Zoology Test - 3 (Medical Entrance)

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Heparin is secreted by

  1. fibroblasts

  2. mast cells

  3. plasmocytes

  4. adipocytes

Correct Option: B

Which of the following Molluscs is cultured in water for producing pearls in India?

  1. Pinctada

  2. Heliotis

  3. Anodonta

  4. Mytilus

Correct Option: A

The modification of hind pair of wings into halteres is the characteristic of

  1. lepidoptera

  2. orthoptera

  3. hemiptera

  4. diptera

Correct Option: D

Enzymes promote chemical reaction by

  1. reducing the activation energies

  2. causing the release of heat which acts as a primer

  3. increasing molecular motion

  4. changing the free energy difference between substrate and product

Correct Option: A

A molecule of ATP is structurally similar to a molecule of

  1. RNA molecule

  2. DNA molecule

  3. amino acid

  4. fatty acid

Correct Option: A

Class Trematoda belongs to the phylum

  1. platyhelminthes

  2. arthropoda

  3. mollusca

  4. annelida

Correct Option: A

Albinism is caused due to lack of production of

  1. tyrosine 3-monooxygenase

  2. homogentisic acid oxidase

  3. thiamine pyrophosphate

  4. phenylalanine hydroxylase

Correct Option: A

Interdependent genes with related functions form

  1. a coadapted gene complex

  2. an inversion

  3. a fitness set

  4. a super mutation

Correct Option: A

Which of the following animals has rhabditiform larva in its life cycle?

  1. Ascaris

  2. Liverfluke

  3. Hydra

  4. Taenia

Correct Option: A

Tube feet are characteristic of

  1. star fish

  2. cuttle fish

  3. cray fish

  4. jelly fish

Correct Option: A

Maximum power of division is found in the skin layer

  1. stratum granulosum

  2. stratum malpighi

  3. stratum spinosum

  4. stratum corneum

Correct Option: B

Acetylcholine is responsible for transmission of nerve impulses through

  1. dendrites

  2. axons

  3. cytons

  4. synapses

Correct Option: D

Termination of amino acid chain requires codons

  1. UAG, UAA, UGA

  2. UUU, GGU, UGG

  3. GUG, UGG, AUG

  4. UGG, GGG, AUG

Correct Option: A

Loss of ability to speak due to defect of vocal organs is called

  1. alalia

  2. alaorina

  3. alate

  4. albidus

Correct Option: A

'A tube within a tube' body plan is met within

  1. hydra

  2. plannaria

  3. ascaris

  4. fasciola

Correct Option: C

The parts of neurons that perform basic cellular functions, such as protein synthesis, are the

  1. somas

  2. axons

  3. dendrites

  4. synaptic knobs

Correct Option: A

Lewy bodies are found in

  1. brain

  2. plasma

  3. lymph

  4. kidneys

Correct Option: A

A hormone that stimulates the secretion of pancreatic secretions to neutralize the acid chyme from the stomach is

  1. insulin

  2. secretin

  3. oxytocin

  4. glucagon

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is an egg laying mammal?

  1. Pangolin

  2. Porcupine

  3. Tachyglossus

  4. Bat

Correct Option: C

Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

  1. Excessive perspiration — Xeric adaptation

  2. Parasitism — Interspecific relationship

  3. Uricotelism — Aquatic habitat

  4. Streamline body — Aquatic adaptation

Correct Option: D

Cross bridges, which connect the molecules of a fibril during muscle contraction, are made of

  1. actin

  2. collagen

  3. myosin

  4. creatine phosphate

Correct Option: C

Muscles of alimentary canal are chiefly

  1. striated and neurogenic

  2. unstriated and neurogenic

  3. striated and myogenic

  4. unstriated and myogenic

Correct Option: B

The protein which maintains the muscular storage of oxygen is

  1. myosin

  2. myoglobin

  3. actomyosin

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The photosensitive parts of rod cells are made up of

  1. rhodopsin

  2. myelin

  3. keratin

  4. actin

Correct Option: A

Tiedemann's bodies are found in

  1. sponges

  2. hydra

  3. asterias

  4. hirudinaria

Correct Option: C
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