, will compile? (Choose all that apply.)

  1. static void doStuff(int... doArgs) { }

  2. static void doStuff(int x, int... doArgs) { }

  3. static void doStuff(int[] doArgs) { }

  4. static void doStuff(int... doArgs, int y) { }

Correct Option: A,B

Which variables have the longest scope?

  1. Block variables

  2. Instance variables

  3. Static variables

  4. Local variables

Correct Option: C

Which are the default value for the Primitives and Reference Types ?

  1. Object reference =null

  2. double =0.0

  3. byte=0

  4. char = '\u0000'

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

Which two are true about the objects created within main(), and eligible for garbage collection when line 14 is reached?

  1. Two objects are eligible for GC

  2. Five objects were created

  3. Four objects were created.

  4. Three objects are eligible for GC

Correct Option: A,B

What will be the output?

  1. y string = Java,y string = Java

  2. y string = Javay string = Java

  3. y string = Java, y string = Java

  4. y String = Java, y string = Java

Correct Option: C
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