Spotting Error

Description: error identification Error Identification
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: error identification Error Identification
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Identify the part having an error.

  1. Due to hunger

  2. up to 20 lakh

  3. people have become vulnerable.

  4. into illness

  5. fear

Correct Option: D

'to' should replace 'into'.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. China announced

  2. that it will set up

  3. it’s first

  4. military base abroad

  5. in the Indian Ocean island of Seychelles

Correct Option: C

‘Its’ should be used.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. Daniel is

  2. one of the

  3. greatest judges

  4. that has

  5. ever lived

Correct Option: D

‘Have’ should replace ‘has'.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. They wanted to go

  2. and would have gone

  3. to watch movie

  4. if they had

  5. the money

Correct Option: C

'The' should come before 'movie'.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. Raising issues outside

  2. the parliament show

  3. opposition’s double standard

  4. which is

  5. not acceptable

Correct Option: B

'Shows' should replace 'show'.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. Hundreds of farmers

  2. marched to inter-state check post

  3. where a large group of police

  4. from both the states

  5. prevented it from entering Maharashtra

Correct Option: E

'Them' should replace 'it'.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. If you will buy

  2. one box at

  3. the regular price

  4. you will get another

  5. at no extra cost

Correct Option: A

'Will’ should be omitted.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. Scientists are exploring.

  2. the possibilities of

  3. providing oxygen

  4. for future inhabitants

  5. of space stations

Correct Option: B

'Possibility' should be used.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. Only corrupts support

  2. weaker Lokpal law

  3. to save their wealth inside

  4. and outside India and protect

  5. them from law and jail

Correct Option: E

‘Themselves’ should replace ‘them’.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. The board has stated

  2. that there will be

  3. none extension

  4. of the date

  5. of the exam

Correct Option: C

'No' should replace 'none'.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. He has demanded the

  2. court that he

  3. should be permitting

  4. for separate cooking

  5. in the jail

Correct Option: C

'Should be permitted' is to be used when 'that' is used as a conjunction.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. Prior to the examination

  2. the instructor had told us

  3. to keep an eye

  4. on the time to

  5. write clearly and no cheating

Correct Option: E

‘Not to cheat’ should replace “no cheating".

Identify the part having an error.

  1. Though the morning

  2. began in fog

  3. the sun

  4. was out as

  5. the day progressed

Correct Option: B

'Began with' should be used to indicate the starting of something.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. The agency has

  2. for long planning to

  3. file the charge sheet

  4. but the decision

  5. was delayed

Correct Option: B

After ’long’, ‘been’ should come.

Identify the part having an error.

  1. The curtains up

  2. the bottom of

  3. the window rim

  4. look good

  5. in the kitchen

Correct Option: A

‘Up to’ should replace ‘Up’.

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