UGC Paper 2 for MBA (Marketing Elective)

Description: UGC Paper 2 Test Paper
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: UGC Marketing Paper NET CBSE (UGC) NET Marketing Management
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Which of the following is defined as ''Mature, satisfied and reflective people who are motivated by ideals and values''?

  1. Innovators

  2. Thinkers

  3. Achievers

  4. Experiencers

Correct Option: B

It is the right answer as thinkers are defined as mature, satisfied and reflective people who are motivated by ideals and values

Which of the following is defined as “Trendy, fun loving people who are resource constrained”?

  1. Beleivers

  2. Strivers

  3. Makers

  4. Survivors

Correct Option: B

It is the right answer as strivers can be defined as trendy, fun loving people who are resource constrained. They try to emulate purchases of those with greater material wealth.

Airline industry is an example of which of the following industries?

  1. High entry and exit barriers

  2. Low entry and exit barriers

  3. Low entry and high exit barriers

  4. High entry and low exit barriers

Correct Option: C

It is the right answer as in the case of airline industry there is low entry barriers however the exit barriers are very high.

Users of a brand are divided into four groups according to their strength of commitment. Which of the following groups is defined as”Consumers who are uncommitted to the brand and can switch”?

  1. Convertible

  2. Shallow

  3. Average

  4. Entrenched

Correct Option: B

It is the right answer as shallow are defined as the consumers who are uncommitted to a brand and can switch rather are actively considering alternatives.

Oil industry is an example of which of the following industries?

  1. Pure oligopoly

  2. Differentiated oligopoly

  3. Monopoly

  4. Monopolistic competition

Correct Option: A

Oil industry is an example of pure oligopoly in which a few companies producing the same commodity find it hard to charge more than the going price.

Sony exemplifies which of the marketing criteria?

  1. Anticipative marketing

  2. Responsive marketing

  3. Creative marketing

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Sony exemplifies creative marketing as creative marketer discovers and produces solutions that customers did not ask for but to which they enthusiastically respond.

Heublin's brand Smirnoff was attacked by a low priced competitor Wolfschmidt. In reply Heublein actually raised the price and put the increased revenue into advertising. Which type of defence strategy is this?

  1. Pre emptive defence

  2. Counter offensive defence

  3. Flank defence

  4. Mobile defence

Correct Option: C

The following case is an example of flank defence as Heublin is protecting its weak postion in this case from Wolfscmidt.

''Market broadening'' and ''Market diversification'' are and example of which type of defence strategies?

  1. Counter-offensive defence

  2. Mobile defence

  3. Pre emptive defence

  4. Flank defence

Correct Option: B

Mobile defence strategy involves the stretching of domain over new territories from which offence and defence can be carried out. Hence, market broadening and market diversification are an example of mobile defence.

Nescafe' sets an example of which type of defence strategy?

  1. Position defence

  2. Flank defence

  3. Pre emptive defence

  4. Mobile defence

Correct Option: A

Position defence involves development of superior brand power, making other brands almost impregnable. This the strategy that Nescafe' has been involved in.

''Monacco biscuits'' is an example of which of the following behavioural segmentations?

  1. Occasions

  2. Usage rate

  3. Benefits

  4. User status

Correct Option: A

Monacco biscuits were formed targeting party snack domain hence they fall under the category of occasion segmentation. Hence, it is the right answer.

Which of the following is not a requirement for effective positioning?

  1. Positioning message should be tailored according to the target audience

  2. Positioning should not deliver a unique value proposition

  3. Positioning should address customer felt needs

  4. The product or service should be differentiated from that of a competitor

Correct Option: B

The statement “Positioning should not deliver a unique value proposition” is not a requirement for effective positioning. Hence, it is the right answer.

The supplier's bargaining power is high in which case?

  1. When suppliers are concentrated

  2. When suppliers cannot integrate downstream

  3. When supplier switching cost is low

  4. When supplied product is not an important input

Correct Option: A

When suppliers are concentrated or organised they have a high bargaining power. Hence, this is the right answer.

Which of the following does Mach 3, Sensor, Trac 3, Atra etc. represent?

  1. Product item

  2. Product line

  3. Depth of a product line

  4. Product mix

Correct Option: C

The following example belongs to depth of a product line which can be defined as the number of product items altogether.

When is product mix expansion achieved?

  1. By adding variants of existing brands to the product line or by increasing product lines and adding new brands.

  2. By adding similar item to an existing product line with the same brand name.

  3. By using one of the existing brands to offer a new product line

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

By adding variants of existing brands to the product line or by increasing product lines and adding new brands product mix expansion can be achieved.

What is the process of modifying products so that those that have been sold become out of usage before they need replacement called?

  1. Product Modification

  2. Repositioning

  3. Planned Obsolescence

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The process of modifying products so that those that have been sold become out of usage before they need replacement is an example of Planned Obsolescence

When is line extension achieved?

  1. By adding variants of existing brands to the product line or by increasing product lines and adding new brands.

  2. By adding similar item to an existing product line with the same brand name.

  3. By using one of the existing brands to offer a new product line

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Line extension is achieved by adding similar item to an existing product line with the same brand name product mix expansion cannot be achieved. Hence, it is the right answer.

Which of the following do personal care products and packaged food products represent?

  1. Product line

  2. Product item

  3. Depth of product line

  4. Width of product mix

Correct Option: A

The following examples are of product lines as they are a group of product items which are related in the functions that they offer.

What is meant by trading down?

  1. By adding variants of existing brands to the product line or by increasing product lines and adding new brands.

  2. By adding similar item to an existing product line with the same brand name.

  3. By using one of the existing brands to offer a new product line

  4. By adding lower priced products to its product line

Correct Option: D

By adding lower priced products to its product line trading down is achieved.

Restaurants and beauty shops are an example of which of the following?

  1. Pure competition

  2. Monopolistic competition

  3. Oligopoly

  4. Monopoly

Correct Option: B

Restaurants and beauty shop are an example of monopolistic competition as in this case many competitors are able to differentiate their products and services and hence, charge a premium price for it.

Which of the following defines bargaining power of Walmart as a buyer?

  1. Low switching cost

  2. Differentiated products

  3. Cannot integrate upstream

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Walmart has low switching cost for suppliers. Hence, it has high bargaining power.

Beer and cigarette industries are an example of which of the following?

  1. Pure competition

  2. Monopolistic competition

  3. Oligopoly

  4. Monopoly

Correct Option: A

Beer and cigarette industry are an example of pure competition as there are many firms that provide the product.

Technological leapfrogging as followed by Nintendo, Sega/Genesis and the Sony's playstation is an example of which types of attack strategy?

  1. Frontal attack

  2. Flank attack

  3. Encirclement attack

  4. Bypass attack

Correct Option: D

Bypass attack strategy involves bypassing the enemy. Technological leapfrogging is a bypass strategy followed in high tech. industries. In this strategy the attacker patiently researches and then launches the next technology as was the case in the above given example.

Which type of strategy does Baskin Robins follow?

  1. Product proliferation

  2. Product innovation

  3. Value priced goods and services

  4. Prestige goods

Correct Option: A

Baskin Robins is an example of product proliferation strategy. In this strategy the challenger attacks the leader by launching a great variety of products.

Which one of these duplicates the leader's product and sells it in the black market or through disreputable dealers?

  1. Counterfeiter

  2. Cloner

  3. Imitator

  4. Adapter

Correct Option: A

Counterfeiter duplicates the leader's product and sells it in the black market or through disreputable dealers. Hence, it is the right answer.

Which type of differentiation does “Lakme” display when it carries out stocking of skin care products in small neighborhood shops, storage of personal products in central market places and runs exclusive beauty saloons?

  1. Price differentiation

  2. Promotional differentiation

  3. Product differentiation

  4. Distribution differentiation

Correct Option: D

It is the distribution differentiation that Lakme displays when it carries out stocking of skin care products in small neighborhood shops, storage of personal products in central market places and runs exclusive beauty saloons

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