
Description: Biology - Get complete study material for Biology Covers Zoology, Botany and all concepts of Biology, Notes and Test Papers for Class XI Biology, Class XII Biology, Medical Entrance, AIIMS, MPPMT, Punjab PMT, CCE Biology
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Tags: Class XI Biology Class XII Biology Medical Entrance AIIMS MPPMT Punjab PMT Zoology Botany CCE Biology Terminal Oxidation Electron Transport System Micromolecules of Life Metabolites in Humans Photosystems Photosynthetic Systems in Plants Cell Cycle Cell Cycle and Division Cellular Organelles Cell: Structure and Function
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Chemiosmosis was first described by:

  1. Paul D. Boyer

  2. Peter Mitchell

  3. John E Walker

  4. Friedrich Miescher

Correct Option: B

Purines are generally abbreviated as:

  1. R

  2. Y

  3. C

  4. U

Correct Option: A

Recent researches suggest that peroxisomes have ______ origin.

  1. cyanobacterial

  2. fusobacterial

  3. actinobacterial

  4. proteobacterial

Correct Option: C

The citric acid cycle is ____ step in carbohydrate metabolism.

  1. First

  2. second

  3. third

  4. fourth

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is used as a cellular respiration indicator?

  1. Tetrazolium chloride

  2. Lactic acid

  3. Ethanol

  4. Schiff's reagent

Correct Option: A

The plants convert light into chemical energy with a photosynthetic efficiency of:

  1. 3 - 6%

  2. 6 - 20%

  3. 20 - 35%

  4. 35 - 41%

Correct Option: A

Which of the following micronutrient is essential for activation of urease, the enzyme involved in nitrogen metabolism?

  1. Boron

  2. Molybdenum

  3. Zinc

  4. Nickel

Correct Option: D

A portion of the cardiovascular system that transports oxygen-depleted blood from the heart to the lungs, and brings oxygenated blood back to the heart is referred as:

  1. Coronary circulation

  2. Systemic circulation

  3. Pulmonary circulation

  4. Single circulatory system

Correct Option: C

Approximately, how much percentage of the oxygen carried in the blood is bound to hemoglobin?

  1. 90

  2. 92.5

  3. 87

  4. 98.5

Correct Option: D

Circulatory system is absent in:

  1. annelids

  2. flatworms

  3. anthropods

  4. cephalopods

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is a biological uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation?

  1. Thermogenin

  2. 2, 4-Dintrophenol

  3. 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

  4. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

Correct Option: A

In the human brain, the total number of glial cells:

  1. is significantly greater than the number of neurons

  2. is significantly lower than the neurons

  3. roughly equals the number of Schwann cell

  4. roughly equals the number of neurons

Correct Option: D

The abdomen of adult cockroaches has ___ segments.

  1. 4

  2. 6

  3. 8

  4. 10

Correct Option: D

 The abdomen of adult cockroaches has 10 segments.

Approximately, how much is the length of whole digestive system in healthy humans?

  1. 3 m

  2. 5 m

  3. 7 m

  4. 9 m

Correct Option: D

Which of the following species of earthworm is used in vermicomposting?

  1. Lumbricus terrestres

  2. Eisenia fetida

  3. Arctiostrotus vancouverensis

  4. Aporrectodea limicola

Correct Option: B

Vital capacity, the maximum volume of air a person can exhale after maximum inhalation is measured with:

  1. Spirometer

  2. Stethoscope

  3. Aspirator

  4. Sphygmomanometer

Correct Option: A

Which among the following group of plants is known as vascular cryptogams?

  1. Mosses

  2. Liverworts

  3. Ferns

  4. Conifers

Correct Option: C

Which amongst the following have a single circulatory system?

  1. humans

  2. fishes

  3. amphibians

  4. birds

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is a mobile mineral element in the plants?

  1. Ca

  2. Mo

  3. Fe

  4. Cu

Correct Option: B

Which of the following algal groups has no motile stage?

  1. brown

  2. yellow

  3. red

  4. green

Correct Option: C

Which among the following lacks urinary bladder?

  1. frog

  2. snake

  3. cat

  4. monkey

Correct Option: B

Which of the following membrane-bound complexes in mitochondria is not a proton pump?

  1. NADH dehydrogenase

  2. Succinate dehydrogenase

  3. Cytochrome bc1

  4. Cytochrome c oxidase

Correct Option: B

Most of the histone production during cell cycle occurs in:

  1. G0 phase

  2. G1 phase

  3. S phase

  4. G2 phase

Correct Option: C

Vertebrates constitute approximately ____ % of the described animal species?

  1. 5

  2. 10

  3. 15

  4. 20

Correct Option: A

Tapeworms belong to which of the following groups?

  1. Trematoda

  2. Cestoda

  3. Annelida

  4. Nematoda

Correct Option: B

Cro-Magnon people were:

  1. Homo sapiens sapiens

  2. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

  3. Homo erectus

  4. Homo habilis

Correct Option: A

Which of the following cytochromes is a highly soluble protein?

  1. cytochrome a

  2. cytochrome b

  3. cytochrome c

  4. cytochrome d

Correct Option: C

 Cytochrome c is a highly soluble protein.The heme group of cytochrome c accepts electrons from the bc1 complex and transfers electrons to the complex IV. Cytochrome c is also involved in initiation of apoptosis.

Leydig cells of the testes are responsible for the production of:

  1. Primary Spermatocyte

  2. Testosterone hormone

  3. Leuteinizing Hormone

  4. Testosterone and Leuteinizing Hormone

Correct Option: B

Vaccines which are result of recombinant DNA technology are called:

  1. First generation vaccines

  2. Second generation vaccines

  3. Third generation vaccines

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Restriction Enzyme was discovered by:

  1. Berg

  2. Waksman

  3. Smith and North

  4. Alexander Fleming

Correct Option: C

The total amount of DNA in human diploid cells is not dissimilar from that of Chimpanzee but the diploid number of chromosomes in Chimpanzee is:

  1. 44

  2. 46

  3. 48

  4. 50

Correct Option: C

Oral contraception pills used by females help in birth control by:

  1. Inhibiting ovulation

  2. Forming barrier between sperm and ovum

  3. Kills ova

  4. Kills sperms

Correct Option: A

The term parthenogenesis was coined by:

  1. Owen

  2. Boveri

  3. Balfour

  4. Grobber

Correct Option: A

Isogamy is found in:

  1. Hydra

  2. Monocystis

  3. Planaria

  4. Plasmodium

Correct Option: B

Development of microsporangium in angiosperms and gymnosperms is of:

  1. Eusporangiate type

  2. Leptosporangiate type

  3. Monosporic type

  4. Tetrasporic type

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following is a sex-linked disease?

  1. Beri beri

  2. Tylosis

  3. Albinism

  4. Colour blindness

Correct Option: D

The science that deals with the application of principles of heredity to the improvement of mankind is:

  1. Cell Biology

  2. Eugenesis

  3. Cytogenetics

  4. Plant genetics

Correct Option: B

The disease caused by accumulation of uric acid crystals outside the joints is called:

  1. Gout

  2. Rheumatoid Arthirtis

  3. Osteoarthritis

  4. Rickets

Correct Option: A

The antibodies in the blood are secreted by:

  1. Neutrophils

  2. Basophils

  3. Monocytes

  4. Lymphocytes

Correct Option: D

A single-seeded, dry, non-dehiscent fruit in which pericarp is united with the seed is known as

  1. caryopsis

  2. cypsela

  3. achene

  4. loment

Correct Option: A

Ten percent law of energy transfer at successive trophic levels in food chain was given by:

  1. Elton

  2. Haeckel

  3. Lindman

  4. Shimper

Correct Option: C

In which of the following monocots secondary growth is present?

  1. Sugarcane

  2. Wheat

  3. Maize

  4. Yucca

Correct Option: D

In evolution of horse, the two most important anatomical and morphological changes brought about is:

  1. Limbs and tail

  2. Limbs and height

  3. Limbs and teeth

  4. Teeth and tail

Correct Option: C

Which of the following practices has caused maximum damage to the biodiversity of Indian forests?

  1. Selective harvesting

  2. Block cutting

  3. Tangya cultivation

  4. Jhoom cultivation

Correct Option: D

Phenotypically silent DNA sequences that are not expressed during life cycle of an organism are called:

  1. Cryptic genes

  2. Split genes

  3. Constitutive genes

  4. Pseudogenes

Correct Option: A

Capitulum inflorescence is characteristic feature of the family:

  1. Asteraceae

  2. Moraceae

  3. Poacaeae

  4. Brassicaceae

Correct Option: A

The Indian Botanical Garden is located at:

  1. Dehradun

  2. Lucknow

  3. Chennai

  4. Kolkata

Correct Option: D

Botulism is due to contamination of:

  1. E.coli

  2. Pseudomonas

  3. Salmonella

  4. Clostridium

Correct Option: D

In biogas plant, which group of bacteria is found?

  1. Cyanobacteria

  2. Myxobacteria

  3. Mycobacteria

  4. Archaebacteria

Correct Option: D

In human body, the chlorinated hydrocarbons keep on accumulating in:

  1. Bones

  2. Brain

  3. Skin

  4. Fatty tissue

Correct Option: D

BOD level in fresh water should not exceed beyond:

  1. 5 ppm

  2. 10 ppm

  3. 25 ppm

  4. 50 ppm

Correct Option: A

Rhizosphere microflora exhibits:

  1. Parasitism

  2. Symbiosis

  3. Commensalism

  4. Space parasitism

Correct Option: B

A microorganism richest in protein:

  1. Chlorella

  2. Morchella

  3. Spirulina

  4. Saprolegnia

Correct Option: C

Anthesis is:

  1. Anther development

  2. Opening of flower

  3. Floral bud formation

  4. Meiosis in spore mother cell

Correct Option: B

Phenotypically females having rudimentary ovaries, under developed breast, short stature, webbing neck, often subnormal intelligence suggest:

  1. Down's syndrome

  2. Turner's syndrome

  3. Haemophilic syndrome

  4. Klinefelter's syndrome

Correct Option: B

Which of the following fruits is parthenocarpic?

  1. Mango

  2. Banana

  3. Lemon

  4. Apple

Correct Option: B

Who proposed the chromosomal theory of inheritance?

  1. Mendel

  2. Lamarck

  3. Sutton and Boveri

  4. Sutton and Morgan

Correct Option: C

GCG stands for which of the following amino acids?

  1. Glutamine

  2. Alanine

  3. Serine

  4. Proline

Correct Option: B

Metadiscoidal placenta is found in:

  1. Pig

  2. Rabbit

  3. Humans

  4. Cow

Correct Option: C

Bt-cotton genes to repell:

  1. Bacterial pathogens

  2. Fungal pathogens

  3. Insect pests

  4. Nematode parasites

Correct Option: C
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