
Description: Synonyms improving Multiple Choice Questions to Clear the Synonyms Part in English Language
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Directions: Choose the synonym of the given word.


  1. Adulthood

  2. Middle age

  3. Old age

  4. Childhood

Correct Option: B

Gogitate means to think deeply. So, only speculate which means to think deeply about various aspects or meditate is the correct answer. Contrive means to design or invent and is incorrect. 

Directions: Find out the option which is the nearest in meaning to the given word.


  1. Normal

  2. Mysterious

  3. Bright

  4. Stupid

Correct Option: B

Correct answer is option 2.

Directions: Choose the word similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Visible

  2. Apparent

  3. Hidden

  4. Obvious

Correct Option: C

Something that is done covertly is done in a manner that is not in plain sight. Hence, hidden is correct.

Directions: Choose the word similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Civil

  2. Fair

  3. Pleasant

  4. Rude

Correct Option: D

'Churlish' means 'rude in a mean-spirited way'. 

Directions: Choose the word similar in meaning to the given word from the options given below.


  1. Reserved

  2. Shy

  3. Quiet

  4. Friendly

Correct Option: D

'Convivial' means 'friendly, lively and enjoyable'. Hence, option (4) is the correct answer. 

Directions: Choose the word similar in meaning to the given word from the options given below.


  1. Pause

  2. Interference

  3. Intrusion

  4. Prevention

Correct Option: A

'Halt' means 'bring or come to an abrupt stop'. 'Pause' means 'interrupt action or speech briefly'. Thus, synonym of 'halt' is 'pause'. 

Directions: Choose the word similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Increase

  2. Reject

  3. Guess

  4. Print

Correct Option: C

 Conjecture means an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. It is synonymous to "guess".

Directions: Choose the synonym of the given word.


  1. Include

  2. Coax

  3. Produce

  4. Emit

Correct Option: B

'Cajole' means 'persuade to do something'. 'Coax' means 'persuade someone gradually or gently to do something'. 

Directions: Select the correct meaning of the given phrase.

To bluster

  1. To boast

  2. To gather

  3. To generate

  4. To omit

Correct Option: A

'To bluster' means 'loud or aggressive'. 'To boast' means 'to talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements'. 

Hence, option 1 is correct.

Directions: Find out the word similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Benefit

  2. Allotment

  3. Remorse

  4. Fondness

Correct Option: C

Compunction means deep regret or remorse.

Directions: Choose the word that has a similar meaning to the given word.


  1. Scarcity

  2. Distress

  3. Agreement

  4. Honesty

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word that has a similar meaning to the given word.


  1. Vigorous

  2. Strong

  3. Vigilant

  4. Proper

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word that has a similar meaning to the given word.


  1. Collection

  2. Division

  3. Violation

  4. Rejection

Correct Option: B

Dichotomy means division into two parts, kinds, etc.

Directions: Choose the word that has a similar meaning to the given word.


  1. Encourage

  2. Motivate

  3. Belittle

  4. Appreciate

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the word/phrase that best expresses the meaning of the given word.


  1. Unearned

  2. Relevant

  3. Suitable

  4. Appropriate

Correct Option: A

 Gratuitous means unwarranted; unearned.

Directions: Choose the word/phrase that best expresses the meaning of the given word.


  1. Careless

  2. Lazy

  3. Scholarly

  4. Elegant

Correct Option: C

 Erudite means scholarly; well-learned.

Directions: Choose the word/phrase that best expresses the meaning of the given word.


  1. To depart

  2. To condemn

  3. To create

  4. To greet

Correct Option: B

Excoriate means to criticise or condemn (someone) severely. 

Directions: Choose the word/phrase that best expresses the meaning of the given word.


  1. To shrink

  2. To expand

  3. To hold

  4. To show off

Correct Option: D

Flaunt means to show off.

Directions: Choose the synonym of the given word.


  1. Country

  2. Slang

  3. Belief

  4. Ceremony

Correct Option: B

'Jargon' means 'special words or expressions used by a profession or group'. 'Slang' means 'a type of language consisting of words and phrases restricted to a particular group of people'.

Thus, synonym of 'jargon' is 'slang'. 

Directions: Choose the synonym of the given word.


  1. Unyielding

  2. Flexible

  3. Fortunate

  4. Lenient

Correct Option: A

'Inexorable' means 'impossible to change or alter'. 'Unyielding' means 'incapable of being changed'.

Directions: Choose the synonym of the given word.


  1. To decorate

  2. To dispute

  3. To cheat

  4. To think

Correct Option: B

'Impugn' means 'to challenge as false'. Thus, its synonym is 'to dispute'.

Directions: Choose the synonym of the given word.


  1. Cooperation

  2. Coordination

  3. Assumption

  4. Examination

Correct Option: C

'Hypothesis' means 'a tentative explanation for an observation'. 'Assumption' means 'a proposition that is accepted as true'. Hence, synonym of 'hypothesis' is 'assumption'.

Directions: Choose the word that has a similar meaning to the given word.


  1. Enthusiastic

  2. Timid

  3. Bold

  4. Weak

Correct Option: A

Correct answer is option 1.

Directions: Choose the word which is most similar to the given word.


  1. Content

  2. Furious

  3. Excited

  4. Lively

Correct Option: B

Directions: Select the word out of the following options that is closest in meaning to the given word.


  1. Agile

  2. Energetic

  3. Fresh

  4. Tired

Correct Option: D
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