Viral Infections in Humans

Description: Proteins
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Polio hantavirus mumps measles rubella Human Diseases Caused by Viruses
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Which of the following diseases is characterised by flu-like symptoms and renal failure?

  1. SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)

  2. Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)

  3. Zika virus

  4. Measles

Correct Option: B

Doctors describe MERS-CoV as a flu-like illness with signs and symptoms of pneumonia. Sufferers of MERS generally develop severe acute respiratory illness with symptoms like cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, body ache, sore throat, malaise, headache, diarrhoea, runny nose, pneumonia and kidney failure.

Which of the following statements about rhinovirus is false?

  1. It is destroyed at pH less than 5.

  2. It grows well at 33 degree centigrade.

  3. It remains restricted to the respiratory tract.

  4. It spreads through mosquitoes.

Correct Option: D

This is untrue. Rhinovirus does not spread through mosquitoes.

Which of the following immunological polioviruses was/were the common cause(s) of epidemics?

  1. Type 1

  2. Type 2

  3. Type 3

  4. Types 1 and 3

Correct Option: A

Type 1 poliovirus was the common cause of epidemics. It is the most pervasive strain of poliovirus and highly infectious in nature.

Enteroviruses are the viruses which colonise intestines. Which of the following is not an enterovirus?

  1. Poliovirus

  2. Coxsackievirus

  3. Flavivirus

  4. Echovirus

Correct Option: C

Flavivirus is not an enterovirus. It does not colonise the intestines.

Besides intestine, which of the following is the other site of multiplication of poliovirus in humans?

  1. Spinal cord

  2. Brain

  3. Oropharynx

  4. Liver

Correct Option: C

Besides intestine, poliovirus also multiplies in the oropharynx.

A person with fever, salivation and vesicular (blister-like) eruptions on the palms, fingers and toes was admitted to the hospital. He was diagnosed to be infected with which of the following?

  1. Zika virus

  2. Foot and mouth disease virus

  3. Varicella-zoster virus

  4. Poxvirus

Correct Option: B

A person with fever, salivation and vesicular (blister-like) eruptions on the palms, fingers and toes is infected with foot and mouth disease virus.

Which of the following viruses is transmitted through Aedes mosquito (Aedes aegypti)?

  1. Japanese encephalitis virus

  2. West Nile virus

  3. Yellow fever virus

  4. Rift Valley fever virus

Correct Option: C

Yellow fever virus is transmitted through Aedes mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti).

Which of the following viral diseases can be cured by amantadine?

  1. Genital herpes

  2. Dengue

  3. Influenza

  4. Yellow fever

Correct Option: C

Amantadine can cure influenza. The mechanism of antiviral activity of amantadine involves interference with the viral protein, M2, a proton channel. Resistance to the drug class is a consequence of mutations to the pore-lining residues of the channel, leading to the inability of the sterically bulky adamantane ring that both share in entering in their usual way, into the channel.

Which of the following diseases has small rodents acting as a primary host?

  1. Dengue

  2. Tick-borne encephalitis

  3. West Nile fever

  4. Japanese encephalitis

Correct Option: B

Small rodents act as primary host in tick-borne encephalitis virus. It can complicate to paralysis and long-term brain damage.

Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

  1. Negri bodies - Rabies

  2. Rotavirus - Diarrhoea

  3. Guarnieri bodies - Small pox

  4. HSV-1 - Genital herpes

Correct Option: D

This is the incorrect pair. Genital herpes is caused by HSV-2 virus.

Which of the following diseases in humans can be introduced by hantavirus?

  1. Hemorrhagic fever

  2. Hemorrhagic anemia

  3. Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis

  4. Hemorrhagic cyst

Correct Option: A

Hantavirus can induce hemorrhagic fever in humans. Due to this, overall vascular system is impaired.

Which of the following viruses is a major cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants that are less than one year old?

  1. Measles virus

  2. Para-influenza virus

  3. Newcastle virus

  4. Respiratory synctial virus

Correct Option: D

Respiratory synctial virus is the major cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants that are less than one year old.

Swelling of lymph nodes below the ear and at the nape of the neck are the characteristic lesions produced by the infection of

  1. orthomyxovirus

  2. rubivirus

  3. mumps virus

  4. Zika virus

Correct Option: B

Swelling of lymph nodes below the ear and at the nape of the neck are the characteristic lesions produced by the infection of rubivirus. This virus causes rubella.

Match the columns: A| B| |1. Morbillivirus|a. Parotitis| |2. Edmonston strain|b. Chikungunya| |3. Mumps|c. Koplik's spots| |4. Joint pain|d. Measles vaccine|

  1. 1. Morbillivirus b. Chikungunya
    2. Edmonston strain a. Parotitis
    3. Mumps c. Koplik's spots
    4. Joint pain d. Measles vaccine
  2. 1. Morbillivirus a. Parotitis
    2. Edmonston strain b. Chikungunya
    3. Mumps d. Measles vaccine
    4. Joint pain c. Koplik's spots
  3. 1. Morbillivirus c. Koplik's spots
    2. Edmonston strain d. Measles vaccine
    3. Mumps a. Parotitis
    4. Joint pain b. Chikungunya
  4. 1. Morbillivirus b. Chikungunya
    2. Edmonston strain c. Koplik's spots
    3. Mumps d. Measles vaccine
    4. Joint pain a. Parotitis

Correct Option: C

This is the correct match. Morbillivirus produces Koplik's spots as a characteristic symptom of measles. Edmonston strain was used to make live measles vaccine. Mumps is characterised by parotitis (painful swelling of parotid gland). Joint pain occurs in chikungunya.

Which of the following viral diseases has the given symptoms?

The first symptoms of a disease are mood instability, agitation, mental confusion and throat petechiae and then nosebleeds, vomiting and black stools. Then, liver becomes swollen and painful. Disseminated intravascular coagulation may occur as well as acute kidney failure and shock. Acute respiratory distress syndrome also occurs sometimes. 

  1. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)

  2. Colorado tick fever

  3. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF)

  4. Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)

Correct Option: C

The initial symptoms of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) are mood instability, agitation, mental confusion and throat petechiae, then soon nosebleeds, vomiting and black stools. The liver becomes swollen and painful. Disseminated intravascular coagulation may occur as well as acute kidney failure, shock and sometimes acute respiratory distress syndrome.

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