Vocabulary in Context

Description: Vocabulary in context
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Tags: Vocabulary in context Vocabulary
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Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

The day was SWALLOWED up by the factory and the machine sucked out most of the vigour from men's muscles.

  1. Wrecked

  2. Smashed

  3. Consumed

  4. Killed

  5. Wastage

Correct Option: C

The word here relates appropriately to the context, i.e. a whole day spent working in the factory.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

The STAID and married couples dressed up in the best of their clothes, moved towards the church, duly scolding the young and rotten homeless folks.

  1. Decorous

  2. Composed

  3. Dignified

  4. Settled

  5. Formal

Correct Option: D

The context hints at less worthy homeless lot of people, while those who are married are shown living a rather settled life.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

Most of the villagers had neither overshoes nor umbrellas. Hence, everyone DESIRED to get those in some way.

  1. Attracted

  2. Yearned

  3. Fancied

  4. Wished

  5. Aspired

Correct Option: B

It implies to want something especially when it is difficult to get.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

The lean and ribbed young boy was brought home from tavern and scolded by his father for being drunk to INSENSIBILITY.

  1. Anesthesia

  2. Stupefaction

  3. Unconscious

  4. Lethargy

  5. Numbness

Correct Option: C

This is the most appropriate answer as it refers to the state of being unable to use one's senses.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

The interest of the people, all young and old in indoor games is revived due to the PROLIFERATION of fantastic high-end gaming devices.

  1. Amount

  2. Multiplicity

  3. Spread

  4. Expanse

  5. Amplification

Correct Option: B

It is most suitable in the given context as it means both an increase in number and the variety of indoor games.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

His lack of proven literary ACCOMPLISHMENT was compensated by wit, charm and audacity of his character.

  1. Execution

  2. Capability

  3. Expertise

  4. Attainment

  5. Talent

Correct Option: D

It is most appropriate to use in the given context as it refers to something that is learned or achieved and thus, proven.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

In his stories, plays, poems and novels, Oscar Wilde displayed his genius as a RACONTEUR and coiner of epigrams as he spared none of his aquintances of one of these.

  1. Talker

  2. Anecdotist

  3. Chronicler

  4. Poet

  5. Biographer

Correct Option: B

One who writes about anecdotes from life. The context points to Oscar's qualities, his social behaviour and his writings.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

The elegantly framed engraving hung on the palace wall illustrated the APPALLING degredation and meaningless activity endured by the prisoners of war.

  1. Alarming

  2. Terrifying

  3. Horrifying

  4. Intimidating

  5. Performance

Correct Option: C

Making one feel shocked, disgusted and frightened at the same time as in the given context.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

Despite his uncompromising patriotism, one thing that he feared above all was the thought if ever the authorities got accustomed to the rumours of his CLANDESTINE activities.

  1. Fraudulent

  2. Illegitimate

  3. Surreptitious

  4. Veiled

  5. Undercover

Correct Option: B

It is appropriate in the given context as it refers to something that is not allowed by a particular set of rules or laws, even though it may be for a good cause otherwise.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

He was driven towards his first literary success by his necessity to adopt writing as a DISCIPLINE for living.

  1. Practice

  2. Method

  3. Field

  4. Preparation

  5. Inculcation

Correct Option: C

It is the most suitsble answer as writing refers to one field of work.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

Throughout the story that she read for past one week, there was a sense of FATALITY about where the protagonist's lifestyle must lead him to.

  1. Accident

  2. Inevitability

  3. Casualty

  4. Noxiousness

  5. Lethality

Correct Option: B

It is most suitable as it hints at something unavoidable and uncertain.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

The output of volatile, but promising group of writers who gathered about the place was FEVERISHLY prolific and showed their true devotion to the muse.

  1. Frenziedly

  2. Passionately

  3. Erratically

  4. Hysterically

  5. Tensely

Correct Option: B

It is the most suitable answer as it reflects work done with strong feelings and enthusiasm.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

With SPITEFUL ferocity of beasts, both men fell upon each other for a mere loaf of bread.

  1. Hateful

  2. Malicious

  3. Hurtful

  4. Vindictive

  5. Malevolent

Correct Option: D

When one tries to harm somebody in anyway as one feels the opponent as a threat

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

The disease that rotted their souls throughout life ACCOMPANIED them to their graves.

  1. Consorted

  2. Conducted

  3. Spooked

  4. Escorted

  5. Followed

Correct Option: E

Its is the most suitable answer in the given context as the author intends to convey that the feelings of the said people went with them upto their graves.

Directions: The sentence below has a word in capitals. Select the synonym of the word as per the context.

The legendary river had set the stage for many historical battles in the past. Nonetheless, TURBULENT conditions occur even today for official licences pertaining to mining and territorial rights.

  1. Anarchic

  2. Mutinous

  3. Disorderly

  4. Violent

  5. Rowdy

Correct Option: C

It most nearly means lack of control owing to noise and public violence.

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