Sentence Correction Test 8

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The value of tradition is today more apparent than ever before.

  1. The value of tradition is more apparent than ever before, today.

  2. Today, the value of tradition is more apparent than ever before.

  3. The value of tradition today is more apparent than ever.

  4. Before than ever the value of tradition, today is more important.

  5. The value of tradition today is more apparent than before.

Correct Option: C

The basic error in the sentence is that of usage of ‘before’, the comparison is as such enough and before need not be used. Option (D) has a wrong subject placement. Hence (C) is the correct answer.  

Directions: Choose the most grammatically correct replacement for the underlined part. If ther is no error, choose that repeats the inderlined part.

Scientists have discovered that with genetic engineering, they would manipulate DNA so as to change hereditary traits.

  1. they can manipulate DNA so as to change hereditary traits.

  2. they will be able to manipulate DNA so as to change hereditary traits.

  3. they would manipulate DNA so as to change hereditary traits.

  4. they could manipulate DNA so as to change hereditary traits.

Correct Option: D

The only mistake in the sentence is the usage of “would” with plural form. The sentence is in past tense, hence 'can' is also incorrect, and therefore (D) is the correct option.

Some of the symptoms of fat deficiency include flaking of skin and emaciation and reduced functioning of the immune system and fertility problems.

  1. Some of the symptoms of fat deficiency include flaking of skin and emaciation and reduced functioning of the immune system and fertility problems.

  2. Some symptoms of fat deficiency include flaking of skin, emaciation and reduced functioning of the immune system and fertility problems.

  3. Some of the symptoms of fat deficiency include flaking skin, emaciation, reduced functioning of the immune system and fertility problems.

  4. Some symptoms of fat deficiency include flaking skin, emaciation, reduced functioning of the immune system and fertility problems.

  5. Some symptoms of fat deficiency are flaking skin, emaciation and reduced functioning of the immune system and fertility problems.

Correct Option: D

The question has many excessive words which can be eliminated without changing the meaning of the sentence. This is best portrayed in option (D), hence it’s the answer.

Standing 325 metres high, Roughusky Dam in the Soviet Union is the worlds highest Dam.

  1. Standing 325 metres high, Roughusky Dam in the Soviet Union is the worlds highest Dam.

  2. Roughusky Dam in Soviet Union which stands at 325 metres is the worlds highest Dam.

  3. The worlds highest Dam is the Roughusky Dam in the Soviet Union, which stands at 325 metres.

  4. The worlds highest Dam stands at 325 metres highest is the Roughusky Dam in Soviet Union.

  5. Roughusky Dam in Soviet Union is the highest Dam in the world standing at a highest of 325 metres.

Correct Option: C

Although options (2) and (5) also seem correct, but they can be shortened further, hence (3) option uses the min words without changing the meaning. Hence (C) is the answer.

The company will be granted cash credit limit between Rs. 3 lacks to Rs. 5 lacks.

  1. The company will be granted cash credit limit between Rs. 3 lacks to Rs. 5 lacks.

  2. The company will be granted cash credit limit from Rs. 3 lacks and Rs. 5 lacks.

  3. The cash credit limit between Rs. 3 lacks to Rs. 5 lacks will be granted to the company.

  4. The cash credit limit from Rs. 3 lacks and Rs. 5 lacks will be granted to the company.

  5. The company will be granted cash credit limit between Rs. 3 lacks and Rs. 5 lacks.

Correct Option: E

Options (C) and (D) are not phrased correctly. 'Between' is always followed by 'and' and 'from' is followed by 'to', hence option (E) is correct.

Forty years ago, the independent nation of India and I were born within eight weeks of each another.

  1. I was born within eight weeks of each another.

  2. I was born within eight weeks of one another.

  3. I were born within eight weeks of one another.

  4. Within eight weeks was I born.

  5. I were born within eight weeks after one another.

Correct Option: C

Here subject and verb are not agreeing with one another; ‘Nation’ and both are plural and the verb ‘were’ is correct, so options (A), (B) and (D) are in correct. A comparison between two is followed hence ‘one another’ is used, thereby making option (C) as correct. 

They called at us yesterday to discuss cash credit account.

  1. They called at us yesterday to discuss cash credit account.

  2. Yesterday, they called at us to discuss cash credit account.

  3. To discuss cash credit account they called at us.

  4. They called on us yesterday to discuss cash credit account.

  5. We ever called at yesterday by them to discuss cash credit account.

Correct Option: D

‘called at’ is used for a place and called on’ (or) called upon is used for person hence option a b, c and e are all incorrect, option (D) is the answer. 

The University has had 25 applicants for the post of lectureship, but it can appoint only one of them.

  1. have had 25 applicants for the post of lectureship

  2. had 25 applicants for the post of lecturership

  3. has 25 applicants for the post of lectureship

  4. is having 25 applicants for the post of lecturership

  5. has had 25 applicants for the post of lectureship

Correct Option: C

Usage of the Noun 'Lectureship' is often mistaken as 'lectureship' hence options (A), (B) and (E) are incorrect'. Option (D) is using an wrong tense for motion. Hence, (C) is the answer.

Directions: Choose the most grammatically correct replacement for the underlined part. If there is no error, choose that repeats the inderlined part.

No sooner had the teacher arrived than silence fell over the class.

  1. arrived than silence fell over the class.

  2. arrived than the silence fell over the class.

  3. arrived that the silence fell over the class.

  4. arrived then the silence fell over the class.

  5. arrived that silence fell over the class.

Correct Option: A

The original sentence is completely correct as ‘No sooner’ is always followed by ‘than’.

Psychiatrists have observed that no other inadequacy created as great a sense of frustration and failure as reading difficulty.

  1. had created as great a sense of frustration and failure as reading difficulty.

  2. is creating as great a sense of frustration and failure as reading difficulty.

  3. was creating as great a sense of frustration and failure as reading difficulty.

  4. creates as great a sense of frustration and failure as a reading difficulty.

  5. created as great sense of frustration and failure as reading difficulty.

Correct Option: D

the latter part of the sentence has to be in a past continuous, hence use of 'creates' is correct, secondary the article 'a' was missing before 'reading 'difficulty', hence, (D) is the correct option.

Dragon flies can see moving insects, with its compound eyes, approximately 18 feet away.

  1. Dragon flies can see moving in sects, with its compound eyes, approximately 18 feet away

  2. Approximately 18 feet away, dragonflies can see moving insects with their compound eyes.

  3. Moving insects can be seen with the dragonflies compound eyes approximately 18 feet away.

  4. With their compound eyes, dragon flies can see moving insects from distance of 18 feet.

  5. With its compound eyes, dragon flies can see moving insects at a distance of 18 feet away.

Correct Option: D

The sentence has a wrong phrasing, and an incorrect subject verb placement, options (B) and (E) change the extra meaning of the sentence, hence (D) is correct.

In the meeting, it was discussed that the poor children are to be given free medical.

  1. poor children are to be given free medical.

  2. poor children will be given free medical.

  3. poor children have been given free medical.

  4. poor children were to be given free medical.

  5. poor children could be given free medical.

Correct Option: D

If principal clause is in past tense then the subordinate must also be in the same sense, hence with 'was' we will be 'were'.

To Read aggressively, you must get into the habit of viewing material as a whole, instead of passively absorbing it thought by thought, sentence by sentence or word by word.

  1. of passively absorbing it thought by thought, sentence by sentence or word by word.

  2. of passively absorbing it by thought by thought, sentence by sentence (or) word by wind.

  3. of passively absorbing it through thought by thought (or) sentence by sentence (or) word by word.

  4. of passively absorbing it by each thought by thought, sentence by sentence (or) word by word.

  5. of passively absorbing it at thought by thought sentence by sentence (or) word by word.

Correct Option: A

Although option (B) and (C) also seem correct but use of excess words can be avoided without changing the significance of the sentence, hence (A) is correct.

Both ONGC as well as Reliance to is proposing to launch new scheme for their country.

  1. Both ONGC as well as Reliance to is proposing.

  2. Both ONGC as well as Reliance are proposing.

  3. Both ONGC along with Reliance co are proposing.

  4. Both ONGC and Reliance are proposing.

  5. Both ONGC and Reliance is proposing.

Correct Option: E

'Both' and 'as well as' cannot be used together in a sentence, hence (A) and (B) are wrong, (C) can also be eliminated on the same ground; (D) might also seem correct but subject and verb are not in an agreement have as subject is singular and verb are is plural. The words both and and form a team, known as a correlative conjunction and hence is used as singular.Hence (E) is the correct answer.  

Though she walked fast, but she missed the train.

  1. Though she walked fast, but she missed the train

  2. Although she walked fast, pet she missed the train.

  3. Though she walked fast, yet she missed the train.

  4. Though she walked fast, still she missed the train.

  5. Although she walked fast, then she missed the train.

Correct Option: C

Even though option (D) seems correct, but as a rule we use 'yet' with 'though' and with 'Although' we use 'still' hence option (C) is correct

As one grows, develops and move into early adolescence, involvement with our peer and the attraction of peer identification increases.

  1. and move into early adolescence, involvement with our peer

  2. and moves into early adolescence, involvement with our peer.

  3. and is moving into early adolescence, involvement with own’s peer.

  4. and moves into early adolescence, involvement with one’s peer.

  5. and moves into early adolescence, involvement with oneselves peer.

Correct Option: D

When ‘one’ is used, it has to be sentence, and with grove’s etc move’s is to be used, hence option (D) is the only one that is correct.

One woman who received her bachelor's degree along with me last June at Pitzer college in Claremont is currently serving better sodas at an icecream parlour to use her hard earned skills.

  1. is currently serving better sodas at an icecream parlour to use her hard earned skills.

  2. has been currently serving better sodas at an icecream parlour to use her hard earned skills.

  3. is currently using her hard earned skills to serve better sodas at an icecream parlour.

  4. had been currently serving better sodas at an icecream parlour to use her hard earned skills.

Correct Option: C

The only correction sentence needs is the rephrasing of it. The sentence is also in present continuous hence (C) is the correct option.

Natural gas is the main feed stock for fertilizer industry, the price of Natural gas supplied to fertilizer industry does not seem to reflect its true cost.

  1. Natural gas is the main feed stock for fertilizer industry and its supply price does not seem to reflect its true cost.

  2. Natural gas is the main feed stock for fertilizers industry and the price of Natural gas supplied to it does not seem to reflect its true cost.

  3. Natural gas is the main feed stock for fertilizer industry, the price of Natural gas supplied to fertilizer industry does not seem to reflect its true cost

  4. The main feed stock for fertilizer Industry is Natural gas and its supply to them does not seem to reflect its true cost.

  5. Natural gas is the main feed stock for fertilizer industry whose supply price does not seem to reflect its.

Correct Option: A

n 'it' for industries, whose industry is a collective noun, hence its incorrect, options (E) and (D) have wrong phrasing hence (A) is the correct answer.

The Wallerstein study indicates that even on growing, the behaviour of youngsters reflect the phobia of maltreatment experienced while their childhood.

  1. occurring when a child

  2. as their childhood.

  3. that occurred when a child

  4. during their childhood.

  5. that occurred when they were a child.

Correct Option: D

(D)The sentence is talking about young ‘men’ and ‘women’ i.e. all are in plural, but ‘child’ indicates a singular noun, so option (A), (C) and (E) are incorrect, option (3) though follows a correct grammatical formation but it does not complete the sentence, therefore (D) is correct.

Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million an area that is about Colorado’s size.

  1. have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million an area that is about Colorado’s size.

  2. have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, about the size of Colorado’s.

  3. has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado.

  4. has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million an area about the size of Colorado’s.

  5. have grown to nearly 59 million from 48 million which is an area about the size of Colorado.

Correct Option: C

(C) The subject in this sentence is “No. of acres” i.e. it is a single noun, hence it should be followed by ‘has’.  So option (A), (B), and (E) can be eliminated option (D) is not featuring the ‘comma’, hence it has incorrect punctuation.

Some bat caves, like honeybee hives, have residents that take on different duties such as defending the entrance, acting as sentinels and to sound a warning at the approach of danger, and scouting outside the cave for new food and roosting sites.

  1. acting as sentinels and to sound

  2. acting as sentinels and sounding

  3. to act as sentinels and sound

  4. to act as sentinels and to sound

  5. to act as sentinels and sound to

Correct Option: B

(B), The whole sentence is following a continuous formation, that is 'ing' is added after each verb. Hence the incorrect portion should also follow the same, so (B) is correct.

The only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to process them quickly into juice concentrate before they rot when warmer weather returns.

  1. to process them quickly into juice concentrate before they rot when warmer weather returns.

  2. If they are quickly processed into juice concentrate before warmer weather returns to root them.

  3. for them to be processed quickly into juice concentrate before the fruit rots when warmer weather returns

  4. to have it quickly processed into juice concentrate before warmer weather returns and rots the fruit

  5. to have them quickly processed into juice concentrate before the warmer weather returns and rots the fruit

Correct Option: D

(D) Option (B) is incorrect as it used 'root' instead or rot, so it can be directly eliminated. 'Citrus' is a collective noun for all kinds of citrus fruits hence, it should be followed by a singular verb, 'them' is used for a group of people hence 'it' should be used, so option (D) is correct.

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