Assam Judicial Service (Gr - III) Preliminary Exam 2012

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Under Section 114 of Evidence Act, 1872, the Court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to have happened, regard being had to the common course of

  1. natural events

  2. human conduct

  3. public private business

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Under Section 114 of the Evidence Act, the Court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to have happened regard being had to the common course of natural events, human conduct and public and private business, in their relation to the facts of the particular case.

Section 129 of Evidence Act, 1872 states that no one shall be compelled to disclose to the Court any confidential communication which has taken place between

  1. a teacher and student

  2. a company and its client

  3. a legal professional advisor and his client

  4. a landlord and tenant

Correct Option: C

Section 129 of the Evidence Act provides that no one shall be compelled to disclose to the Court any confidential communication which has taken place between him and his legal professional advisor unless he offers himself as a witness, in which case, he may be compelled to disclose any such communication as may appear to the Court necessary to be known in order to explain any evidence which he has given, but no other.

Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963 applies to

  1. suit

  2. appeal and application

  3. execution of application

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Section 5 of the Limitation Act applies to any appeal or application other than an application under any of the provisions of Order XXI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. An appeal here may be civil or criminal.

Dacoity is committed

  1. when two or more persons commit or attempt to commit robbery

  2. when five or more persons commit or attempt to commit robbery

  3. when robbery is committed with firearms or lethal weapons

  4. when seven or more persons are engaged in extortion with arms

Correct Option: B

Section 391 of the Indian Penal Code states that when five or more persons conjointly commit or attempt to commit a robbery, every person so committing or attempting is said to commit "dacoity." The main ingredient which makes robbery differ from dacoity is the 'number of persons' who are committing offence.

Mens rea is

  1. guilty mind

  2. proved fact

  3. intention of the law maker

  4. measuring mind

Correct Option: A

Two essential elements for an offence are actus reus and mens rea. Actus reus is the physical act and mens rea means guilty mind. Mens rea is also known as intention to commit an offence.

Section 89 of the Code of Civil Procedure provides for settlement of disputes by referring the matter to

  1. arbitration or conciliation

  2. fast track court

  3. advocate general

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Section 89 of the CPC embraces the provision for settlement of dispute outside the court through (a) arbitration; (b) conciliation; (c) judicial settlement including settlement through Lok Adalat; or (d) mediation

No suit against government or public officer shall be instituted until expiration of ________ period after notice in writing has been delivered.

  1. one month

  2. two months

  3. 15 days

  4. 90 days

Correct Option: B

Under Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, it has been provided that no suits shall be instituted against the government or against a public officer in respect of any act purporting to be done by such officer in his official capacity until the expiration of two months after notice in writing has been delivered.

Respect for National Flag and National Anthem is

  1. fundamental right of every citizen

  2. fundamental duty of every citizen

  3. directive principle of State Policy

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

The Constitution of India in Part IV A under Article 51A (added by the 42nd amendment) provides Fundamental Duties of every citizen of Indian. In its first clause, it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem.

Which of the following kinds of mortgage is not included in Section 58 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882?

  1. Anomalous mortgage

  2. Usufructuary mortgage

  3. Mortgage by deposit of title deeds

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D

Under Section 58 of the Transfer of property act, all kinds of mortagage mentioned above are provided.

Maxim “res ipsa loquitur” means

  1. things speak for themselves

  2. he who cannot act by himself cannot act at all

  3. he who does an act through another is deemed in law to do it himself

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

It is a doctrine that infers negligence from the very nature of an accident or injury in the absence of direct evidence on how any defendant behaved.

Prohibition of employment of children below ______ years is provided under Article 24 of the Constitution of India.

  1. 14

  2. 16

  3. 18

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Article 24 of the Indian Constitution provides that no child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment.

The Supreme Commander of Indian Armed Forces is the

  1. President of India

  2. Prime Minister of India

  3. Defence Minister

  4. Chief of Army Staff

Correct Option: A

The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country. The Ministry of Defence provides policy framework and resources to the Armed Forces to discharge their responsibility in the context of defence of the country.

When a writ is issued to an inferior Court or tribunal on the ground of exceeding jurisdiction or acting in violation of the rules of natural justice, it is called a writ of

  1. certiorari

  2. mandamus

  3. quo warrants

  4. habeous corpus

Correct Option: A

A writ of certiorari is issued by the Supreme Court or any High Court to an inferior Court or tribunal for quashing the order already passed on the ground of exceeding jurisdiction vested by law or acting in violation of the rules of natural justice.

What is the retirement age of a judge of the Supreme Court of India?

  1. 62 years

  2. 58 years

  3. 70 years

  4. 65 years

Correct Option: D

The Supreme Court of India comprises the Chief Justice and 30 other judges appointed by the President of India. Supreme Court judges retire upon attaining the age of 65 years.

Who is the present Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court?

  1. Justice Madan B. Lokur

  2. Justice J.Chelameswar

  3. Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D

The present Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court is Shri Ajit Singh since 5th March, 2016.

Who is the present Attorney General of India?

  1. Salman Khurshid

  2. SoIi Sorabjee

  3. G. E. Vahanvati

  4. Mukul Rohatgi

Correct Option: D

The 14th and current Attorney General is Mukul Rohatgi. He is appointed by the President of India under Article 76(1) of the Constitution and holds office during the pleasure of the President.

Presumption as to dowry death of a woman is provided in the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 under

  1. Section 113 A

  2. Section 113 B

  3. Section 113

  4. Section 114 A

Correct Option: B

Presumption as to dowry death of a woman is provided under section 113 B of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. It provides that when the question is whether a person has committed dowry death of a woman and it is shown that soon before her death, such woman has been subjected by such person to cruelty or harassment for, or in connection with, any demand for dowry, the Court shall presume that such person has caused dowry death.

Section 82 of the Indian Penal Code provides that nothing is an offence which is done by a child under the age of

  1. seven years

  2. ten years

  3. fourteen years

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Section 82 of the Indian Penal Code falls under the chapter of General Exception for the liability of offences under the Indian Penal Code. Section 82 of the Indian Penal Code provides that nothing is an offence which is done by a child under seven years of age. It is also termed as conclusive proof.

An executing Court

  1. can modify the terms of the decree

  2. can vary the terms of the decree

  3. can modify and vary the terms of the decree

  4. can neither modify nor vary the terms of the decree

Correct Option: D

Section 47 of the Code of Civil Procedure provides that an executing court has no jurisdiction to modify a decree. It cannot go behind the decree and must execute the decree as it is.

A garnishee is

  1. the judgment debtor

  2. judgment debtor’s debtor

  3. judgment debtor’s creditor

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Garnishee means a judgment debtor’s debtor. He is a person who is liable to pay a debt to a judgment debtor or to deliver any movable property to him. A third person or party in whose hands money is attached by process of court so called because he had garnishment or warning that not to pay the money to the defendant, but to appear and answer to the plaintiff creditor’s suit.

Who composed the immortal song “O Mor Aponar Desh”?

  1. Bishnu Prasad Rabha

  2. Bhupen Hazarika

  3. Sahityarathi Lakshminath Bezbarua

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Sahityarathi Lakshminath Bezbarua wrote the poem "O Mor Aponar Desh" inspired by his patriotic feeling. Later, it was accepted as the national song of Assam.

Out of the following eminent personalities of Assam, who has been awarded the Bharat Ratna?

  1. Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi

  2. Hem Barua

  3. Fakhruddin All Ahmed

  4. Mamoni Raison Goswami

Correct Option: A

Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi was awarded the Bharat Ratna posthumously in 1999.

Which of the following human blood groups is called “universal”?

  1. A group

  2. B group

  3. AB group

  4. O group

Correct Option: D

O blood cells are called “universal”, meaning they can be transfused to almost any patient in need.

If a patient is taken inside an operation theatre for angioplasty, then his disease is

  1. liver failure

  2. lung cancer

  3. congestion of the arteries due to fat and cholesterol

  4. dislocation of thigh bone

Correct Option: C

Coronary angioplasty is a procedure used to treat coronary artery disease. It involves flattening the fatty material (atheroma) that can build up inside the walls of the main blood vessels (arteries) to the heart, causing them to narrow.

Who among the following great personalities is known as Rupkonwar?

  1. Hemango Biswas

  2. Jyoti Prasad Agarwala

  3. Bishnu Prasad Rabha

  4. Bhupen Hazarika

Correct Option: B

Jyoti Prasad Agarwala was a true Assamese at heart. He is the 'Rupkonwar' of Assam. 

The day after tomorrow is my birthday. Next week, the same day is the day of “Holi”. If yesterday was Sunday, what day would be the day after Holi?

  1. Monday

  2. Thursday

  3. Wednesday

  4. Friday

Correct Option: B

If yesterday was Sunday the day after tomorrow will be Wednesday. The same day of the next week will be Holi, i.e. Holi will be on Wednesday and the day after Holi will be Thursday.

By the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976, which of the following words have been added to the preamble to the Constitution of India?

  1. Unity and integrity

  2. Sodalist and secular

  3. Socialist, secular and integrity

  4. Secular, unity and integrity

Correct Option: A

By the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976, the words "unity and integrity of the nation" have been added to the preamble to the Constitution of India.

Complete the series:

2, 4, 7, 11, _______, 22

  1. 14

  2. 15

  3. 16

  4. 17

Correct Option: C

The series has a continuous addition of numbers in the sequence 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 and so on.

Issuance of writ of mandamus relates to

  1. non-performance of private duty

  2. specific performance of contract

  3. non-performance of public duty

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

A writ of mandamus is issued from a court of superior jurisdiction that commands an inferior tribunal, municipal corporation or individual to perform or refrain from performing a particular act, the performance or omission of which is required by law as an obligation.

The doctrine of “double jeopardy” in Article 20(2) of the Constitution of India means

  1. no one can be tried and punished more than once for the same offence

  2. one can be tried several times for the same offence

  3. punishment once awarded cannot be enhanced in appeal or revision

  4. one can be tried more than once, but punished only once

Correct Option: A

Article 20(2) of the Indian Constitution is known as "double jeopardy". "Double jeopardy" means that no person shall be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more than once.

“The Kirtan Ghosa” was composed by

  1. Madhav Kandali

  2. Srimanta Sankardev

  3. Haridev

  4. Dr. Maheswar Neog

Correct Option: B

The Kirtan Ghosa is a collection of poetical works composed by the medieval saint Srimanta Sankardev meant for community singing in the Ekasarana religion. 

Who among the following is/are exempted from the application of Indian Penal Code?

  1. President of India

  2. Diplomats

  3. Alien enemy

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Under Section 2 of the Indian Penal Code, every person is liable to punishment under the code for an offence. There are certain exceptions to the general rule of criminal liability.

I never miss a cricket match as I _______ fond of cricket since childhood.

  1. has been

  2. will be

  3. am

  4. was

Correct Option: C

I never miss a cricket match as I am fond of cricket since childhood.

When he _______ his hair cut, he takes a bath.

  1. have had

  2. had

  3. will have

  4. has

Correct Option: D

When he has his hair cut, he takes a bath.

Our national song “Vande Mataram” was composed by

  1. Rabindranath Tagore

  2. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

  3. Iqbal

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Vande Mataram is the national song of India. The lyrics were written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, in a mix of Sanskrit and Bengali. The song was written in 1876.

I want to go _____ my friend’s birthday party.

  1. in

  2. at

  3. to

  4. into

Correct Option: C

I want to go to my friend's birthday party.

We must try to get home _____ time for dinner.

  1. at

  2. by

  3. since

  4. in

Correct Option: D

We must try to get home in time for dinner.

The expression “richter scale” relates to

  1. floods

  2. volcanoes

  3. earthquakes

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Richter scale is used to rate the magnitude of an earthquake, i.e. the amount of energy released during an earthquake.

Davis Cup is related to which sport?

  1. Hockey

  2. Tennis

  3. Football

  4. Cricket

Correct Option: B

Davis Cup is the premier international team event in men's tennis. It is run by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and is contested annually.

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court hold that ‘basic features” of the Constitution of India cannot be amended by exercising the power of amendment under Article 368?

  1. Sajjan Singh -Vs- State of Rajasthan

  2. Sankari Prasad -Vs- Union of India

  3. Keshavananda Bharati -Vs- State of Kerala

  4. Golaknath -Vs- State of Punjab

Correct Option: C

The Supreme Court laid down the basic structure doctrine in this case. According to this, some of the provisions of the Constitution of India form its basic structure, which are not amendable by the Parliament by exercise of its constituent power under Article 368.

Tirupati is in

  1. Andhra Pradesh

  2. Tamil Nadu

  3. Kerala

  4. Karnataka

Correct Option: A

Tirupati is a city in Andhra Pradesh.

The famous football player Zinedine Zidane played for which country?

  1. Italy

  2. Brazil

  3. France

  4. Germany

Correct Option: C

Zinedine Yazid Zidane (French pronunciation as Zinedin Zidan), nicknamed "Zizou", is a retired French footballer and current manager of Real Madrid. He played as an attacking midfielder for the French national team, Cannes, Bordeaux, Juventus and Real Madrid.

I’d rather have water ______ milk.

  1. instead of

  2. but

  3. instead to

  4. instead from

Correct Option: A

I’d rather have water instead of milk.

If floriculture is the cultivation of flowers, horticulture is the

  1. practice of garden cultivation, particularly of fruits

  2. rearing of fish

  3. rearing of ducks

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Horticulture is the branch of agriculture that deals with the art, science, technology and business of growing plants. It includes the cultivation of medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, flowers, seaweeds and non-food crops, such as grass and ornamental trees and plants.

A mortgage which is not a simple mortgage, a mortgage by conditional sale, an usufructuary mortgage, an English mortgage or a mortgage by deposit of title deeds is called

  1. a pledge

  2. an anomalous mortgage

  3. agreement of mortgage

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

A mortgage which is not a simple mortgage, a mortgage by conditional sale, an usufructuary mortgage, an English mortgage or a mortgage by deposit of title-deeds within the meaning of this section is called an anomalous mortgage provided under Section 58 of the Transfer of Property Act.

Ornithologist is engaged in the

  1. study of flowers

  2. study of animals

  3. scientific study of birds

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Ornithology is a branch of zoology concerned with the study of birds.

The doctrine of part performance of contract is provided in ______ of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.

  1. Section 53 A

  2. Section 53

  3. Section 52

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The doctrine of part performance of contract is provided in Section 53 A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.

Which of the following rights is guaranteed to the citizens of India as a freedom under Article 19 of the Constitution?

  1. Right to vote

  2. Right to citizenship

  3. Right to contest election

  4. Right to assemble peacefully without arms

Correct Option: D

Article 19(1) of the Indian Constitution provides that all citizens shall have the right (a) to freedom of speech and expression; (b) to assemble peaceably and without arms; (c) to form associations or unions; (d) to move freely throughout the territory of India; (e) to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India; (f) to practise any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business

The term ‘sale’ in the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is defined in Section

  1. 53

  2. 54

  3. 55

  4. 56

Correct Option: B

The term sale is defined under Section 54 of the Transfer of Property Act. Sale is a transfer of ownership in exchange for a price paid or promised or part-paid and part-promised.

A proposal, when accepted, becomes

  1. an undertaking

  2. a promise

  3. an agreement

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Under Section 2(b) of the Indian Contract act, it is defined as when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal, when accepted, becomes a promise. 

A second appeal under Section 100 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 lies to the High Court

  1. on a point of law

  2. on a mixed question of law and fact

  3. on disputed question of fact

  4. on substantial question of law

Correct Option: D

Under Section 100 of the Code of Civil Procedure, an appeal shall lie to the High Court from every decree passed in appeal by any court subordinate to the High Court if the High Court is satisfied that the case involves a substantial question of law.

Injunction is granted under which provision of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908?

  1. Section 115

  2. Order XXXIX Rule 1

  3. Section 96

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

The procedure for seeking temporary injunction has been provided under Order XXXIX of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. An injunction being discretionary equitable relief cannot be granted when equally efficacious relief is obtainable in any other usual mode or proceeding.

I am tired _____ this work.

  1. with

  2. of

  3. by

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

I am tired of this work.

A person claiming a right to appear before the Court may lodge a caveat under which provision of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908?

  1. Section 148

  2. Section 148 A

  3. Section 151

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

A person claiming a right to appear before the Court may lodge a caveat under Section 148 A of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908.

At present, Gauhati High Court has jurisdiction over ______ state(s).

  1. 7

  2. 1

  3. 8

  4. 4

Correct Option: D

At present, Gauhati High Court has jurisdiction over 4 states. These are Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.

A plaint shall be rejected

  1. if it does not disclose a cause of action

  2. if it is filed in the wrong Court

  3. if proper parties are not added

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Under Order VII Rule 11 clause (a) of Code of Civil Procedure, it has been provided that a plaint shall be rejected if it does not disclose a cause of action.

An application can be filed for review of a judgment if

  1. the judgment is erroneous

  2. there is error apparent on the face of the record

  3. the matter is important and requires rehearing

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

An application can be filed for review of a judgment if there is error apparent on the face of the record.

An agreement enforceable by law is a/an

  1. contract

  2. undertaking

  3. promise

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act defines that an agreement enforceable by law is a contract.

All agreements are contracts

  1. if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract

  2. for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object

  3. if not expressly declared to be void

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Section 10 of the Indian Contract Act provides that all agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object and are not hereby expressly declared to be void.

Immovable property does not include

  1. building

  2. land

  3. standing timber

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

According to Section 3 of the Transfer of Property Act, "Immovable Property" does not include standing timber, growing crops or grass.

Anticipatory bail can be granted to a person apprehending arrest on accusation of having committed a non-bailable offence under

  1. Section 437 Cr.P.C.

  2. Section 438 Cr.RC.

  3. Section 439 Cr.P.C.

  4. Section 436 Cr.P.C.

Correct Option: B

Anticipatory bail is where any person has reason to believe that he may be arrested on accusation of having committed a non-bailable offence, he may apply to the High Court or the Court of Session for a direction under Section 438 of Code of Criminal Proceure that in the event of such arrest, he shall be released on bail.

The attorney protested that testimony being offered was not _______ to the case and asked it to be struck off from the record.

  1. favourable

  2. harmful

  3. germane

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Germane means relevant to the subject under consideration. The attorney protested that testimony being offered was not germane to the case and asked it to be struck off from the record.

Feroz Shah Kotla stadium is located in

  1. Kolkata

  2. Mumbai

  3. Hyderabad

  4. Delhi

Correct Option: D

Feroz Shah Kotla is a cricket ground located at Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Delhi. It was established in 1883.

With which sport is Mary C. Kom associated?

  1. Badminton

  2. Weightlifting

  3. Boxing

  4. Kabaddi

Correct Option: C

Mary Kom is a boxer from the Sino-Tibetan speaking Kom tribe in Manipur, representing India. She is a five-time World Amateur Boxing champion.

_________ means to free a person from a charge or blame, proving that he/she is not guilty of doing something wrong.

  1. Inculpate

  2. Exculpate

  3. Circumvent

  4. Expunge

Correct Option: B

Exculpate means to prove that someone is not guilty of doing something wrong.

The headquarters of North Eastern Council (NEC) are situated at

  1. Shillong

  2. Guwahati

  3. New Delhi

  4. Agartala

Correct Option: A

In 1971, the Indian Central government set up the North Eastern Council by an Act of Parliament. The headquarters of the North Eastern Council are situated in Shillong.

“Ultra vires” is a term used to mean

  1. a document corrupted by virus

  2. beyond or in excess of powers

  3. an irregular act

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Ultra vires is a Latin phrase meaning "beyond the powers" - if an act requires legal authority and it is done with such authority. In corporate law, ultra vires describes acts attempted by a corporation that are beyond the scope of powers granted by the corporation's objects clause in articles of incorporation.

A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a Public Prosecutor if he has been in practice for not less than

  1. seven years

  2. three years

  3. ten years

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

A person shall be eligible to be appointed as a Public Prosecutor or an Additional Public Prosecutor under Section 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure only if he has been in practice as an advocate for not less than seven years.

DTP stands for

  1. Desk Top Publishing

  2. Direct to Print

  3. Deskjet Type Printer

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

DTP stands for Desktop Publishing. Desktop Publishing (abbreviated DTP) is the creation of documents using page layout skills on a personal computer. 

What are the two classes of advocates in India?

  1. Advocates and Senior Advocates

  2. Solicitors and Banisters

  3. Government Advocates and Private Advocates

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Under Section 16 of the Advocates Act, 1961, it is stated that there shall be two classes of advocates, namely senior advocates and other advocates. 

A _________ of lions was moving menacingly in the jungle.

  1. pride

  2. group

  3. herd

  4. flock

Correct Option: B

A group of female lions is called a pride, and a group of male lions is called a coalition.

The noise comes from ________ the river.

  1. beyond

  2. inside

  3. depths of

  4. across

Correct Option: D

'Across' when used as a preposition is followed by a noun. The noise comes from across the river.

Who presides over the sessions of Rajya Sabha?

  1. The President

  2. Speaker

  3. Deputy Speaker

  4. Vice President

Correct Option: D

The Vice President of India (currently, Hamid Ansari) is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, who presides over its sessions.

You can trust Raju to have everything

  1. over control

  2. through control

  3. for control

  4. under control

Correct Option: D

Under control means that people are able to deal with it successfully. You can trust Raju to have everything under control. 

Choose the word(s) from amongst the alternatives which is/are closest in meaning to the word Ecstatic.

  1. Very happy

  2. Unruly

  3. Angry

  4. Disobedient

Correct Option: A

Ecstatic means feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness.

A Court of people officially appointed to deal with special matters is known as

  1. Trial Court

  2. Tribunal

  3. Appellate Authority

  4. Supreme Court

Correct Option: B

 A Court of people officially appointed to deal with special matters is known as Tribunal.

Article 227 of the Indian Constitution deals with

  1. High Court’s power of superintendence

  2. power of Speaker

  3. election of Vice President

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Article 227 of the Indian Constitution provides that every High court shall have superintendence over all courts and tribunals throughout the territories in relation to which it exercises jurisdiction.

When a person has not been heard of for _______ years by those who would naturally have heard of him if he had been alive, the burden of proving that such a person is alive is shifted to the person who affirms it.

  1. 30

  2. 7

  3. 10

  4. 14

Correct Option: B

Under Section 108 of the Evidence Act, the question is whether a man is alive or dead, and it is proved that he has not been heard of for seven years by those who would naturally have heard of him if he had been alive, the burden of proving that he is alive is shifted to the person who affirms it.

An agreement, the meaning of which is not certain, is

  1. void

  2. voidable

  3. valid

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Section 29 of the Indian Contract Act provides that agreements, the meaning of which is not certain or capable of being made certain, are void.

Summons case means a case

  1. relating to an offence and not being a warrant case

  2. relating to an offence punishable with seven years

  3. where summons are issued

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

As per Section 2(x), "warrant-case" means a case relating to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term exceeding two years. As per Section 2(w), "summons-case" means a case relating to an offence, and not a warrant-case.

Non-cognizable offence means

  1. a police officer has no authority to arrest without warrant

  2. a police officer has authority to arrest without warrant

  3. a police officer may arrest, but inform the higher authority afterwards

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

In the case of a non-cognizable offence, a police officer does not have the authority to make an arrest without a warrant and an investigation cannot be initiated without a court order.

Choose the word(s) from amongst the alternatives which is/are closest in meaning to the word Annulled.

  1. Upheld

  2. Set aside

  3. Remand

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Anulled means to declare invalid or cast aside.

Which of the following is not a computer language?

  1. Basic

  2. Tally

  3. Pascal

  4. Fortran

Correct Option: B

Tally is fully computerised financial business accounting software. It was developed by Tally solutions private limited India in 1988.

A doctor is able to get a clear picture of the foetus in the womb of a mother with the help of a/an

  1. CT scan

  2. X-ray

  3. ultrasound

  4. laser

Correct Option: C

Ultrasound comes from a machine that creates an image of the inside of your body. It shows what your baby looks like while still inside your womb (uterus). Ultrasound can tell you many things about your baby, such as:

• How well the baby’s heart works • How well other organs (such as the spine, brain and kidneys) are growing • The anticipated date of birth

The capacity of a modem is expressed in terms of

  1. bits per second

  2. bits per minute

  3. kilobytes per second

  4. megabytes per second

Correct Option: A

Modems are generally classified by the amount of data they can send in a given unit of time, usually expressed in bits per second (symbol bit/s, sometimes abbreviated "bps") or bytes per second (symbol B/s).

Grammy Award is given to people excelling in

  1. sports

  2. literature

  3. politics

  4. music

Correct Option: D

 Grammy award (originally called Gramophone Award) or Grammy is an honour awarded by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) of the United States to recognise outstanding achievement in the English-language music industry.

The full form of WWW is

  1. Win Win Win

  2. Word Wide Wisdom

  3. Web World Wide

  4. World Wide Web

Correct Option: D

The World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW or W3] and commonly known as the Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via internet.

A _________ of chital fish was seen near the river bank.

  1. school

  2. bunch

  3. cluster

  4. handful

Correct Option: A

A school of chital fish was seen near the river bank.

The maxim "Nemo judex in causa sua" means

  1. the affected party should be heard

  2. freedom from bias

  3. notice must be given

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Nemo judex in causa sua is a Latin phrase that means literally "no-one should be a judge in his own cause." It is a principle of natural justice that no person can judge a case in which he has an interest.

Choose the words from amongst the alternatives which are closest in meaning to the word VoxPopuli.

  1. Voice of people

  2. Voice of politicians

  3. Legal arguments

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Voxpopuli means the the opinions and beliefs of the majority of the people.

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