Reproduction In Plants

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The edible part of a carrot is the

  1. tuber

  2. fruit

  3. cone

  4. tap root

Correct Option: D

The edible part of a carrot is the root system. Root systems that consist mainly of a single large root are said to have a tap root; in contrast, those root systems that have many branches of similar size are said to have fibrous roots. Plants such as carrot that have a single large tap root use this large underground structure for nutrient storage.

All of the following are modified stems except

  1. stomata

  2. bulbs

  3. rhizomes

  4. tubers

Correct Option: A

The stomata are pores in leaves. They are responsibe for gas exchange. These are  special type of pore opening on leaves of plants. They are designed to absorb water from sources such as rain while also removing excess water in the plant through transpiration.

The most important part of a plant for the continuation of life of the species is

  1. seed

  2. flower

  3. fruit

  4. root

Correct Option: B

A flower, is also  known as a bloom or blossom. It is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants. All plants produce flowers for the same reason i.e. to make seeds so another plant can grow. A flower is the part of the plant that makes seeds.

Which of the following is a fruit?

  1. Potato

  2. Tomato

  3. Watermelon

  4. Strawberry

Correct Option: B

Tomato  is definitely a fruit. True fruits are developed from the ovary in the base of the flower, and contain the seeds of the plant (though cultivated forms may be seedless). Blueberries, raspberries, and oranges are true fruits. However in cooking it is generally considered as a vegetble.

Which of the following is an angiosperm?

  1. Blue spruce trees

  2. Cherry trees

  3. Ferns

  4. Liverwort

Correct Option: B

Cherry trees belong to the Rosaceous family of plants and are native to regions around the Northern Hemisphere.It is a tree of the subgenus Cerasus, the members of which are valued agriculturally for their fruit, the cherry. The wood of the tree, cherrywood, is also valued in woodworking.

Vegetative propagation in bryophyllum is by

  1. leaf

  2. roots

  3. stem

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

Generally vegetative propagation occurs through root or stem, bue Bryophyllum is an exception where it takes place through the leaf. Small plants develop at the margins of the leaves.The plantlets fall off the leaf and will grow into a new plants if the conditions are suitable.

The male gamete of a seed plant is contained in a __________.

  1. pollen grain

  2. ovary

  3. mesophyll layer

  4. antipodal cell

Correct Option: A

Pollen grains are minute grains, usually yellow in color but occasionally white, brown, red, or purple, borne in the anther sac at the tip of the slender filament of the stamen of a flowering plant or in the male cone of a conifer. The pollen grain is actually the male  gametophyte.Pollen grains may have furrows, the orientation of which (relative to the original tetrad of microspores) classify the pollen as colpate or sulcate.

Angiosperm is another name for

  1. pollen grains

  2. flowering plants

  3. fruits

  4. gymnosperms

Correct Option: B

The flowering plants or angiosperms (Angiospermae or Magnoliophyta) are the most diverse group of land plants. The flowering plants and the gymnosperms are the only extant groups of seed plants.

The individual units of corolla are called

  1. pistils

  2. petals

  3. stamens

  4. sepals

Correct Option: B

Petals are modified leaves that surround the reproductive parts of flowers. They often are  brightly colored or unusually shaped to attract pollinators. Together, all of the petals of a flower are called a  corrola.

Many plants have a very long life span because of

  1. gametes

  2. photosynthesis

  3. meristematic tissue

  4. asexual reproduction

Correct Option: C

Found in the vascular cambium of dicot trees just beneath the bark. They are responsible for the increase in diameter of the stem.They are located in growing tips of root and shoot.The cells are spherical, oval, polygonal or rectangular.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of dicots?

  1. Hypodermis contains scelenchymatous cell

  2. Vascular bundles arranged in a ring

  3. Adventitious roots

  4. Two seed leaves

Correct Option: A

It is the feature of monocot stem .In dicots hypodermis contains collenchymatous cells.

The function of guard cells is

  1. the exchange of gases CO2 and O2

  2. that it regulates rate of transpiration

  3. both (1) and (2)

  4. neither (1) nor (2)

Correct Option: C

Yes, regarding guard cells both the above options are correct.

Which plant structures have adaptations that enable them to delay growth when conditions are unfavorable?

  1. Xylem and phloem

  2. Flowers and leaves

  3. Seeds and nuts

  4. Seeds and buds

Correct Option: D

A bud is an undeveloped or embryonic shoot and normally occurs in the axil of a leaf or at the tip of the stem. Once formed, a bud may remain for some time in a dormant condition, or it may form a shoot immediately where as a seed is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat, usually with some stored food. It is the product of the ripened ovule of gymnosperm and angiosperm plants which occurs after fertilization and some growth within the mother plant.

Why plants growing in harsh environments such as deserts, sand dunes, and arctic tundra often reproduce vegetatively?

  1. Vegetative reproduction is not as risky and energy consuming as making seeds

  2. Seeds would be eaten by hungry animals in these environments

  3. There are few animals available to pollinate them

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Vegetative propagation, the ability of plants to reproduce without sexual reproduction, by producing new plants from existing vegetative structures. Many plants are able to tide over unfavourable conditions. This is because of the presence of organs of asexual reproduction like the tubers, corm, bulbs, etc.

Lateral roots in seed plants are initiated by cell divisions in the

  1. pericycle

  2. endodermis

  3. epidermis

  4. cortex

Correct Option: A

In plants the pericycle is the layer just inside the endodermis. It retains the capacity to divide and form branch roots.

Primary growth in plant occurs at

  1. axillary buds

  2. root hairs

  3. lateral meristem

  4. apical meristems

Correct Option: D

Primary growth occurs only at the shoot and root tips in areas called apical meristems. Primary growth is responsible for elongating the plant. In areas that contain only primary growth, stem thickness increases by cell enlargement, not by the production of new cells.

A region of cell division in a plant is

  1. meristematic tissue

  2. vascular tissue

  3. dermal tissue

  4. ground tissue

Correct Option: A

Areas within the plant that are capable of growth (cell division) are called meristems.Primary growth occurs only at the shoot and root tips in areas called apical meristems. Primary growth is responsible for elongating the plant. In areas that contain only primary growth, stem thickness increases by cell enlargement, not by the production of new cells.Lateral meristemsproduce new cells that make the stems and roots thicker. This type of growth is called secondary growth. Secondary growth occurs only during the second and subsequent years and only in woody species.

Plants with long thin needle like leaves are

  1. conifers

  2. ginkgoes

  3. angiosperms

  4. algae

Correct Option: A

Conifers, as their name hints, bear cones,like the cone of the Loblolly Pine, Pinus taeda, shown at the right -- instead of real fruits. Only flowering plants have real fruits, and conifers are gymnosperms, which are not considered flowering plants.

Photosynthetic site in green plants is

  1. chloroplast

  2. rIbosomes

  3. golgi body

  4. mitochondria

Correct Option: A

Chloroplasts are observable as flat discs usually 2 to 10 micrometers in diameter and 1 micrometer thick. In land plants, they are, in general, 5 μm in diameter and 2.3 μm thick. The chloroplast is contained by an envelope that consists of an inner and an outer phospholipid membrane. Between these two layers is the intermembrane space. A typical parenchymacell contains about 10 to 100 chloroplasts.The material within the chloroplast is called the stroma, corresponding to the cytosol of the original bacterium, and contains one or more molecules of small circular DNA. It also contains ribosomes however most of its proteins are encoded by genes contained in the host cell nucleus, with the protein products transported to the chloroplast.

The transportation of the organic compounds made by photosynthesis in leaves is done by

  1. bark

  2. cork cambium

  3. xylem

  4. phloem

Correct Option: D

In vascular plants, phloem is the living tissue that carries organic nutrients ( known as photosynthate), particularly sucrose, a sugar to all parts of the plants .

Which of the following is correctly matched with its tissue system?

  1. Epidermis-ground tissue

  2. Vascular cambium-meristematic Tissue

  3. Xylem-ground tissue system

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

There are two kinds of lateral meristems, the vascular cambium and the cork cambium. These lateral meristems form as rings within the plant body as the stem increases in thickness. The diagrams below illustrate how the vascular cambium divides to produce new xylem cells toward the inside of the vascular cambium and new phloem cells toward the outside.

Sugarcane is normally grown by

  1. grafting

  2. stem cutting

  3. layering

  4. budding

Correct Option: B

Sugar cane propagation is through stem cuttings of immature canes 8-12 months old. These are called setts, seed, seed- cane or seed-pieces. The setts are best if taken from the upper third of the cane because the buds are younger and less likely to dry out. The setts can be planted at a 45 degree angle or laid horizontally in a furrow.

Which of the following would be the least useful in figuring out whether a plant is a monocot or a dicot?

  1. The number of flower parts

  2. The arrangement of vascular tissue in the stem

  3. The size at maturity

  4. The pattern of veins in leaves

Correct Option: C

Size varies from plant to plant.

Unequal daughter cells are produced in

  1. budding

  2. fragmentation

  3. parthenogenesis

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: A

Some cells split via budding (for example baker yeast), resulting in a 'mother' and 'daughter' cell. The offspring organism is smaller than the parent. Budding is also known on a multicellular level; an animal example is the hydra which reproduces by budding. The buds grow into fully matured individuals which eventually break away from the parent organism.

Which of the following is part of the egg-producing structure in plants?

  1. The microgametophyte in gymnosperms

  2. The anthridium of mosses

  3. The megagametophyte of angiosperms

  4. The plasmodesmata of angiosperms

Correct Option: C

The megagametophyte produces the egg cell for fertilization. After fertilization, the ovule develops into a seed. It is also called embryo sac in flowering plants.

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