English FLT - 5

Description: English FLT - 5 Class - X
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: English FLT - 5 Class - X Cell - its Types English
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Directions: Complete the sentence below by choosing the correct option from those given at the end of sentence.

In this age when information moves faster than one can believe, it is our political establishment that ______ able to keep pace.

  1. has not been

  2. have not been

  3. had not been

  4. will have not been

Correct Option: A

Directions: Complete the sentence below by choosing the correct option from those given at the end of sentence.

The teacher _______ the boys that they should respect their elders.

  1. advises

  2. advised

  3. advice

  4. shall be advising

Correct Option: B

Directions: Complete the sentence below by choosing the correct option from those given at the end of sentence.

Not wealth but health ___________ in life.

  1. count

  2. counted

  3. counts

  4. does count

Correct Option: C

Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank (ii).

Directions: Complete the given paragraph.

Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. These are the chains put (i) _____ him by laws and rules of society. He must find his freedom of action with discipline for his own (ii) _______ and for the good of the whole community. It may appear that discipline hinders freedom, but we should remember that freedom does not mean license to do anything. It does not mean unchecked liberty to do what one (iii) ____. Freedom involves (iv) _______ duties. Unless we look (v) _______ these duties, there can be no real freedom in any civilized society. Man lives in society. He must follow (vi) _____ rules if he wants to enjoy real freedom.

  1. good

  2. best

  3. better

  4. goodness

Correct Option: A

Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank (iv).

Directions: Complete the given paragraph.

Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. These are the chains put (i) _____ him by laws and rules of society. He must find his freedom of action with discipline for his own (ii) _______ and for the good of the whole community. It may appear that discipline hinders freedom, but we should remember that freedom does not mean license to do anything. It does not mean unchecked liberty to do what one (iii) ____. Freedom involves (iv) _______ duties. Unless we look (v) _______ these duties, there can be no real freedom in any civilized society. Man lives in society. He must follow (vi) _____ rules if he wants to enjoy real freedom.

  1. some

  2. much

  3. more

  4. great

Correct Option: A

Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank (i).

Directions: Complete the given paragraph.

Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. These are the chains put (i) _____ him by laws and rules of society. He must find his freedom of action with discipline for his own (ii) _______ and for the good of the whole community. It may appear that discipline hinders freedom, but we should remember that freedom does not mean license to do anything. It does not mean unchecked liberty to do what one (iii) ____. Freedom involves (iv) _______ duties. Unless we look (v) _______ these duties, there can be no real freedom in any civilized society. Man lives in society. He must follow (vi) _____ rules if he wants to enjoy real freedom.

  1. with

  2. on

  3. into

  4. at

Correct Option: B

Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank (v).

Directions: Complete the given paragraph.

Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. These are the chains put (i) _____ him by laws and rules of society. He must find his freedom of action with discipline for his own (ii) _______ and for the good of the whole community. It may appear that discipline hinders freedom, but we should remember that freedom does not mean license to do anything. It does not mean unchecked liberty to do what one (iii) ____. Freedom involves (iv) _______ duties. Unless we look (v) _______ these duties, there can be no real freedom in any civilized society. Man lives in society. He must follow (vi) _____ rules if he wants to enjoy real freedom.

  1. at

  2. upon

  3. after

  4. up

Correct Option: C

Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank (iii).

Directions: Complete the given paragraph.

Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. These are the chains put (i) _____ him by laws and rules of society. He must find his freedom of action with discipline for his own (ii) _______ and for the good of the whole community. It may appear that discipline hinders freedom, but we should remember that freedom does not mean license to do anything. It does not mean unchecked liberty to do what one (iii) ____. Freedom involves (iv) _______ duties. Unless we look (v) _______ these duties, there can be no real freedom in any civilized society. Man lives in society. He must follow (vi) _____ rules if he wants to enjoy real freedom.


  2. liked

  3. will like

  4. like

Correct Option: A

Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank (vi).

Directions: Complete the given paragraph.

Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. These are the chains put (i) _____ him by laws and rules of society. He must find his freedom of action with discipline for his own (ii) _______ and for the good of the whole community. It may appear that discipline hinders freedom, but we should remember that freedom does not mean license to do anything. It does not mean unchecked liberty to do what one (iii) ____. Freedom involves (iv) _______ duties. Unless we look (v) _______ these duties, there can be no real freedom in any civilized society. Man lives in society. He must follow (vi) _____ rules if he wants to enjoy real freedom.

  1. its

  2. there

  3. it's

  4. their

Correct Option: A

Which of the following statements best describes the ozone layer?

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and answer the question.

We are today faced with a great ecological problem for which we ourselves are largely responsible. Our planet, the Earth, the only home of man is bathed in a steady rain of the sun's rays. Most of these rays supply us heat and light, but a small percentage is deadly. These are the ultraviolet - B rays (or UV - B). If these were to get to the surface of the Earth directly, they would kill us off. Luckily, the Earth’s surface is shielded from these rays by the ozone layer; but sadly enough this ozone layer is being destroyed by man.
The ozone layer is formed from a kind of oxygen with three atoms (O3) instead of the normal two (O2). Ozone oc­curs naturally in the stratosphere, several kilometres above the Earth's surface. It absorbs the dangerous UV -B rays but allows the much needed and safe light to pass through. There, in the stratosphere, it is constantly being created by the sun's rays; thus it is a self-repairing shield. But man is now gradu­ally destroying this vital shield with his industrial gases. The most lethal of these gases are the chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, which are used in making all kinds of foamed plastic products, propellants in spray cans, coolants in air condi­tioners and refrigerators and solvents to clean electronic equip­ment.
Down here, they are not lethal. But after they have leaked from air conditioners, plastic foam, cups, etc.; they slowly drift up to the stratosphere where, bombarded by ultraviolet rays, they break up at last, releasing chlorine, the real ozone killer. Sadly, one chlorine molecule may remain active for a century, destroying thousands of ozone molecules.

  1. It stops the UV Rays from reaching the earth's surface.

  2. It absorbs the UV rays and allows the much needed safe light to pass through.

  3. It contains deadly gases.

  4. It is made up of Oxygen and CFC molecules.

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is known as the real ozone killer?

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and answer the question.

We are today faced with a great ecological problem for which we ourselves are largely responsible. Our planet, the Earth, the only home of man is bathed in a steady rain of the sun's rays. Most of these rays supply us heat and light, but a small percentage is deadly. These are the ultraviolet - B rays (or UV - B). If these were to get to the surface of the Earth directly, they would kill us off. Luckily, the Earth’s surface is shielded from these rays by the ozone layer; but sadly enough this ozone layer is being destroyed by man.
The ozone layer is formed from a kind of oxygen with three atoms (O3) instead of the normal two (O2). Ozone oc­curs naturally in the stratosphere, several kilometres above the Earth's surface. It absorbs the dangerous UV -B rays but allows the much needed and safe light to pass through. There, in the stratosphere, it is constantly being created by the sun's rays; thus it is a self-repairing shield. But man is now gradu­ally destroying this vital shield with his industrial gases. The most lethal of these gases are the chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, which are used in making all kinds of foamed plastic products, propellants in spray cans, coolants in air condi­tioners and refrigerators and solvents to clean electronic equip­ment.
Down here, they are not lethal. But after they have leaked from air conditioners, plastic foam, cups, etc.; they slowly drift up to the stratosphere where, bombarded by ultraviolet rays, they break up at last, releasing chlorine, the real ozone killer. Sadly, one chlorine molecule may remain active for a century, destroying thousands of ozone molecules.

  1. Refrigerators & air conditioners

  2. Chlorofluorocarbons

  3. Chlorine

  4. Propellants

Correct Option: C

The ozone layer is

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and answer the question.

We are today faced with a great ecological problem for which we ourselves are largely responsible. Our planet, the Earth, the only home of man is bathed in a steady rain of the sun's rays. Most of these rays supply us heat and light, but a small percentage is deadly. These are the ultraviolet - B rays (or UV - B). If these were to get to the surface of the Earth directly, they would kill us off. Luckily, the Earth’s surface is shielded from these rays by the ozone layer; but sadly enough this ozone layer is being destroyed by man.
The ozone layer is formed from a kind of oxygen with three atoms (O3) instead of the normal two (O2). Ozone oc­curs naturally in the stratosphere, several kilometres above the Earth's surface. It absorbs the dangerous UV -B rays but allows the much needed and safe light to pass through. There, in the stratosphere, it is constantly being created by the sun's rays; thus it is a self-repairing shield. But man is now gradu­ally destroying this vital shield with his industrial gases. The most lethal of these gases are the chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, which are used in making all kinds of foamed plastic products, propellants in spray cans, coolants in air condi­tioners and refrigerators and solvents to clean electronic equip­ment.
Down here, they are not lethal. But after they have leaked from air conditioners, plastic foam, cups, etc.; they slowly drift up to the stratosphere where, bombarded by ultraviolet rays, they break up at last, releasing chlorine, the real ozone killer. Sadly, one chlorine molecule may remain active for a century, destroying thousands of ozone molecules.

  1. a man-made shield located in the stratosphere

  2. a naturally occurring shield in the stratosphere

  3. a shield made of various industrial gases

  4. a shield formed as a result of heavy rains

Correct Option: B

The greatest threat to the ozone layer is from

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and answer the question.

We are today faced with a great ecological problem for which we ourselves are largely responsible. Our planet, the Earth, the only home of man is bathed in a steady rain of the sun's rays. Most of these rays supply us heat and light, but a small percentage is deadly. These are the ultraviolet - B rays (or UV - B). If these were to get to the surface of the Earth directly, they would kill us off. Luckily, the Earth’s surface is shielded from these rays by the ozone layer; but sadly enough this ozone layer is being destroyed by man.
The ozone layer is formed from a kind of oxygen with three atoms (O3) instead of the normal two (O2). Ozone oc­curs naturally in the stratosphere, several kilometres above the Earth's surface. It absorbs the dangerous UV -B rays but allows the much needed and safe light to pass through. There, in the stratosphere, it is constantly being created by the sun's rays; thus it is a self-repairing shield. But man is now gradu­ally destroying this vital shield with his industrial gases. The most lethal of these gases are the chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, which are used in making all kinds of foamed plastic products, propellants in spray cans, coolants in air condi­tioners and refrigerators and solvents to clean electronic equip­ment.
Down here, they are not lethal. But after they have leaked from air conditioners, plastic foam, cups, etc.; they slowly drift up to the stratosphere where, bombarded by ultraviolet rays, they break up at last, releasing chlorine, the real ozone killer. Sadly, one chlorine molecule may remain active for a century, destroying thousands of ozone molecules.

  1. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)

  2. UV – B Rays

  3. O3 molecules

  4. Foamed plastic products

Correct Option: A

Which word in the passage is a synonym of 'deadly'?

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and answer the question.

We are today faced with a great ecological problem for which we ourselves are largely responsible. Our planet, the Earth, the only home of man is bathed in a steady rain of the sun's rays. Most of these rays supply us heat and light, but a small percentage is deadly. These are the ultraviolet - B rays (or UV - B). If these were to get to the surface of the Earth directly, they would kill us off. Luckily, the Earth’s surface is shielded from these rays by the ozone layer; but sadly enough this ozone layer is being destroyed by man.
The ozone layer is formed from a kind of oxygen with three atoms (O3) instead of the normal two (O2). Ozone oc­curs naturally in the stratosphere, several kilometres above the Earth's surface. It absorbs the dangerous UV -B rays but allows the much needed and safe light to pass through. There, in the stratosphere, it is constantly being created by the sun's rays; thus it is a self-repairing shield. But man is now gradu­ally destroying this vital shield with his industrial gases. The most lethal of these gases are the chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, which are used in making all kinds of foamed plastic products, propellants in spray cans, coolants in air condi­tioners and refrigerators and solvents to clean electronic equip­ment.
Down here, they are not lethal. But after they have leaked from air conditioners, plastic foam, cups, etc.; they slowly drift up to the stratosphere where, bombarded by ultraviolet rays, they break up at last, releasing chlorine, the real ozone killer. Sadly, one chlorine molecule may remain active for a century, destroying thousands of ozone molecules.

  1. Shielded

  2. Lethal

  3. Vital

  4. Active

Correct Option: B

What does the term 'want' in the fourth stanza actually mean?

Directions: Read the following poem carefully and answer the question.


            Take heed of this small child of earth;
            He is great; he hath in him God most high.
            Children before their fleshly birth
            Are lights alive in the blue sky.

            In our light bitter world of wrong
            They come; God gives us them awhile.
            His speech is in their stammering tongue,
            And his forgiveness in their smile.

            Their sweet light rests upon our eyes.
            Alas! Their right to joy is plain.
            If they are hungry Paradise
            Weeps, and, if cold, Heaven thrills with pain.

            The want that saps their sinless flower
            Speaks judgment on sin's ministers.
            Man holds an angel in his power.
            Ah! Deep in Heaven what thunder stirs,

            When God seeks out these tender things
            Whom in the shadow where we sleep
            He sends us clothed about with wings,
            And finds them ragged babes that weep!

                                                                        Victor Hugo
  1. Comfort

  2. Food

  3. Warm clothing

  4. Lack

Correct Option: D

What does the poet mean by 'God gives us them awhile'?

Directions: Read the following poem carefully and answer the question.


            Take heed of this small child of earth;
            He is great; he hath in him God most high.
            Children before their fleshly birth
            Are lights alive in the blue sky.

            In our light bitter world of wrong
            They come; God gives us them awhile.
            His speech is in their stammering tongue,
            And his forgiveness in their smile.

            Their sweet light rests upon our eyes.
            Alas! Their right to joy is plain.
            If they are hungry Paradise
            Weeps, and, if cold, Heaven thrills with pain.

            The want that saps their sinless flower
            Speaks judgment on sin's ministers.
            Man holds an angel in his power.
            Ah! Deep in Heaven what thunder stirs,

            When God seeks out these tender things
            Whom in the shadow where we sleep
            He sends us clothed about with wings,
            And finds them ragged babes that weep!

                                                                        Victor Hugo
  1. Our life is just for a short while.

  2. Our life is a small gift of Almighty God.

  3. Children do not remain children for ever.

  4. Everything is for a short while except God's blessings.

Correct Option: C

Why does the poet think that the little child is great?

Directions: Read the following poem carefully and answer the question.


            Take heed of this small child of earth;
            He is great; he hath in him God most high.
            Children before their fleshly birth
            Are lights alive in the blue sky.

            In our light bitter world of wrong
            They come; God gives us them awhile.
            His speech is in their stammering tongue,
            And his forgiveness in their smile.

            Their sweet light rests upon our eyes.
            Alas! Their right to joy is plain.
            If they are hungry Paradise
            Weeps, and, if cold, Heaven thrills with pain.

            The want that saps their sinless flower
            Speaks judgment on sin's ministers.
            Man holds an angel in his power.
            Ah! Deep in Heaven what thunder stirs,

            When God seeks out these tender things
            Whom in the shadow where we sleep
            He sends us clothed about with wings,
            And finds them ragged babes that weep!

                                                                        Victor Hugo
  1. Because the child cannot differentiate between right and wrong.

  2. Because the child is very innocent.

  3. Because the child was an angel in its previous life.

  4. Because the child is full of goodness that only God has in His heart.

Correct Option: D

What does the poet mean by the expression 'sinless flower'?

Directions: Read the following poem carefully and answer the question.


            Take heed of this small child of earth;
            He is great; he hath in him God most high.
            Children before their fleshly birth
            Are lights alive in the blue sky.

            In our light bitter world of wrong
            They come; God gives us them awhile.
            His speech is in their stammering tongue,
            And his forgiveness in their smile.

            Their sweet light rests upon our eyes.
            Alas! Their right to joy is plain.
            If they are hungry Paradise
            Weeps, and, if cold, Heaven thrills with pain.

            The want that saps their sinless flower
            Speaks judgment on sin's ministers.
            Man holds an angel in his power.
            Ah! Deep in Heaven what thunder stirs,

            When God seeks out these tender things
            Whom in the shadow where we sleep
            He sends us clothed about with wings,
            And finds them ragged babes that weep!

                                                                        Victor Hugo
  1. Almighty God

  2. The innocence of little children

  3. Little children

  4. Beautiful flowers in the nature

Correct Option: B

What does the poet want to convey through this poem?

Directions: Read the following poem carefully and answer the question.


            Take heed of this small child of earth;
            He is great; he hath in him God most high.
            Children before their fleshly birth
            Are lights alive in the blue sky.

            In our light bitter world of wrong
            They come; God gives us them awhile.
            His speech is in their stammering tongue,
            And his forgiveness in their smile.

            Their sweet light rests upon our eyes.
            Alas! Their right to joy is plain.
            If they are hungry Paradise
            Weeps, and, if cold, Heaven thrills with pain.

            The want that saps their sinless flower
            Speaks judgment on sin's ministers.
            Man holds an angel in his power.
            Ah! Deep in Heaven what thunder stirs,

            When God seeks out these tender things
            Whom in the shadow where we sleep
            He sends us clothed about with wings,
            And finds them ragged babes that weep!

                                                                        Victor Hugo
  1. Little children deserve better treatment.

  2. God will not forgive us for what we do to the little children.

  3. We should respect the innocence of children.

  4. It is the influence of the adults that spoils the children.

Correct Option: A
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