
Description: Science, VI, Biology, Food: Where Does It Come From, Nutrients, Body Building Foods, Energy Giving Foods, Protective Foods, Habitats, Plants , Animals
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Tags: Biology Biology questions Bio preparation BIO practice test Biology practice questions Plant Parts & Animal Products as Food Animals and their Food Food Materials and Sources Food: Where Does It Come From? Saprophytic Nutrition Heterotrophic Nutrition in Plants Nutrition and its Modes in Plants Photosynthesis
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Which of the following plants grow(s) in water and is/are eaten as food? a. Lotus b. Chestnut c. Algae d. Lily

  1. a and b

  2. b and c

  3. c and d

  4. a, b and d

  5. a, b, c and d

Correct Option: E

This is the correct answer. All these plants grow in water and are eaten as food by living organisms.

Which of the following animals is not a poultry animal?

  1. Hen

  2. Duck

  3. Turkey

  4. Goat

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

A goat yields milk and meat. Thus, it is not a poultry animal.

Which of the following is/are good source(s) of proteins? a. Rice b. Wheat c. Eggs d. Soyabean e. Butter

  1. a, b and c

  2. b and d

  3. c, d and e

  4. c and d

  5. b, d and e

Correct Option: D

Egg and soyabean are good sources of proteins.

Which of the following components of food is obtained from plants?

  1. Cream

  2. Butter

  3. Meat

  4. Spices

  5. Cheese

Correct Option: D

Spices are sourced from plants.

Which of the following is a herbivore?

  1. Crow

  2. Squirrel

  3. Cockroach

  4. Rhinoceros

  5. Koala bear

Correct Option: E

Yes, it is the correct answer. Koala bears are herbivores. They eat only plant products. They eat shoots and leaves of mostly eucalyptus trees, however some breeds also forage on acacia and some other trees.

Honey bee produces honey from which of the following?

  1. Petals

  2. Buds

  3. Leaves

  4. Nectar

  5. Pollen

Correct Option: D

Yes, honey is produced by honey bees from nectar of flowers.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Some plants have two or more edible parts.

  2. Water constitutes of 70% of our body weight.

  3. Wheat and rice are rich in carbohydrates.

  4. Honey bees store their food in honey combs.

  5. Horse is an omnivores animal.

Correct Option: E

This is incorrect. Horse is a herbivore.

Match the Column I (Plants) with the Column II (Parts that we eat).

Column I Column II
1. Mustard plant a. Fruits
2. Carrot b. Leaves
3. Spinach c. Roots
4. Brinjal d. Seeds
  1. 1 - a, b - 2, c - 3, d - 4

  2. 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - a

  3. 1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - b, 4 - d

  4. 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - b, 4 - a

  5. 1 - d, 2 - b, 3 - c, 2 - a

Correct Option: D

These are matched corectly. We eat the seeds of the mustard plant as a spice or it is used for its oil. We eat the roots of the carrot. We eat the leaves of the spinach and we eat the fruit of the brinjal plant.

Which of these animal products are useful for man? a. Milk b. Eggs c. Meat d. Skin e. Bones f. Animal waste

  1. a, b, c, and d

  2. a, b, c, d and f

  3. a, b, c, d, e and f

  4. a, b and c

  5. a, b, c and e

Correct Option: C

Milk, meat and eggs are used as food. Skin is used to make leather. Waste is used as manure. Bones are also used as fertilizer. Thus, this option is correct.

Which of the following food products is/are obtained by animals? a. Milk b. Honey c. Fruits d. Vegetable e. Meat f. Butter g. Cooking oil

  1. a, b, c, d,and e

  2. a, c, d, e, f and g

  3. a, b, d, f and g

  4. a, b, d and e

  5. a, b, e and f

Correct Option: E

Milk, honey, meat and butter are obtained from animals.

Which of the following food items have high water content, low food value but are rich in minerals and vitamins?

  1. Spices

  2. Beverages

  3. Pulses

  4. Fruits

  5. Cereals

Correct Option: D

Fruits have high water content, low food value but are rich in minerals and vitamins. Commonly the term fruit is used for those which are eaten without cooking.

Which of the following is a pulse?

  1. Pea

  2. Wheat

  3. Tea

  4. Cardamom

  5. Maize

Correct Option: A

Pulses are rich in proteins and are obtained from seeds of leguminous plants. Peas is a pulse.

Match the columns.

a. Milk, curd, honey 1. Plant products
b. Spinach, cabbage, brinjal 2. Animal products
c. Groundnut, soyabean, gram 3. Pulses
  1. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

  2. a - 2, b - 3, c - 1

  3. a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

  4. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

  5. a - 1, b - 3, c - 2

Correct Option: D

All are matched correctly. Milk, curd, honey are animal products. Spinach, cabbage, brinjal are plant products. Groundnut, soyabean, gram are pulses.

Which of the following animals eat both animals and plants? a. Dog b. Crow c. Kingfisher d. Deer

  1. a and b

  2. a and c

  3. a, b and c

  4. b and d

  5. a, b and d

Correct Option: A

This is correct. Dog and crow are omnivores and eat both plants and animals.

Which of the following food items provides energy to the body in the form of carbohydrates?

  1. Potato

  2. Milk

  3. Orange

  4. Pulses

  5. Fish

Correct Option: A

Potato contains carbohydrates that are energy giving.

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