Sentence Correction Test 7

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Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

As the discussion progressed, the defenders of the new policy spoke more and more excited.

  1. As the discussion progressed, the defenders of the new policy spoke more and more excited.

  2. As the discussion progressed, the defenders of the new policy got more and more excited.

  3. As the discussion progressed the defenders of the new policy grew more and more excitedly.

  4. As the discussion kept moving further, the defenders of the new policy were beginning to speak more and more excitedly.

  5. As the discussion progressed, the defenders of the new policy spoke more and more excitedly.

Correct Option: B

In (A) the adjective 'excited' is modifying the verb 'spoke' and we need an adverb to modify it so, it is wrong. C is wrong as it uses an adverb 'excitedly' to modify the noun 'defenders'. D and E are too verbose. Hence, the correct option is (B) here the adjective 'excited' modifies the noun 'defenders'.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The drugs prescribed by the doctor failed to have any affect even after 15 days of his operation.

  1. to have any affect even after

  2. to show any affect even after

  3. to be affective even after

  4. to have any effect even after.

  5. to have any effects even after

Correct Option: D

Incorrect word usage has been done in A, B and C. 'Effect' is a noun and 'Affect' is a verb. Here the result is shown so noun form will be used. (E) makes use of plural form of 'effect' which is wrong on account of adjective 'any' used before it meaning 'one'.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

To improve in the reading comprehension section, one must read newspaper daily, revise the reading strategies, and you should regularly solve all the exercises given in the SAT book.

  1. and you should regularly

  2. solving regularly

  3. regularly solving

  4. and you should regularly solve

  5. and solve regularly

Correct Option: E

This is a mistake of parallelism all the actions should be in the same grammatical format and option E best does that. B and C make the sentence nonsensical. A and B lack parallelism.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.
Neither of the child's parents is supportive or interested in sending the child abroad for further studies.
  1. is supportive or interested in

  2. is supportive at or interested in

  3. is supportive of or interested in

  4. support or are interested in

Correct Option: C

With the singular subject “neither”, the verb or verbs must be singular. Option 1 omits the necessary preposition “of” hence, making the sentence incomplete.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The women working in the large organizations have formally protested, their being overlooked for promotion.

  1. their being overlooked for promotion

  2. overlooking themselves for promotion.

  3. their over looking for promotion.

  4. themselves overlooking for promotion.

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

The correct answer is A, as correct phrasing has been done. The possessive (their) before the gerund (being overlooked).

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The coast guard presently is on a mission of searching the wreckage of an unidentified craft.

  1. Presently, the coast guard is on a mission for searching the wreckage of an unidentified craft.

  2. The coast guard is on a mission presently to search the wreckage for an unidentified craft.

  3. Searching the wreckage for an unidentified craft is the present mission of the coast guard.

  4. Presently, the coast guard is on a mission to search the wreckage of an unidentified craft.

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

Option (B) and (C) change the entire meaning of the sentence. Options (A) and (E) are wrongly phrased. Hence option (d) is the correct one.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The thyroid gland collects Iodine from the blood, produces thyroxin, an important hormone which stores it an in active form.

  1. Blood, produces thyroxin which is an important hormone which stores in an inactive form.

  2. Blood to produce thyroxin an important hormone which it stores in an inactive form.

  3. Blood, to manufacture thyroxin, an important hormone to store in an inactive form.

  4. Blood, to store an inactive hormone called thyroxin which is important.

  5. Blood, produces thyroxin which is in store in an inactive form.

Correct Option: B

Options (C) and (D) are totally incorrect for wrong word substitution, (E) does not specify where thyroxin stored is and (A) is just a repetition of the original incorrect sentence. Hence (B) is the answer.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.
She has been easily taken advantage of several times because of her being of a naively nature.
  1. because of her being of a naively nature.

  2. because of her naïve nature.

  3. because she is being naively.

  4. because of her naively nature.

Correct Option: B

A, C and D make use of an adverb 'naively' to modify the noun 'nature' which is wrong. E makes use of incorrect transition word 'although' which completely alters the meaning conveyed. B option makes use of an adjective naïve to modify the noun nature. Hence, B is the answer.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The organization known as the United Nations was made up of more than 150 member countries, were established after World War II to preserve international peace.

  1. United Nations is the organization made up of more than 150 member countries which were established after World War II to preserve international peace

  2. The organization known as United Nations which was established after World War II to preserve international peace had more than 150 member countries.

  3. The organization established after World War II, had more than 150 member countries to preserve international peace was the Untied Nations.

  4. Made up of more than 150 members countries, the organization known as the United Nations was established after World War II to preserve international peace and security.

  5. United Nations, the organization was established after World War II to preserve international peace had more than 150 members.

Correct Option: D

Options (A) and (B) have wrong verb usage, as with 'UN' 'was' is to be used and not were since it's a singular noun. Option (C) and (E) have an incorrect subject placement. Hence (D) is the correct option.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

When people visit a new place, they may make a local museum their first stop because they provide a quick and entertaining introduction to the area.

  1. because they provide

  2. because it providing

  3. they because it provides

  4. because it provides

  5. provide they because

Correct Option: D

A does not shows agreement between subject and verb. B is completely making the sentence nonsensical. C and E are not phrased correctly. D is the best option as it maintains best the subject- verb agreement

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The reason for the sudden explosion in the aircraft, till today, had not been discovered.

  1. Aircraft, till today, had not been yet discovered.

  2. Aircraft is till today not yet discovered.

  3. Aircraft had not been discovered, till today.

  4. Aircraft, till today, has not been discovered.

  5. Aircraft has not been discovered till today.

Correct Option: E

The sentence has two mistakes one is use of 'had' which is to be replaced by 'has' as the tense isin present continuous and 'had' is used in past tense. The second mistake is in the phrasing of the sentence. Both mistakes are rectified only in option (E), hence its the answer.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

Cervantes used Don Quixote and sancho to illustrate the conflict among the idealist and the realist.

  1. to illustrate the conflict among the idealist and the realist

  2. in illustrating the conflict between the idealist and the realist.

  3. to illustrate the conflict between the idealist and the realist.

  4. to illustrate the conflict amongst the idealist and the realist

  5. to give an elaborate view of the conflict between the idealist and realist.

Correct Option: C

 A, D are wrong as they use incorrect prepositions 'among' and 'amongst' respectively.  B alters the original meaning conveyed by the sentence and E is too verbose. C options makes use of a correct preposition 'between', which is used to refer to two things

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

My grand parents, who are travelling in the USA, now, are also planning to visit California and New York and Washington.

  1. My grandparents who are visiting the USA now are also planning to go California, New York and Washington.

  2. My grandparents who are traveling in the USA are planning to travel to California, New York and Washington to as well.

  3. My grand parents, who are travelling in the USA also plan to visit California, New York and Washington

  4. My grand parents who were travelling in the USA are also planning to visit California NewYork and Washington.

  5. My grandparents who are traveling in the USA, Now, are also planning to visit California and New York and Washington.

Correct Option: C

Option (E) is the repetition of the question hence it can be eliminated directly. Option (D) has a wrong tense usage, (A) and (B) have excess words usage hence (C) is the answer.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The 46 elephants, daily eat together 2 tons of hay and 25 bushels of oats and 300 pounds of bran.

  1. Daily, the 46 elephants together eat 2 tons of lay, 25 bushels of oats and 300 pounds of bran.

  2. Together, the 46 elephants eat daily 25 bushels of oats and 300 pounds of bran.

  3. Together, the 46 elephants, daily eat 2 tons of hay, 25 bushels of oats and 300 pounds of bran.

  4. The 46 elephants together eat 2 tons of hay, 25 bushels of oats and 300 pounds of bran,daily.

  5. The 46 elephants, daily, eat together 2 tons of hay, 25 bushels of oat and 300 pounds of bran.

Correct Option: C

Option (D) is incomplete and (E) is almost a repetition of the question. Option (A) and (B) need to be rearranged; hence (C) is the correct option.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

To keep the elephants in good physical condition the keeper trims their tusks with a hacksaw every three years and oils their hides once a year so that their skin won't crack.

  1. To keep the elephants in good physical condition the keeper trims their tusks with a hacksaw every three years and oils their hides once a year so that their skin won't crack.

  2. To keep the elephants in good physical conditions the keeper trims their tusks once in three years with a hacksaw and puts oil on their hides once a year to avoid its cracking.

  3. The keeper trims the tusks once in three years and oils their hides once a year to that the skin won't crack to keep the elephants in good physical condition.

  4. For keeping the elephants in good physical condition the keeper trimmed their tusks once every three years and oiled the hides so that they won't crack.

  5. Trimming of tusks with hacksaw and oiling of hides to avoid them from cracking is done by the keeper to keep elephants in good physical conditions.

Correct Option: A

The sentence is correct. Options (B), (C), (D) and (E) have wrong subject, tense and verb usage.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

A professor at an eastern college believes that the special sense blind people depends on is connected in little way with its hearing.

  1. Blind people depends on, is connected in some way with its hearing.

  2. Blind people depends on its connected in little way with its hearing.

  3. Blind people depend on is connected in some way with its hearing.

  4. Blind people depend on is connected in some way they its heaving.

  5. Blind people depend on is connected in some way with their hearing.

Correct Option: E

'depends' is to be changed to depend and 'little' is to be replaced by 'some' and 'its' is a wrong preposition use and has to be substituted with their. Hence (E) is the answer. 

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The distinction between an efficient and an inefficient reader is definite and clear cut, So much so that we can graphically chart the difference in two contrasting columns.

  1. Is so much so is definite and clear cut that

  2. Is definite and so much so clear cut that

  3. Is so definite and clear cut.

  4. Is very definite and clear cut.

  5. is very clear cut and so definite.

Correct Option: C

options (A) and (B) are totally incorrect options (D) might seem correct, but the sentence is comparing the characters of readers hence 'very' cannot be used. Option (E) also might be correct but has more words usage and stress is laid on definite than option (C). Hence (C) is the answer. 

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

'Genocide', is a new word of Latin derivation which means murder of whole racial (or) other human group, it originated at the Nurn-berg trials of German war criminals.

  1. It originated at the Nurn-berg trials of German war criminals.

  2. and it originated at the Nurn-berg trials of German war criminals.

  3. they originated at the Nurn-berg trials of German war criminals.

  4. although it generated at the Nurn-berg trials of Germany war criminals.

  5. and it originated in the Nurn-berg trials of Germany's war criminals.

Correct Option: B

 Option (C) and (D) change the meaning of the sentence hence they are wrong. Option (E) also subtly changes the meaning; hence option (B) is correct. 

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

Plights of migrant farm workers, who labour in the vast agricultural fields of America's southern states,historically has been a difficult one.

  1. Plights of migrant farm workers, who labour in the vast agricultural fields of America's southern states, historically has been a difficult one.

  2. Plights of migrant farm workers, who, historically labors in the vast agricultural fields of Americas southern states, has been a difficult one.

  3. Historically the plight of migrant farm workers who labor in vast agricultural fields have been a difficult one.

  4. Historically, the plight of migrant farm workers, whose labor in vast agricultural fields of America's southern states has been a difficult one

  5. Historically, the plight of migrant farm workers who labor on vast agricultural fields of America's southern states has been a difficult one.

Correct Option: E

The incorrect use of 'whose' and 'have' and (D) and (C) option make them incorrect. Option (B) has a wrong phrasing. Hence (E) is correct.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The increasing use of the internet as a means to disseminate information have become important as a consideration for many countries.

  1. Has become important as a consideration for many countries.

  2. Has become importance as a consideration for many countries.

  3. Has become an important consideration for many countries.

  4. Is the consideration of important for many countries.

  5. Has become the importance considering the many countries.

Correct Option: C

use of 'an' before importance and rephrasing is required in the question. Hence (A), (B), (D) and (E) are all incorrect; (C) is the answer.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

All animal life on the planet Earth depends on a sufficient supply of oxygen for its day to day survival.

  1. All animal life on the planet Earth depends on a sufficient.

  2. Whole animal life on the planet Earth depend as a sufficient.

  3. Complete animal life on the planet Earth depends for a sufficient.

  4. On the planet Earth, whole animal life depends for sufficient.

  5. All animal life depends on planet Earth on a sufficient.

Correct Option: A

 The original sentence has nothing wrong in it.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

Once delivering mail in small villages in India was a difficult perilous and exciting job.

  1. Once, delivering the mails in small villages in India was a difficult, perilous and exciting job.

  2. Delivering the mails once in small villages in India was a difficult, perilous and exciting job.

  3. Delivering mails to small villages in India was once a difficult perilous and exciting job.

  4. Delivering mail to small villages in India was once a difficult perilous and exciting job.

  5. Delivering the mail to small villages in India was once a difficult, perilous and exciting job.

Correct Option: D

The main error is usage of word mails where by 'mail' is to be used in plural form always. Options (A), (B) and (C) are incorrect. Options (D) and (E) may both seem correct, but option (E) is wrong because of the usage of 'the' which is not necessary. Hence, (D) is the answer.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The experiments of Benjamin Franklin 200 years ago helped dispel superstitions and primitive ideas about thunder.

  1. Helped to dispel superstitions and primitive ideas about Thunder.

  2. Helping to dispelling superstitions about thunder.

  3. Helped, dispelled superstitions and primitive ideas about thunder

  4. Helping to dispel superstition and primitive ideas about thunder.

  5. Helped dispel superstitions and primitive ideas about thunder.

Correct Option: A

 (B), (C) and (D) have a wrong structure formation as regarding tense formations. Option (E) is just a repetition, hence (A) is the answer.

Directions: The sentence below or part thereof has been underlined. The underlined part may have an error of grammar or diction. Select the option that best corrects the error, if any.

The man tried to hold off the angry dog enough long for her to escape.

  1. to hold off the angry dog enough long.

  2. Enough long to hold off the angry dog

  3. to hold of the angry dog long enough

  4. to hold off the angry dog long enough.

  5. the angry dog enough long to hold off

Correct Option: D

The correct phrase usage is 'long enough'.  Hence A, B are wrong. Awkward phrasing is done in E.  C makes use of incorrect preposition 'of'.  Hence, D is the best option.

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