Change of Voice

Description: Active-Passive - 1
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Active-Passive - 1 Grammar Change of Voice Active/Passive Voice Conversion
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Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Do not disturb the class.

  1. You are asked to not disturb the class.

  2. The class should be disturbed not.

  3. Let the class not be disturbed.

  4. The class may not be disturbed.

Correct Option: C

In case of imperative sentence, where we give some order, we use 'let'. And 'let' always takes 'be'.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Never tell a lie.

  1. You should not tell a lie.

  2. You are ordered to never tell a lie.

  3. You are advised never to tell a lie.

  4. A lie never be told.

Correct Option: C

In case of imperative sentence (case of advise), word 'advised' is used. Hence, option 3.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

We expect good news.

  1. Good news are expected by us.

  2. Good news is expected by us.

  3. Good news was expected by us.

  4. Good news were expected by us.

Correct Option: B

While changing the voice, we interchange the respective places of the subject and the object. In passive voice, we always use the third form of the verb with the helping verb. 'Expect' (present simple) changes into 'is expected' (as the subject 'the news' is singular).

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

This carpet needs dusting.

  1. This carpet needs to being dusting.

  2. This carpet need for being dusted.

  3. This carpet needs to be dusted.

  4. This carpet needs for to be dusted.

Correct Option: C

Noun clause (this carpet) does not change the voice. Verb clause (needs dusting) should be changed to 'needs to be dusted', as we use the third form of the verb for the work that needs 'to be' accomplished.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Save your soul.

  1. You should save your soul.

  2. You are requested to save your soul.

  3. You are advised to save your soul.

  4. You are ordered to save your soul.

Correct Option: C

This is the case of an advise (imperative sentence). Hence, option 3.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Will anyone tell me what he does?

  1. Shall I be told by anyone what is done by him?

  2. Will I be told by anyone what he does?

  3. Shall I be told by anyone what he does?

  4. What is done by him will not be told me?

Correct Option: A

While changing the voice, we interchange the respective places of the subject and the object. In passive voice, we always use the third form (in this case 'is done') of the verb with the helping verb. First person 'I/We' takes 'shall'.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Milk tastes sweet.

  1. Milk is tasted sweet.

  2. Milk is sweet when tasted.

  3. Milk is being tasted sweet.

  4. Taste is sweet by the milk.

Correct Option: B

The noun clause (milk) remains unchanged; only the verb clause (tastes sweet) needs to be changed. Case of present simple tense. Hence, option 2 is the correct choice.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Quinine taste bitter.

  1. Quinine as and when tasted is bitter.

  2. Quinine is bitter when tasted.

  3. When tasted quinine is bitter.

  4. Quinine was bitter when tasted.

Correct Option: B

The noun clause (quinine) remains unchanged; only the verb clause (tastes bitter) needs to be changed. Case of present simple tense. Hence, option 2 is the correct choice.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

It is time to ring the bell.

  1. It is time the bell rings.

  2. It is time for the bell to be rung.

  3. It is time for the bell to ring.

  4. It is being time to ring the bell.

Correct Option: B

The noun clause (it is the time) will not change the voice. Verb clause (to ring the bell) needs to be changed into passive voice. 'For the bell to be rung' is the correct replacement, as we use the third form of the verb in the passive voice.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

This teacher teaches us English.

  1. English is taught to us by this teacher.

  2. We are being taught English by this teacher.

  3. English is being taught to us by this teacher.

  4. We are taught English by this teacher.

Correct Option: A

While changing the voice, we interchange the respective places of the subject and the object. In passive voice, we always use the third form of the verb with the helping verb.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Kindly help me.

  1. I should be helped.

  2. You are ordered to help me.

  3. You are advised to help me.

  4. You are requested to help me.

Correct Option: D

This is the case of 'request' (imperative sentence) as shown by the word 'kindly'. Hence, option 4.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Never hurt others.

  1. You should never hurt others.

  2. Others never be hurted.

  3. Let the others never be hurted.

  4. Others should never be hurt.

Correct Option: D

This is the case of an advise; and to give advise, we use modal 'should'.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

A pen is to write with.

  1. A pen is to be wrote with.

  2. A pen is to be writing with.

  3. A pen is to be written with.

  4. A pen is to have been written with.

Correct Option: C

A noun clause never changes its voice. The verb clause (to write with) needs to be changed. 'To be written with' is the correct replacement. Hence, option 3.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

They take no notice of my warning.

  1. My warning was not taken as a notice by them.

  2. My warning was not noticed by them.

  3. No notice of my warning was taken by them.

  4. They were not taken any notice of my warning.

Correct Option: C

The noun clause (my warning) does not change its voice. The verb clause (they take no notice) needs to be changed. Option 3 is the correct usage as we use the third form of the verb along with the verb in the passive voice.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Who is creating this mess?

  1. Who has created this mess?

  2. By whom is this mess being created?

  3. By whom this mess is being created?

  4. By whom has this mess been created?

Correct Option: B

In passive voice, subject (who) becomes the object (by whom). In interrogative sentences, verb precedes the subject. And in continuous tenses, 'being' shows the continuity (in passive voice).

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Please help me.

  1. You are requested to help me.

  2. You are being requested to help me.

  3. You were requested to help me.

  4. You have been requested to help me.

Correct Option: A

The given sentence is in present simple tense, and none other 'auxiliary' confirms to the same tense, except 'are'. 'Are being' is used in case of present continuous tense. Hence, option 1.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

I know him.

  1. He is known by me.

  2. He was known to me.

  3. He has been known by me.

  4. He is known to me.

Correct Option: D

The given sentence is in present simple tense, and none other auxiliary, except 'is', confirms to the same tense. 'Known to' is the correct usage. Hence, option 4.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

His pocket has been picked.

  1. They have his pocket picked.

  2. Picking has been done to his pocket.

  3. Picked has been his pocket.

  4. Someone has picked his pocket.

Correct Option: D

Whenever the subject is missing in the passive voice, we provide the same while changing into the active voice. Indefinite pronoun 'someone' is the correct subject supplied. Hence, option 4.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Why are you not using a pen?

  1. Why is a pen not used by you?

  2. Why don't you use a pen?

  3. Why a pen is not being used by you?

  4. Why is a pen not being used by you?

Correct Option: D

Option (1) changes the tense, option (2) does not convert into passive voice and option (3) does not retain the interrogative (used 'a pen is' in place of 'is a pen').

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Let her sing.

  1. Let her be sung.

  2. Let a song be sung by her.

  3. She should be allowed to sing.

  4. It is proposed that she should sing.

Correct Option: D

When we propose or affirm something, we use 'it is proposed to do..........'. Hence, option 4.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Let him come.

  1. He is allowed to come.

  2. He is permitted to come.

  3. He must be allowed to come.

  4. He should be allowed to come.

Correct Option: D

This is the case of an advise; and to give advise, we use modal 'should'.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Let him come in.

  1. Let him be allowed to come in.

  2. He must be allowed to come in.

  3. Let him be come in.

  4. He should be allowed to come in.

Correct Option: D

This is the case of an advise; and to give advise, we use modal 'should'.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

Please listen to him.

  1. He should be listened to by you.

  2. He is requested to be listened to by you.

  3. You are requested to listen to him.

  4. Let he be listened to by you.

Correct Option: C

'Please' means that this is the case of a request. This request is made to the second person (you). Hence, option 3.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

This pot contains milk.

  1. Milk is contained by this pot.

  2. Milk is contained with this pot.

  3. Milk is contained within this pot.

  4. Milk is contained in this pot.

Correct Option: D

Milk is contained 'in' a pot.

Directions: Select the correct option after change of voice.

May you prosper!

  1. May you be prospered!

  2. May you be blessed with prosperity!

  3. Let you be prospered by God!

  4. It is prayed that you may prosper!

Correct Option: C

Verb clause (prosper) becomes (be blessed by prosperity) in the passive voice.

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