Zoology Test - 1

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T8 cells are related with

  1. helper T cells

  2. cytotoxic T cells

  3. suppressor T cell

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is a/are lymphatic system related disease/s?

  1. Hodgkin's disease

  2. Multiple myeloma

  3. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Hodgkin's disease is associated with

  1. lymphocytes

  2. leucocytes

  3. erythrocytes

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

In humans, which brain waves pattern disappears entirely during sleep?

  1. Alpha waves

  2. Beta waves

  3. Theta waves

  4. Delta waves

Correct Option: A

Honey that has a high concentration of sugar, does not decay because

  1. it contains natural antioxidant that prevent bacterial attack

  2. bacteria cannot survive in an active state in a solution of high osmotic strength, as water is drawn out from honey

  3. in honey bacteria are totally deprived of oxygen

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

In humans, which side of cerebral hemisphere recognises the faces of friends and family members?

  1. Left cerebral hemisphere

  2. Right cerebral hemisphere

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Prosoma in scorpion comprises

  1. head

  2. head and thorax

  3. head, thorax and abdomen

  4. only abdomen

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is an iron storing protein?

  1. Alpha glubulin

  2. Gamma glubulin

  3. Ferritin

  4. Albumins

Correct Option: C

Pituitary Nanism is caused by

  1. hyposecretion of Adrenocorticotrophic hormone

  2. hypersecretion of Adrenocorticotrophic hormone

  3. hyposecretion of Somatotrophic hormone

  4. hypersecretion of Somatotrophic hormome

Correct Option: C

Red tide is caused by

  1. protozoans

  2. corals

  3. dinoflagellates

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Body cells infected with virus produce a protein called

  1. interferon

  2. properdin

  3. gamma globulin

  4. hybridoma

Correct Option: A

The major constituent of vertebrate bone is

  1. calcium phosphate

  2. calcium carbonate

  3. sodium chloride

  4. potassium hydroxide

Correct Option: A

Taste buds located on tongue are example of

  1. interoreceptors

  2. exteroreceptors

  3. teloreceptors

  4. phonoreceptors

Correct Option: B

Find the odd one out.

  1. Guineaworm

  2. Hookworm

  3. Ringworm

  4. Tapeworm

Correct Option: C

Capacitation of sperm in mammals involves

  1. sperm size change

  2. acrosome reaction

  3. nuclear chromatin change

  4. mitochondrial alignment

Correct Option: B

Marfan syndrome is inherited as an autosomal dominant abnormality of

  1. eyes

  2. cardiovascular system

  3. skeletal system

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Which one of the following is a pandemic disease?

  1. Amoebic dysentery

  2. Hepatitis

  3. Filariasis

  4. Influenza

Correct Option: D

The cytoplasmic segment of striated muscle fibre is termed as

  1. metamere

  2. neuromere

  3. sarcoplasm

  4. sarcomere

Correct Option: C

The polio virus enters the body through

  1. mosquito bites

  2. tick bites

  3. contaminated food and water

  4. saliva and secretion from the nose

Correct Option: C

Corpus striatum is found in

  1. paracoel

  2. diocoel

  3. metacoel

  4. cerebral hemisphere

Correct Option: D

Products of adenine and guanine metabolism are excreted by humans as

  1. ammonia

  2. urea

  3. uric acid

  4. allantoin

Correct Option: C

The rate and force of the heartbeat, and the secretion of digestive glands are controlled by the

  1. central nervous system

  2. spinal nerves

  3. cranial nerves

  4. autonomic nervous system

Correct Option: D

Which of the following animals belongs to phylum Mollusca ?

  1. Globe fish

  2. Star fish

  3. Silver fish

  4. Cuttle fish

Correct Option: D

The extra embryonic membranes of mammalian embryo are derived from

  1. inner cell mass

  2. trophoblast

  3. formative cells

  4. follicle cells

Correct Option: B

People who live at high altitudes have rosy cheeks because

  1. haemoglobin has an increased binding affinity for oxygen

  2. RBCs and haemoglobin concentration becomes considerably above the average in response to lowered oxygen pressure

  3. rate of capillary circulation increases in the skin

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B
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