Morphology of Plants - Stem (Class -XI)

Description: proteins
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Stems climbers erect stems buds Morphology of Flowering Plants
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The hair found on stem is

  1. unicellular

  2. bicellular

  3. multicellular

  4. tricellular

Correct Option: C

The hair found on stem is multicellular.

Length of stem depends upon

  1. axillary buds

  2. terminal buds

  3. accessory buds

  4. lateral buds

Correct Option: B

Length of stem depends upon terminal bud.

Which bud enters a dormant state whenever the branch is not needed?

  1. Mixed bud

  2. Axillary bud

  3. Accessory bud

  4. Terminal bud

Correct Option: B

Axillary bud enters dormancy whenever branch is not needed.

Adventitious bud is a type of

  1. floral bud

  2. leaf bud

  3. mixed bud

  4. apical bud

Correct Option: B

Adventitious bud is classified under the position of the leaf bud. This bud arises from roots and leaves.

What is common between China rose, canna and coconut?

  1. They all are shrubs.

  2. They all have erect stems.

  3. They all have weak stems.

  4. They all are trees.

Correct Option: B

China rose, canna and coconut have erect stems.

Find the odd one out.

  1. Pea

  2. Smilax

  3. Clematis

  4. Betel

Correct Option: D

Betel is a root climber.

Sinistrose twining is observed in

  1. sem

  2. pea

  3. convolvulus

  4. tinospora

Correct Option: C

Sinistrose twining is observed in convolvulus.

The modified thorns of bougainvillaea are

  1. terminal buds

  2. axillary buds

  3. accessory buds

  4. adventitious buds

Correct Option: B

Axillary buds are modified into thorns in bougainvillaea.

Where are bulbils placed in an onion?

  1. Axillary placed

  2. On the leaf

  3. In place of flowers

  4. On the base of swollen roots

Correct Option: C

Bulbils are in place of flowers in onions.

The plants which have an erect stem with distinct swollen nodes and internodes are called

  1. decurrent

  2. excurrent

  3. caudex

  4. culms

Correct Option: D

The plants which have erect stems with distinct swollen nodes and internodes are called culms.

Which of the following parts of a pea plant is modified into tendril?

  1. Stem

  2. Petiole

  3. Leaf apex

  4. Stipule

Correct Option: C

Leaf apex is modified to form tendril in pea.

The buds found in maple trees are

  1. superposed accessory buds

  2. collateral accessory buds

  3. adventitious buds

  4. hairy buds

Correct Option: B

The accessory buds in maple trees are situated laterally and are called collateral accessory buds.

Woody twiners or climbers that are generally found in the forests of Madhya Pradesh in India are called

  1. scramblers

  2. linna

  3. root climbers

  4. tendril climbers

Correct Option: B

Woody twiners or climbers that are generally found in the forests of Madhya Pradesh in India are called linna.

In which of the following plants is decurrent branching observed?

  1. Coconut

  2. Eucalyptus

  3. Mango

  4. Betel nut

Correct Option: C

Mango plant has decurrent branching.

Prostrate stems are the stems of

  1. climbers

  2. creepers

  3. trailers

  4. herbs

Correct Option: B

The weak stems in creepers are called prostrate stems.

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