Biology - 1

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The cells of parenchyma are characterized by:

  1. presence of thickenings at the corner

  2. presence of intercellular spaces

  3. presence of intercellular wall spaces

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: B

The jute fibres are

  1. phloem

  2. xylem

  3. cambium

  4. epidermal hair

Correct Option: A

Rubber is obtained by

  1. crushing the stem of Euphorbia

  2. crushing the stem of Hevea

  3. crushing the leaf of Euphorbia

  4. crushing the leaf of Hevea

Correct Option: B

The diploidy in higher animals is maintained by

  1. plasmogamy

  2. syngamy

  3. dichogamy

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

Amitosis usually occurs in:

  1. prokaryotic cells

  2. eukaryotic cells

  3. spore mother cells

  4. meristems

Correct Option: A

The functional unit of gene which synthesizes one polypeptide for protein synthesis is termed as

  1. replicon

  2. muton

  3. codon

  4. cistron

Correct Option: D

Yeast is mostly found on:

  1. organic substances rich in lipids

  2. animal excreta

  3. organic substances rich in carbohydrates

  4. organic substances rich in proteins

Correct Option: C

In which category is penicillium included?

  1. Ascomycetes

  2. Deuteromycetes

  3. Basidiomycetes

  4. Zygomycetes

Correct Option: C

'The hereditary characters are transmitted as unit factors' was first observed by:

  1. Flemming

  2. Charles Darwin

  3. Gregor Mendel

  4. Antony Von Leeuwenhoek

Correct Option: C

Which of the following algae is a source of iodine?

  1. Polysiphonia

  2. Nostoc

  3. Laminaria

  4. Volvox

Correct Option: C

A blue- green algae that has the tendency to fix nitrogen of the atmosphere is:

  1. Aulosira

  2. Anabaea

  3. Nostoc

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Which of the following hormone is responsible for causing seed dormancy?

  1. Indole acetic acid

  2. Gibberellic acid

  3. Abscisic acid

  4. Cytokinin

Correct Option: C

Kinetin is formed due to the degradation of:

  1. DNA

  2. RNA

  3. proteins

  4. carbohydrates

Correct Option: A

“Flame of the forest” is common name for:

  1. Butea monosperma

  2. Bentham and Hooker

  3. Engler and Pranti

  4. Ephedra sinica

Correct Option: A

The type of inflorescence present in banana is:

  1. catkin

  2. spike

  3. spadix

  4. corymb

Correct Option: C

Which one of the following is a red algae?

  1. Polysiphonia

  2. Fucus

  3. Oedogonium

  4. Vovox

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is a gram positive bacteria?

  1. Salmonella

  2. Staphylococcus

  3. Streptococcus

  4. Clostridium

Correct Option: A

The sterile portion of Pinus microsporophyll is called:

  1. paraphysis

  2. apophysis

  3. epiphysis

  4. hypophysis

Correct Option: B

Phylogenetic system of plant classification was proposed by:

  1. John Ray

  2. Bentham and Hooker

  3. Engler and Prantl

  4. Carolus Linnaeus

Correct Option: C

In Palaeozoic era, the plants were predominantly:

  1. terrestrial

  2. aquatic

  3. algae

  4. fungi

Correct Option: B

When stamens and carpels of a bisexual flower mature at different times, it is known as

  1. self sterility

  2. dicliny

  3. heteromorphic flower

  4. dichogamy

Correct Option: D

The basic unit of classification is:

  1. phylum

  2. class

  3. order

  4. species

Correct Option: D

Custard apple is an example of:

  1. etaerio of drupes

  2. etaerio of berries

  3. etaerio of achenes

  4. etaerio of follicles

Correct Option: B

Internodal axis that develop between androecium and gynoecium is:

  1. anthrophore

  2. androphore

  3. gynandrophore

  4. gynophore

Correct Option: D

Which one of the following is a photosynthetic bacteria?

  1. Rhodospirillum

  2. Rhodopila

  3. Rhodobacter

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

When a heterozygous offspring is crossed with a homozygous recessive parent, the cross is called a:

  1. back cross

  2. test cross

  3. out cross

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

In the ascent of sap, water moves up in:

  1. xylem

  2. cambium

  3. phloem

  4. endodermis

Correct Option: A

A true nucleus is absent in:

  1. green algae

  2. fungi

  3. lichens

  4. bacteria

Correct Option: D

The drugs penicillin was first purified by:

  1. Dr. Alexander Flemming

  2. Dr. H.W. Florey

  3. Dr. Waksman

  4. Dr. Duggar

Correct Option: B

The fact that there is at least one dark reaction in photosynthesis was discovered by:

  1. M. Calvin

  2. Blackman

  3. Arnon

  4. Emerson

Correct Option: B

The role of auxin and cytokinin in the root and shoot formation was first given by:

  1. Robbins and Kotte

  2. Skoog and Miller

  3. Muir and others

  4. Steward and others

Correct Option: B

Which one of the following is not a modification of stem?

  1. Tuber of potato

  2. Pitcher of Nephenthes

  3. Corm of Colocasia

  4. Rhizome of ginger

Correct Option: B

The vegetative plant body of Rhizopus is called:

  1. mycelium

  2. gametangia

  3. sporangiophore

  4. columella

Correct Option: A

The cell wall in certain species of chlamydomonas is surrounded by:

  1. proteinaceous sheath

  2. murein sheath

  3. pectin sheath

  4. gelatinous sheath

Correct Option: C

Potassium is taken by plants from the soil in the form of:

  1. potassium chlorate

  2. potassium hydroxide

  3. potassium nitrate

  4. can be in any form

Correct Option: C

Escherichia coli is found in:

  1. air

  2. water

  3. soil

  4. human intestine

Correct Option: D

DNA in the mitochondria was first observed and proved by:

  1. Palade

  2. Lehninger

  3. Altmann

  4. Nass

Correct Option: D

Genome is a:

  1. set of haploid chromosomes found in each nucleus of a given species

  2. total number of chromosomes found in an individual

  3. total number of genes required for an expression

  4. total number of genes on a chromosome

Correct Option: A

Tunica corpus concept of shoot apex was first given by:

  1. Hanstein

  2. Schmidt

  3. Hofmeister

  4. Nageli

Correct Option: B

Formation of red tomatoes from green tomatoes takes place by:

  1. breakdown of chloroplasts and appearance of chromoplasts

  2. conversion of chloroplasts into appearance of chromoplasts

  3. masking of green chloroplast by anthocyanin pigments

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: A

A spongy tissue velamen is present in the:

  1. breathing roots

  2. parasitic roots

  3. tuberous roots

  4. epiphytic roots

Correct Option: D

If soaked pea seeds are kept in four separate flasks, they would germinate best in the flask containing:

  1. oxygen

  2. carbon-dioxide

  3. nitrogen

  4. hydrogen

Correct Option: A

Characteristic smell of onion bulb is due to the presence of:

  1. lipid content

  2. reserve carbohydrates

  3. sulphur compounds

  4. bad odour of soil in which they are cultivated.

Correct Option: C

An ovule is attached to the placenta by a stalk known as:

  1. hilum

  2. funiculus

  3. nucellus

  4. micropyle

Correct Option: B

The process of double fertilisation means

  1. fusion of two male gametes with an egg nucleus

  2. fusion of two polar nuclei

  3. fusion of sperm nucleus with secondary nucleus

  4. fusion of one sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus and the other sperm nucleus with the definitive nucleus

Correct Option: D

The process of double fertilisation means fusion of one sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus and the other sperm nucleus with the definitive nucleus. 

Apocarpous gynocieum is found in the family:

  1. Ranunculaecae

  2. Crucifereae

  3. Malvaceae

  4. Solanaceae (tomato family)

Correct Option: D

The filaments of Spirogyra are seen in:

  1. running salt water

  2. running freshwater

  3. stagnant salt water

  4. stagnant freshwater

Correct Option: D

A drug from the roots of which of the following plants cure mental disorders?

  1. Rauwolfia

  2. Marigold

  3. Brassica

  4. Utricularia

Correct Option: A

If the process of respiration increases than that of photosynthesis, the plants will:

  1. continue to survive, but will not be able to store food

  2. be killed immediately

  3. grow more vigorously because more energy will be available

  4. gradually die of starvation

Correct Option: D

Leaf fall will occur when the contents of:

  1. auxins are increased

  2. auxins are decreased

  3. gibberellins are decrease

  4. gibberellins are increase

Correct Option: B

A cell placed in a strong salt solution will shrink because:

  1. cytoplasm will be decomposed

  2. mineral salts will break the cell wall

  3. salts will enter the cell

  4. water will leave the cell by osmosis

Correct Option: D

In litchi fruit, the edible part is :

  1. mesocarp

  2. cotyledons

  3. aril

  4. thalamus

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is a rootless aquatic plant in which a portion of the leaf forms a tiny sac for trapping insects?

  1. Nepenthes

  2. Drosera

  3. Utricularia

  4. Dionaea

Correct Option: C

The fruits of pear mainly consists of:

  1. parenchymal cells

  2. fibre cells

  3. sieve cells

  4. stone cells

Correct Option: D

Both bacterial and yeast cells are similar in features, except that:

  1. they are unicellular

  2. they are prokaryotic cells

  3. they bring about fermentation

  4. they are microscopic

Correct Option: B

From which of the following species of Penicillium was the drug penicillin obtained by Flemming?

  1. P. notatum

  2. P. roguefoth

  3. P. camemberti

  4. P. chrysogenum

Correct Option: A

Malarial parasites can best be obtained from a patient:

  1. one hour before the rise of temperature

  2. just after the rise of temperature

  3. when the temperature normalizes

  4. at any stage

Correct Option: B

Genera Plantarum was written by:

  1. Engler Prantl

  2. Hutchinson

  3. Bentham and Hooker

  4. Bessey

Correct Option: C

Suppose you want trophozoite stages in the life cycle of Plasmodium. Where will you look for it?

  1. In the liver cells of man

  2. In the erythrocytes of man

  3. In the plasma of man

  4. In the salivary glands of female Anopheles

Correct Option: B

The use of insecticides now-a-days is not preferred because:

  1. they are costly and not easily available

  2. insects have developed resistance to them

  3. insecticides are not degraded and hence also enter the human body through food chain

  4. both (2) and (3)

Correct Option: D

Which of the following mineral accelerate the rate of metamorphism in frog?

  1. Chlorine

  2. Fluorine

  3. Iodine

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The grey crescent region marks the position of:

  1. dorsal lip of blastopore

  2. lateral lips of blastopore

  3. ventral lip of blastopore

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: A

The act of spawning by the female frog is possible when it is stimulated by:

  1. another female frog during amplexus

  2. a male frog during amplexus

  3. water currents

  4. croaking sound by the male frog

Correct Option: B

A free martin is a/an:

  1. monozygotic twin

  2. infertile female

  3. infertile male

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Which of the following forms of placenta is found in humans?

  1. placenta diffusa

  2. placenta cotyledonaria

  3. placenta zonaria

  4. placenta discoidalis

Correct Option: D

Which of the following protective layers is found only in mammals?

  1. Piamater

  2. Duramater

  3. Arachnoid

  4. Epidermal epithelium

Correct Option: C

Autonomic nervous system does not regulate the functioning of:

  1. heart beat

  2. respiratory rate

  3. blood pressure

  4. memory and intelligence

Correct Option: D

The lobes of cerebellum are interconnected ventrally with the help of transverse fibres called:

  1. corpus callosum

  2. pons varolii

  3. corpora quadrigemina

  4. medulla oblongata

Correct Option: B

The fifth (V) cranial nerve is:

  1. occulomotor

  2. facial

  3. glossopharyngeal

  4. trigeminal

Correct Option: D

The portion of the internal ear involved in hearing is:

  1. sacculus

  2. cochlea

  3. semicircular canals

  4. utriculus

Correct Option: D

Sometimes at the time of child birth relaxin hormone is given to facilitate the child birth. It helps in relaxing:

  1. tendons

  2. ligaments

  3. muscles

  4. all of these

Correct Option: B

Man is not able to digest cellulose whereas herbivorous animals can. The reason for this is that

  1. they can mechanically digest cellulose in the buccal cavity

  2. cellulose is lacking in man

  3. man does not have the microbial flora which digests cellulose in other animals

  4. man does not require cellulose for his body growth

Correct Option: C

Plasmodium vivax is a:

  1. digenetic parasite

  2. monogenetic parasite

  3. trigenetic parasite

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

Ammonia is the chief nitrogenous waste material eliminated by:

  1. amphibians

  2. reptiles

  3. tadpoles

  4. birds

Correct Option: C

Which of the following diseases is caused by Leishmania in man?

  1. sleeping sickness

  2. kala-azar

  3. amoebiasis

  4. dengue fever

Correct Option: B

Green Hydra remains green due to the presence of:

  1. green pigments in the epidermis

  2. green pigments in the endodermis

  3. green pigments in the mesoglea

  4. Zoochlorella algae in the endodermal cells

Correct Option: D

The first heard heart sound is:

  1. “Dupp” sound at the end of systole

  2. “Lubb” sound at the beginning of systole

  3. “Lupp” sound at the beginning of systole

  4. “Lubb” sound at the end of systole

Correct Option: B

If antennae of prawns are cut then they will:

  1. loose their excretory functions

  2. loose their balancing power

  3. loose their sensory functions

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

In what respect can cockroaches be considered superior to mammals?

  1. They can hear ultra-sonic sound waves.

  2. They can survive in all the conditions.

  3. They can detect even a slight change in the position of objects.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

During the process of metamorphosis of frog, if eyes are removed and transplanted into the tail region, then

  1. they will develop into normal eyes

  2. they will develop into abnormal eyes

  3. they will develop into some part of the tail

  4. they will not develop

Correct Option: D

The maximum affinity of hemoglobin is for:

  1. carbon dioxide

  2. carbon monoxide

  3. oxygen

  4. sulphur dioxide

Correct Option: B

Miracidium larva is found in the life-cycle of:

  1. tapeworm

  2. roundworm

  3. earthworm

  4. liverfluke

Correct Option: D

In the abdominal cavity, the ovaries are held in position by tissues known as:

  1. mesovarium

  2. mesorchidium

  3. mesenteries

  4. suspensory ligaments

Correct Option: A

'Haemostasis' term is used for:

  1. immediate stoppage of bleeding

  2. regulation of internal physiological environment

  3. coagulation of blood

  4. passing out urine of the body

Correct Option: C

Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. Male frog has anus while female frog has cloacal aperture.

  2. Female frog has anus while the male frog has cloacal aperture.

  3. Both male and female frogs have anus.

  4. Both male and female frogs have cloacal aperture.

Correct Option: D

Which of the following enzymes is not present in the body of frog?

  1. Maltase

  2. Lactase

  3. Rennin

  4. Pepsin

Correct Option: C

Kupffer cells are associated with:

  1. heart

  2. liver

  3. spleen

  4. pancreas

Correct Option: B

The flow of gastric juice in influenced by the hormone:

  1. pancreozymin

  2. cholecystokinin

  3. gastrin

  4. secretin

Correct Option: C

Which of the following metabolic wastes is most toxic to the body tissues?

  1. Ammonia

  2. Urea

  3. Uric acid

  4. Carbon dioxide

Correct Option: A

The chewing gum is obtain from:

  1. natural rubber

  2. plant latex

  3. synthetic rubber

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D

All endocrine glands pour their secretions into:

  1. arterial blood

  2. venous blood

  3. both (1) and (2)

  4. interstitial fluid

Correct Option: B

In the cells of striated muscles, the mitochondria were first observed by:

  1. Robert Brown

  2. Altman

  3. Kolliker

  4. Benda

Correct Option: C

The swelling that results due to the accumulation of excessive tissue fluids is known as:

  1. tumour

  2. lymph node

  3. oedema

  4. bladder

Correct Option: C

The crystals of urate oxidase are seen in:

  1. mitochondria

  2. mesosomes

  3. peroxisomes

  4. lysosomes

Correct Option: C

Which of the following cells have the smallest membrane surface in relation to its volume?

  1. Flat surface

  2. Spindle shape

  3. Columnar shape

  4. Spherical shape

Correct Option: D

A person suffering from malaria usually has an enlarged spleen due to:

  1. haemorrhage of arteries

  2. accumulation of toxic substances

  3. enormous increase in the number of dead erythrocytes

  4. sporozoites which also accumulate in the spleen

Correct Option: C

Male mosquito does not feed on the blood of man. The reason for this is that:

  1. the mouth parts are not of the sucking type

  2. it does not like the taste of blood

  3. the mouth parts are not of the piercing type

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

The scientific name of the common bath sponge is:

  1. Leucosolenia

  2. Euspongia

  3. Sycon

  4. Spongilla

Correct Option: B

When a living sponge is squeezed through a fine mesh and the cells are allowed to fall in a water container,

  1. the sponge dies

  2. the body cells do not aggregate after being dissociated

  3. the body cells again aggregate after being dissociated

  4. the body cells in the container survive independently like unicellular organisms

Correct Option: C

Out of various gases present in the atmosphere, plant life mostly depends on

  1. concentration of oxygen needed for respiration

  2. amount of nitrogen available through soil

  3. concentration of carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis

  4. concentration of sulphur dioxide available as sulphate

Correct Option: C
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