Zoology Test-4 (Medical Entrance)

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In a normal person at rest, the cardiac output or amount of blood pumped per minute by the left ventricale is approximately

  1. 1/2 liter

  2. 1 liter

  3. 2 liter

  4. 5 liter

Correct Option: B

Biogeographical regions are also called

  1. zones

  2. realms

  3. epoch

  4. era

Correct Option: B

Vertebrate kidney has __________ as the basic unit.

  1. nephron

  2. ureter

  3. malpighian tubule

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Human nerve cells develop from the embryonic

  1. ectoderm and mesoderm

  2. endoderm

  3. ectoderm

  4. mesoderm

Correct Option: C

In cladistics,

  1. a clad must contain the common ancestor

  2. derived characters help construct cladograms

  3. data for the cladogram is presented

  4. All the above

Correct Option: B

The organ that is developed first is

  1. liver

  2. heart

  3. notochord

  4. kidneys

Correct Option: C

The infective stage of malarial parasite is

  1. metacryptozoite

  2. cryptozoite

  3. schizont

  4. sporozoite

Correct Option: D

Quadriceps and Gastronemius muscles are present in

  1. wrist

  2. hands

  3. legs

  4. shoulder

Correct Option: C

The ion, mainly absorbed in the distal convoluted part of nephron is

  1. Na+

  2. K+

  3. Mg++

  4. Po4- -

Correct Option: A

Shivering in severe cold is caused by

  1. voluntary action of striated muscles

  2. voluntary action of unstriated muscles

  3. involuntary action of striated muscles

  4. involuntary action of unstriated muscles

Correct Option: C

Hypocalcemia is caused due to under secretion of

  1. thyroxine

  2. paratharmone

  3. testosterone

  4. glucagon

Correct Option: B

The emergency hormone in humans is

  1. thyroxine

  2. adrenaline

  3. insulin

  4. progesterone

Correct Option: B

Polio immunising vaccine was developed by

  1. E. Jenner

  2. Dr. Salk

  3. St. Hale

  4. Landsteiner

Correct Option: B

In mammals, which organ acts as blood bank?

  1. Heart

  2. Lung

  3. Liver

  4. Spleen

Correct Option: D

FSH and LH hormones together are called

  1. emergency hormones

  2. gonadotropic hormones

  3. neuro hormones

  4. outstress hormones

Correct Option: B

 Gonadotropins are glycoprotein polypeptide hormones secreted by gonadotrope cells of the anterior pituitary of vertebrates.This family includes the mammalian hormones follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and placental/chorionic gonadotropins human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG).

Which of these is present in human buccal cavity?

  1. Ptyalin

  2. Trypsin

  3. Lipase

  4. Pepsin

Correct Option: A

Biceps and Triceps surround

  1. Radius

  2. Ulna

  3. Humerus

  4. Femur

Correct Option: C

Outermost covering of brain is

  1. Choroid

  2. Arachnoid

  3. Duramater

  4. All of these

Correct Option: C

Structure involved in Addison's disease is

  1. Adrenal cortex

  2. Adrenal medulla

  3. Pituitary

  4. Thyroid

Correct Option: A

Chemical nature of insulin is

  1. Steroid

  2. Lipid

  3. Protein

  4. Carbohdyrate

Correct Option: C

The application of genetic principles for the improvement of mankind is

  1. Genetic engineering

  2. Biotechnology

  3. Eugenics

  4. Anthropology

Correct Option: C

Cockroach and other insects possess an

  1. Open type vascular system

  2. Closed type vascular system

  3. No vascular system

  4. Both (A) and (B)

Correct Option: A

'Metachrosis' is found in

  1. Mammals

  2. Amphibians

  3. Birds

  4. All of these

Correct Option: B

Ganglioside is found in

  1. nerves

  2. smooth muscles

  3. carolia muscles

  4. liver cells

Correct Option: A

Healthy parents with normal height gave birth to a achondroplasia (dwarf) child. This is due to

  1. Spontaneous mutation

  2. Point mutation

  3. Induced mutation

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A
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