Stars and the Solar System

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After the Sun, the next nearest star to the Earth is

  1. Proxima Centauri

  2. Pole Star

  3. Sirius

  4. Alpha Centauri

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. After the Sun, the next nearest star to the Earth is Proxima Centauri.

Which of the following objects appears stationary from the Earth?

  1. Sun

  2. Pole Star

  3. Moon

  4. Proxima Centauri

  5. Alpha Centauri

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. As the pole star lies on the axis of rotation of the Earth, it appears stationary.

Which of the following names belong(s) to a constellation?

  1. Ursa Major

  2. Orion

  3. Cassiopeia

  4. Leo Major

  5. All of the above

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as all of them are  names of constellations.

Which of the following constellations is also known as the 'Big Bear'?

  1. Leo Major

  2. Cassiopeia

  3. Orion

  4. Ursa Major

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Ursa Major is also known as the 'Big Bear'.

Which of the following planets do not have natural satellites around them?

a. Mercury b. Mars c. Saturn d. Venus

  1. a and b

  2. b and d

  3. a and c

  4. b and c

  5. a and d

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option. Mercury and Venus do not have natural satellites around them.

Which of the following is the brightest star in the night sky?

  1. Sirius

  2. Proxima Centauri

  3. Pole star

  4. Alpha Centauri

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.

Which of the following do not orbit around the Sun?

  1. Asteroids

  2. Planets

  3. Meteorites

  4. Comets

  5. None of these

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as all of the above orbit around the Sun. 

Which of the following constellations are visible in summer season?

a. Big Bear b. Leo Major c. Orion d. Cassiopeia

  1. a and c

  2. a and b

  3. b and c

  4. c and d

  5. b and d

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. Big Bear and Leo Major are visible only in summer season.

Which of the following planets has the highest number of natural satellites around it?

  1. Earth

  2. Jupiter

  3. Neptune

  4. Mars

  5. Saturn

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option. Saturn has 30 satellites around it.

Which is the biggest planet of the Universe?

  1. Mercury

  2. Jupiter

  3. Neptune

  4. Saturn

  5. Uranus

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Universe. It can accommodate 1331 Earths.

Match the following:

a. Stars 1. are the group of stars which appear to form some recognisable shape or pattern
b. Constellations 2. are the large celestial objects which revolve around the Sun in closed elliptical paths called orbits
c. Planets 3. are the celestial objects that are extremely hot and have light of their own
  1. a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

  2. a - 3, b - 2, c - 1

  3. a - 1, b - 3, c - 2

  4. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

  5. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Stars are the celestial objects that are extremely hot and have light of their own. Constellations are the group of stars which appear to form some recognisable shape or pattern. Planets are the large celestial objects which revolve around the Sun in closed elliptical paths called orbits.

The planet ______________ can be seen either as a morning star just before sunrise or as an evening star just after sunset.

  1. Mercury

  2. Neptune

  3. Saturn

  4. Jupiter

  5. Uranus

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. The planet Mercury can be seen either as a morning star just before the sunrise or as an evening star just after sunset because it lies inside the orbit of the Earth.

Which of the following planets are also called the inner planets?

a. Mercury b. Jupiter c. Neptune d. Mars

  1. a and b

  2. b and c

  3. c and d

  4. b and d

  5. a and d

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option. Mercury and Mars are called the inner planets as they are nearer to the Sun.

________ is the brightest planet in the night sky.

  1. Mercury

  2. Neptune

  3. Jupiter

  4. Venus

  5. Mars

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. Venus is the brightest planet in the night sky because its cloudy atmosphere reflects 75 % of the light which it receives from the Sun.

Match the following:

a. Asteroid 1. is a meteor which does not burn up completely on entering the Earth's atmosphere
b. Comet 2. is a small celestial object which revolves around the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
c. Meteorite 3. is a collection of gases and dust which appears as a bright ball of light in the sky with a long glowing tail when it comes close to the Sun
  1. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

  2. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

  3. a - 3, b - 2, c - 1

  4. a - 2, b - 3, c - 1

  5. a - 1, b - 3, c - 2

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. An asteroid is a small celestial object which revolves around the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. A comet is a collection of gases and dust which appears as a bright ball of light in the sky with a long glowing tail when it comes close to the Sun. A meteorite is a meteor which does not burn up completely on entering the Earth's atmosphere.

Which of the following statements is/are false?

a. Planets do not twinkle in the night sky because they are much more nearer to the Earth than the stars. b. The heat and light of the stars is produced by nuclear fission reactions taking place inside them. c. The Sun is the nearest star to the Earth.

  1. Only a

  2. Both a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Both b and c

  5. Only c

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option as statement 'b' is a false statement. The heat and light of the stars is produced by  nuclear fusion reactions taking place inside them.

Which of the following units is used for the measurement of distance in the Universe?

  1. Kilometre

  2. Metre

  3. Light Year

  4. Centimetre

  5. Decimetre

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option as it is the unit of measurement of distance in the Universe.

1 light year = 9.46 * 1012 kilometre

Which of the following is the smallest planet in the Solar System?

  1. Earth

  2. Uranus

  3. Mercury

  4. Venus

  5. Neptune

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option. Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System with a diameter of 4880 km.

Which of the following planets is also called 'the red planet'?

  1. Jupiter

  2. Mars

  3. Saturn

  4. Uranus

  5. Mercury

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. Mars is also called the red planet as its surface appears red.

Which of the following statements is/are false?

a. The gravitational pull of the Sun keeps all the planets and other objects revolving around it. b. The distance of the Sun from the Earth is 8 light minutes. c. The Sun consists mostly of nitrogen gas.

  1. Only a

  2. Both a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Both b and c

  5. Only c

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as statement 'c' is false. The Sun consists mostly of hydrogen, not nitrogen gas.

Which of the following is not visible from the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth?

  1. Moon

  2. Alpha Centauri

  3. Pole Star

  4. Proxima Centauri

  5. The Sun

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option. Pole Star is not visible from the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth.

Which of the following planets has a well-developed system of colourful rings encircling it?

  1. Saturn

  2. Jupiter

  3. Mercury

  4. Uranus

  5. Neptune

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Saturn has a well-developed system of colourful rings encircling it. The rings of Saturn are made up of tiny particles, all orbiting the Saturn like miniature satellites.

Which of the following statements is/are false?

a. The Earth rotates on an imaginary axis which passes through its North and South poles. b. The axis of rotation of Earth is slightly tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. c. As a result of the rotation of Earth on its axis, day and night and different seasons on the Earth are caused.

  1. Only a

  2. Both a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Both b and c

  5. None of these

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as none of these statements are false. The Earth rotates on an imaginary axis which passes through its North and South poles. The axis of rotation of Earth is slightly tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit around the Sun and as a result of the rotation of Earth on its axis, day and night and different seasons on the Earth are caused.

Which of the following statements is/are false?

a. The Moon is about one-fourth the size of the Earth in diameter, but its mass is only about one-eighth that of Earth. b. The surface of the Moon is covered with hard and loose dirt, craters and mountains. c. The night on which the whole bright disc of the Moon is visible from the Earth is called the crescent Moon.

  1. Only a

  2. Both a and b

  3. Only b

  4. Both b and c

  5. Only c

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option as this is a false statement. The night on which the whole bright disc of the Moon is visible from the Earth is called the full Moon day, not the crescent Moon.

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