Biology Test

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The botanical name of ‘toddy palm’ is

  1. Caryota urens

  2. Punica granatum

  3. Achras zapota

  4. Cydonia oblonga

Correct Option: A

Fern and Cycas are similar in the presence of

  1. seeds

  2. trachea

  3. cambium

  4. ciliated gametes

Correct Option: D

'Strawberry' is a kind of fruit

  1. etaerio of berries

  2. etaerio of achenes

  3. etaerio of drupes

  4. etaerio of follicles

Correct Option: B

The pyruvic acid transported to the mitochondrial matrix is

  1. directly used in Krebs cycle

  2. indirectly used in Krebs cycle

  3. not utilised in Krebs cycle

  4. All of the above are correct

Correct Option: B

The pyruvic acid transported into the mitochondrial matrix is not directly used in the Krebs cycle. First it loses a molecule of CO2 as NAD+ is reduced to NADH. The remaining molecules, called acetyl group, attaches to coenzyme to form acetyl coenzyme A. The conversion of  pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA links glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. Pyruvic acid is the final product of glycolysis and acetyl CoA is the compound that enters the Krebs cycle.

Which of the following enzymes is present on the outer membrane of mitochondria?

  1. Cytochrome C reductase

  2. Adenylate kinase

  3. ATP synthetase

  4. Nucleoside diphosphokinase

Correct Option: A

In the rachis of Cycas, the vascular bundles are

  1. horse shoe-shaped

  2. in omega shaped ring

  3. in a ring

  4. scattered

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is/are saprophytic angiosperm/s?

  1. Eucalyptus

  2. Cuscuta

  3. Neottia

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Saprophytes are those plants which grow on dead and decaying organic matter of animals and plants. Neottia grows on humus rich soil. The plant has underground rhizome which form a cluster of roots. The roots of Neottia are associated with endotrophic mycorrhiza.

In dicots, the common type of pollen tetrads are

  1. linear

  2. decussate

  3. isobilateral

  4. tetrahedral

Correct Option: D

If all the tissues of a plant, to a certain point, are removed, except the xylem which is left intact,

  1. the whole plant will die at the same time

  2. the leaves will wilt

  3. the stem will die first

  4. the root will die first

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is a free-living anaerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria?

  1. Clostridium

  2. Rhizobium

  3. Azotobacter

  4. Nitrobacter

Correct Option: A

In Selaginella, the mature ligule has a prominent basal portion called

  1. sclerotium

  2. rhizomorph

  3. glossopodium

  4. protocorm

Correct Option: C

The leaves in Selaginella are ligulate, in that they bear a flap like or finger like projections at the base called the ligule.

Active mineral absorption depends upon

  1. active water absorption

  2. utilization of energy

  3. photophosphorylation

  4. activity of cells of vascular bundle

Correct Option: B

The oxidative break down of respiratory substrate with the help of oxygen is called

  1. aerobic respiration

  2. anaerobic respiration

  3. fermentation

  4. respiratory quotient

Correct Option: A

The normal phenotypic ratio of dihybrid cross is

  1. 9: 3: 3: 1

  2. 3: 1

  3. 12: 3: 1

  4. 9: 3: 4

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following fungus does not have any mycelium?

  1. Agaricus

  2. Puccinia

  3. Albugo

  4. Saccharomyces

Correct Option: D

Sacchromyces (yeast) belongs to unicellular, nonmycelial ascomycetic fungus

Which of the types of chlorophyll molecules is found in all groups of algae?

  1. Chlorophyll-c

  2. Chlorophyll-d

  3. Chlorophyll-b

  4. Chlorophyll-a

Correct Option: D

The points at which crossing-over occurs between homologous chromosomes are termed as

  1. chiasmata

  2. chromomere

  3. chromonemata

  4. synaptonemal complex

Correct Option: A

During pachytene stage of meiosis I, each non-sister chromatid of homologous chromosomes exchange segments. This point of contact where crossingover takes place is termed as chiasmata.

In some endodermal cells of roots opposite to protoxylem patches, the inner and outer tangential walls are thin. Such cells are called

  1. passage cells

  2. sclereids

  3. epiblema

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

The acceptor of CO2, in CAMplants, is

  1. phosphoglyceric acid

  2. phosphoenol pyruvic acid

  3. ribulose biphosphate

  4. oxalo acetic acid

Correct Option: B

Food products are kept under refrigeration or in cold storage because

  1. they can be of use in off season

  2. they remain very cool for containing tasty food-stuffs

  3. respiration is negligible under very low temperature and the food products maintain their flavour and freshness better and longer

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

In a ripe banana, rate of respiratory increase is called

  1. anthesis

  2. climax

  3. climactric

  4. photorespiration

Correct Option: C

Chemosynthesis occurs in

  1. green plants

  2. non-green herbs

  3. floating hydrophytes

  4. colourless aerobic bacteria

Correct Option: D

Chemosynthesis occurs only in colourless aerobic bacteria such as, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter etc.

Which of the following hypotheses holds that “the more diverse and the greater the number of species in an ecosystem, the better that ecosystem will be able to withstand a threat”?

  1. Diversity-stability hypothesis

  2. Mass-flow hypothesis

  3. Clement's hypothesis

  4. Raunkiaer's hypothesis

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is a/are biologically important double sugar/s?

  1. Lactose

  2. Maltose

  3. Sucrose

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The disaccharides are most abundant oligosaccharides in the cells. They are called double sugars. Biologically important double sugars are lactose, maltose and sucrose.

HIV (Human immuno deficiency virus) has a protein coat and a genetic material which is

  1. single stranded RNA

  2. double stranded RNA

  3. single stranded DNA

  4. double stranded DNA

Correct Option: A

HIV (human immuno deficiency virus) is positive-strand retrovirus, which has singlestranded RNA as the genetic material

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