Sentence Completion (Single Blank)

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Directions: Fill in the blank.

The minister was unwilling to _________________ the delicate subject of gay marriages with just about anyone.

  1. enunciate

  2. connote

  3. vent

  4. express

  5. broach

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option. To broach is defined as to cautiously bring up a sensitive or controversial topic or discussion. Since the subject is delicate, the minister is unwilling to touch upon it with everyone. 

Directions: Fill in the blank.

He was permitted to come out and meet fellow prisoners to ease the _____________ of his captivity.

  1. lassitude

  2. apathy

  3. tedium

  4. funk

  5. dolor

Correct Option: C

Tedium is a state of boredom, wearisome or monotony. This is the correct option in this context

Directions: Fill in the blank.

We cannot prosecute someone simply for doing something that we __________.

  1. deride

  2. revile

  3. rue

  4. scorn

  5. abhor

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option. The definition of abhor is to really hate something or someone.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

He deserves every _________ he gets for the hard work and labour he has put to make this project a success.

  1. respect

  2. accolade

  3. veneration

  4. paean

  5. panegyric

Correct Option: B

Accolade is an expression of approval, praise or a reward. This is the correct option.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

Michael Jackson was once the object of such ______________ that teenagers screamed and fainted at the sight of him.

  1. adulation

  2. flattery

  3. blarney

  4. panegyric

  5. encomium

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Adulation is to admire intensely or excessively. Being a highly popular artist, MJ was once highly admired. 

Directions: Fill in the blank.

Thanks for making your ______________ implications more explicit. It will really help me in making the deal.

  1. forthright

  2. lopsided

  3. fishy

  4. oblique

  5. bevel

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. It refers to something that is misleading or not straight to the point.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

Although Tom seems to have a _______________ attitude towards his job, he is really concerned about getting promotions.

  1. morose

  2. blithe

  3. racy

  4. peppy

  5. jocund

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. Blithe is lacking or showing a lack of due concern; casual.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

This scheme is more likely to make investors _______________ than to reach for their wallets.

  1. cringe

  2. fawn

  3. grovel

  4. capitulate

  5. cower

Correct Option: A

To cringe is to draw back or to move in order to shrink from danger or fear. This is the correct option.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

At the world business summit, while addressing the businessmen from all over the world, the Prime Minister's speech was short, yet ________________.

  1. surly

  2. succinct

  3. verbose

  4. skimpy

  5. esoteric

Correct Option: B

The definition of succinct is getting to the point in just a few words. This is the correct option.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

If caught, the minister and the MLA will _____________ and conspire to conceal the truth.

  1. contrive

  2. diddle

  3. finagle

  4. cogitate

  5. collude

Correct Option: E

This is the correct option. The definition of collude means to secretly work with someone on something illegal or deceitful.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

This book is a guide to the ________________ terminologies used in the spying and espionage world.

  1. occult

  2. incisive

  3. arcane

  4. esoteric

  5. sardonic

Correct Option: C

This is the correct option. The definition of arcane is something that is secret or that only a few people know about or understand.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

The ____________ has returned to her miraculously transformed, well-mannered and well-behaved.

  1. dolt

  2. dunce

  3. chump

  4. boor

  5. oaf

Correct Option: D

A boor is someone with bad manners, someone ill-mannered. This is the correct option. He is now completely transformed to well-mannered and well-behaved.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

In a time of shrinking budgets due to recession, there were very few donations for the _______________.

  1. miserly

  2. vulnerable

  3. thriving

  4. indigent

  5. affluent

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. The definition of an indigent is a person who is poor or needy.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

For their willingness to work for so little, the migrant labourers are accepted with __________.

  1. alacrity

  2. vim

  3. vivacity

  4. apathy

  5. scruple

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option as 'alacrity' refers to promptness or readiness. Since they are prepared to work for less, they are lapped up by prospective employers promptly.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

He loved the way she could be brash and bold one minute, then bashful and _____________ the next.

  1. coy

  2. demure

  3. loath

  4. tardy

  5. parochial

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. The definition of demure is someone who is shy and modest. The context requires a contrast to 'brash and bold' and a continuation of 'bashful'.

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