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Which of the following principles cannot be depicted by a monohybrid cross?

  1. Law of dominance

  2. Law of segregation

  3. Law of independent assortment

  4. Incomplete dominance

Correct Option: C

Law of independent assortment states that when two pairs of independent alleles enter into combination in the F2 generation, they exhibit independent dominant effects. It means that during the formation of gametes, the law of segregation operates but the factors assort themselves independently at random and freely. So, for explaining this principle a monohybrid cross will be insufficient. We will need a dihybrid cross to depict this. Thus, this is the correct answer.

Which of the following bases is found only in RNA?

  1. Cytosine

  2. Uracil

  3. Adenine

  4. Guanine

Correct Option: B

Uracil is present only in RNA. In DNA, Thymine is present in place of Uracil.

Formation of new DNA molecule from the parent DNA, which are exactly similar to its replica is called

  1. replication

  2. mutation

  3. transcription

  4. translation

Correct Option: A

Replication is the formation of new DNA molecules from parent DNA during cell division.

The highest chromosome number in animals is found in

  1. ascaris

  2. crab

  3. radiolaria

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

Radiolaria has1600 chromosomes in its diploid stage.

Which of the following types of RNA acts as an adapter molecule during translation?

  1. t-RNA

  2. m-RNA

  3. r-RNA

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

t-RNA molecule has a peculiar shape which acts as an adapter during translation.

In mammals, the deep peroneal nerve provides sensory innervation to

  1. tibialis anterior

  2. tibialiis posterior

  3. peroneus brevis

  4. peroneus longus

Correct Option: A

The tibialis anterior muscle in humans is percepted from the L4-S1 roots, particularly the L5 and to a lesser extent L4 root through the sciatic and ultimately the deep peroneal nerves.

Which of the following groups of organisms lacks a true membrane-delimited nucleus?

  1. Algae

  2. Bacteria

  3. Fungi

  4. Higher plants and animals

Correct Option: B

Bacteria are prokaryotic, so they do not have a membrane enclosed nucleus.

Raman met with an accident and had a fracture at the neck of the fibula. Which among the following structures has been damaged?

  1. Popliteal artery

  2. Common peroneal nerve

  3. Tibial nerve

  4. Anterior tibial artery

Correct Option: B

Common peroneal nerve dysfunction is due to damage to the peroneal nerve resulting in the loss of movement in the foot and leg. It supplies movement and sensation to the lower leg, foot and toes. When Raman met with an accident and had a fracture at the neck of fibula, the common peroneal nerve must have been damaged.

What are the special infoldings of the inner membrane of mitochondria called?

  1. F1 particle

  2. Cristae

  3. Stroma

  4. Thylakoids

Correct Option: B

The inner membrane forms a number of infoldings into the cavity of mitochondrion. These folds are called cristae or cristae chondrialis.

Which of the following is the smallest unit capable of carrying out the photochemical reaction during photosynthesis?

  1. Quantasome

  2. Thylakoid

  3. Stroma

  4. Granum

Correct Option: A

Quantasome is the globular particle seen within the thylakoid membrane carrying out photochemical reaction during photosynthesis. Each quantasome is composed of about 200 to 300 chlorophyll molecules.

Aman is suffering from ptosis of the eyelid. It may be caused by injury to the

  1. superior oblique muscle

  2. abducens nerves

  3. nerve to the levator palpebrae superioris muscle

  4. superior rectus muscle

Correct Option: C

Ptosis takes place in individual when the muscles that raise the eyelid, i.e. levator muscles is not strong enough to raise the eyelid. Frequently, it can be caused by the aponeurosis of the levator muscle and nerve abnormalities trauma.

Which of the following muscles is innervated by both ulnar and median nerves?

  1. Flexor digitorum superficialis

  2. Supinator

  3. Flexor digitorum profundus

  4. Pronator quadratus

Correct Option: C

In humans, the flexor digitorum profundus is innervated by the ulnar and median nerves and supplied the ulnar artery and the radial artery.

In humans, the greater splanchnic nerve frequently synapses in the

  1. superior mesenteric ganglion

  2. celiac ganglion

  3. aorticorenal ganglion

  4. inferior mesenteric ganglion

Correct Option: B

Celiac ganglion is the largest group of sympathetic prevertebral ganglia on the upper part of the abdominal aorta on either side of the celiac artery, containing the sympathetic neurons. The axons of the greater and least splanchnic nerves synapse on the postganglionic neurons located in the celiac ganglion.

What is the study of algae called?

  1. Phycology

  2. Immunology

  3. Mycology

  4. Virology

Correct Option: A

To define simple aquatic plants, the term phycology or algology is used.

What is the term used to mention the measure of how greatly a substance slows the velocity of light?

  1. Focal point

  2. Focal length

  3. Resolution

  4. Refractive index

Correct Option: D

 When a ray of light passes from one medium to another refraction occurs, that is, the ray is bent at the interface. The direction and magnitude of bending is determined by the refractive indexes of the two media forming the interface.

Aditya lost the opposition of the thumb. It is a symptom affiliated with an abrasion on

  1. radial nerve

  2. ulnar nerve

  3. musculocutaneous nerve

  4. median nerve

Correct Option: D

The median nerve is formed from parts of the medial and lateral cords of the brachial plexus. An injury to the median nerve at the elbow may cause symptoms to appear in the forearm, wrist and hand. Injuries to the median nerve are either lesions where the nerve is torn either partially or fully. The above question is an example of the median nerve injury.

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