Stars and The Solar System

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Which of the following is not a celestial object?

  1. Star

  2. Galaxy

  3. Pulsar

  4. Eclipse

  5. Moon

Correct Option: D

No, an eclipse is not a celestial object. An eclipse is an astronomical event. Hence, the correct answYes, a moon is a celestial object. Hence, an incorrect answer.er.

A celestial body revolving around another celestial body is called its ________.

  1. planet

  2. satellite

  3. meteors

  4. asteroid

  5. comet

Correct Option: B

Yes, it is correct. Some planets are known to have moons/satellites revolving round them. Any celestial body revolving around another celestial body is called its satellite.

The constellation Orion is named after __________.

  1. the Queen of Ethiopia

  2. a Greek hunter and warrior

  3. one of the seven sisters

  4. a dwarf planet

  5. none of these

Correct Option: B

Yes, it is correct. Orion was an ancient Greek hunter and warrior and the constellation resembles this figure, with a club and a shield, and a sword dangling from his belt. The belt is usually the easiest part of Orion to spot, with three bright stars in a row.

The Earth has only one natural satellite. Which of the following is that?

  1. The Sun

  2. Scorpius

  3. Little dipper

  4. The Moon

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

Yes, it is the correct answer. The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System.

The best known group of stars is the Big Dipper. It is a group of _______________ bright stars.

  1. five

  2. six

  3. seven

  4. eight

  5. three

Correct Option: C

Yes, it is correct. The Big Dipper is a group of seven bright stars, 3 which form a handle and 4 which form a bowl.

The asteroid belt in the Solar System is located roughly between the orbits of the planets ___________________.

  1. Mars and Jupiter

  2. Venus and Earth

  3. Earth and Mars

  4. Jupiter and Saturn

  5. Saturn and Uranus

Correct Option: A

Yes, it is correct. The asteroid belt in the Solar System is located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. It is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets.

Which of the following is/are true regarding a lunar eclipse?

(a) It occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth. (b) It occurs near a full Moon. (c) It occurs when Earth is in between Moon and Sun. (d) It last only for few minutes.

  1. Both a and d

  2. Both b and c

  3. Both a and c

  4. Both b and d

  5. Both c and d

Correct Option: B

Yes, it is correct as both are true. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the Sun and Moon and it occurs near a full Moon.

Which of the following is the only celestial body to which humans have traveled, and upon which humans have performed a manned landing?

  1. Mars

  2. Venus

  3. Moon

  4. Jupiter

  5. Saturn

Correct Option: C

The Moon is the only celestial body to which humans have traveled and upon which humans have performed a manned landing.

A Comet appears generally as a bright head with a long tail. The length of the tail _______________ as it approaches the sun.

  1. shortens

  2. disappears

  3. thickens

  4. grows in size

  5. brightens up

Correct Option: D

Yes, it is correct. A Comet appears generally as a bright head with a long tail. The length of the tail grows in size as it approaches the sun.

Match the following constellations with their respective shape?

1 Orion a Dwarf planet
2 Pluto b Hunter
3 Mercury c Outline of lion
4 Leo d Budh
  1. 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - d, 4 - c

  2. 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - d, 4 - c

  3. 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - a

  4. 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - c, 4 - d

  5. 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - b, 4 - a

Correct Option: A

Yes, it is matched correctly. Orion, which appears like a human figure with a belt, often referred to as The Hunter. Leo, which contains bright stars that outline the form of a lion. Mercury is a planet called as Budh and Pluto is a dwarf planet.

Manohar saw a bright streak with no specific structure, in the sky, which lasted for a very short time. What could that be?

  1. A comet

  2. An asteroid

  3. A meteor

  4. A star

  5. A planet

Correct Option: C

Yes, it is correct. A meteor is usually a small object that occasionally enters the earth’s atmosphere. The friction due to the atmosphere heats it up. It glows and evaporates quickly. That is why the bright streak lasts for a very short time.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding planets?

(a) Planets are stars (b) They do not have light of their own (c) Planets have fixed position (d) All planets have moon

  1. Only a

  2. Only b

  3. Both a and d

  4. Both b and c

  5. Both c and d

Correct Option: B

Yes, it is correct answer as b is true. They do not have light of their own. They merely reflect the sunlight that falls on them.

Which of the following does not belong to the family of the solar system?

  1. A planet

  2. An asteroid

  3. Sun

  4. Constellation

  5. A comet

Correct Option: D

Yes, it is the correct answer. A constellation is not a part of the solar system.

Match the following planets name:

1 Mercury a Shukra
2 Mars b Buddh
3 Jupiter c Mangal
4 Venus d Brihaspati
  1. 1 - a, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - b

  2. 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - a

  3. 1 - c, 2 - b, 3 - a, 4 - d

  4. 1 - b, 2 - d, 3 - c, 4 - a

  5. 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - d

Correct Option: B

Yes, it is correct. Mercury is known as Budh, Mars is known as Mangal, Jupiter is known as Brihaspati and Venus is known as Shukr.

Which of the following is the odd one out? (a) Aryabhatta (b) INSAT (c) IRS (d) Moon (e) Kalpana-1

  1. Aryabhatta

  2. INSAT

  3. IRS

  4. Moon

  5. Kalpana-1

Correct Option: D

Yes, it is the correct answer. Moon is a natural satellite. rest all are artificial satellites.

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