Science (HBBVS)

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When sodium hydroxide is added to ferric chloride solution, a reddish-brown precipitate is formed. The precipitate is separated from the mixture by the process of

  1. evaporation

  2. sublimation

  3. filtration

  4. fractional distillation

  5. _

Correct Option: B

It is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas phase without passing through the intermediate liquid phase.

A plant is grown in bright sunlight. After a few hours, a leaf of the plant is plucked and treated with iodine solution and it turns black. When a section of this leaf is made and observed under microscope, _________ will be seen as stained blue-black.

  1. nucleus

  2. cell wall

  3. chloroplast

  4. vacuole

  5. _

Correct Option: C

They are the food producers of the cell and they work to convert light energy of the sun into sugars that can be used by cells.

These are membrane bound vacuolar organelles discovered by de Duve. They mostly occur in animal cells, but they have also been reported in plant cells. They are concerned with the waste disposal system of the cell. The cell organelles being referred in the above passage are

  1. mitochondria

  2. lysosomes

  3. golgi bodies

  4. peroxisomes

  5. _

Correct Option: B

It contains digestive enzymes and it is surrounded by a membrane.

The walls of cork cells are thickened by the deposition of an organic substance, which makes these cells impermeable to water and gases. This substance is called

  1. pectin

  2. lignin

  3. suberin

  4. None of these

  5. _

Correct Option: D

Walls that form small bundles of durable layers of tissue in most plants is called sclereid.

The animal in which cells are properly arranged into tissues and organs are called

  1. parazoa

  2. eumetazoa

  3. placozoa

  4. None of these

  5. _

Correct Option: B

It is a sub kingdom of all multicellular animals which have cells differentiated into tissues and organs.

These organisms do not posses a well defined nucleus or organelles, nor do they show multicellular body designs. Some of them have cell walls while others do not. Which of the following kingdoms constitutes such organisms?

  1. Protista

  2. Monera

  3. Fungi

  4. Plantae

  5. _

Correct Option: B

It is a kingdom that contains unicellular organisms. An example of monera is bacteria.

_________ is the characteristic of a musical sound by which a loud sound can be distinguished from a faint sound.

  1. Loudness

  2. Pitch

  3. Quality

  4. None of these

  5. __

Correct Option: C

It is a characteric of a musical sound by which a loud sound can be distinguished from a faint sound.

The virus infected cells release special chemicals that hinder the infection of neighbouring cells. These chemicals are called

  1. chaperonins

  2. interferons

  3. virions

  4. prions

  5. _

Correct Option: B

It is a protein released by animal cells, which responds to the entry of a virus.

Louis Pasteur developed a vaccine against which of the following diseases?

  1. Hepatitis

  2. Rabies

  3. Tetanus

  4. Chicken pox

  5. _

Correct Option: B

It is an infectious disease of dogs, cats, and other animals, transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal.

The roofs and walls of the auditorium are generally covered with sound absorbent materials to reduce the

  1. velocity of sound

  2. reverberation of sound

  3. frequency of sound

  4. None of these

  5. _

Correct Option: B

It is the collection of reflected sounds from the surfaces, like in an auditorium.

Which of the following may not occur by wind?

  1. Soil erosion

  2. Soil formation

  3. Energy production

  4. None of these

  5. -

Correct Option: D


Which of the following tissues primarily serves as a food storage tissue and also provides support to the stem of herbaceous plants?

  1. Parenchyma

  2. Collenchyma

  3. Sclerenchyma

  4. Sclereids

  5. _

Correct Option: A

It is the essential tissue of an organ, which is composed of thin-walled cells.

Less appearance of lichens is observed on the sides of trees facing the roads as compared to the ones away from the roads. This can be explained as lichens are sensitive to

  1. noise pollutants

  2. water pollutants

  3. air pollutants

  4. soil pollutants

  5. _

Correct Option: C

It is found in the air anywhere - outdoors and indoors.

In an experiment, iron filling and sulphur powder are mixed and heated strongly till they become red hot. On heating, a substance containing both iron and sulphur was formed. What is this substance?

  1. Element

  2. Compound

  3. Solution

  4. Mixture

  5. _

Correct Option: B

It consists of several elements.

It is a water-borne disease, whose symptoms often appear 10 to 14 days after the infection and was cured earlier by taking a chloramphenicol drug. Identify the disease.

  1. Typhoid

  2. Cholera

  3. Tuberculosis

  4. Bacterial dysentery

  5. _

Correct Option: A

It is a serious disease spread by contaminated food and water.

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