Synthetic Fibres and Plastics - II

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Which of the following properties make thermosetting plastics differ from thermoplastics?

  1. Thermoplastics can be deformed easily, but thermosetting cannot.

  2. Thermoplastics have higher tensile strength than thermosetting plastics.

  3. Thermoplastics are more flexible than thermosetting plastics.

  4. Thermoplastics are more durable than thermosetting plastics.

Correct Option: A

Both thermosetting plastics and thermoplastics have almost the same tensile strength and durability. Both thermosetting and thermoplastics are non-biodegradable but thermoplastics can be recycled but thermo setting plastics cannot. The main difference between the two is that thermosetting plastics once set cannot be moulded again, but thermoplastic can be remoulded on heating. 

What is 4R principle?

  1. Reduce, Reproduce, Recycle and Recover

  2. Reduce, Recycle, Re-develop and Recover

  3. Reduce, Reproduce, Re-develop and Recover

  4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover

Correct Option: D

The 4R principle refers to the wisest usage of the available resources. It does not deal with production or development of more resources. So, the correct option is 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover'. 

Plastic material is swallowed by cows from garbage dumps. Which part of their bodies gets affected by this?

  1. Respiratory system

  2. Digestive system

  3. Nervous system

  4. Excretory system

Correct Option: A

Plastic materials, if taken in by cows choke their wind pipe and make it difficult for them to breathe. Since it cannot be digested, then it cannot affect their digestive or excretory system in the way it affects the respiratory system. 

Which of the following is not a thermosetting plastic?

  1. Melamine

  2. Polyvinyl chloride

  3. Bakelite

  4. Both (a) and (c)

Correct Option: B

Polyvinyl chloride can change its shape on heating. But we know that thermosetting plastic does not change its shape on heating. So, polyvinyl chloride cannot be an example of thermosetting plastic. 

Which of the following properties do thermoplastics not possess?

  1. Thermoplastics are easily deformed on heating

  2. Thermoplastics can be recycled and reused again.

  3. Thermoplastics cannot be softened by heating once they are moulded.

  4. Thermoplastics can be coloured and rolled into sheets.

Correct Option: C

 Thermoplastics are the plastics, which are easy to recycle and reuse as they change their shape on heating. Also they can be dyed to give various colours so, the statement 3 is the characteristic property, which is not     possessed by thermoplastics. 

Thermosetting plastics cannot be softened by heating because _____.

  1. they are cross linked polymers with hydrogen bonds between each chain

  2. they are linear chains of polymers

  3. they are large cross linked molecules with strong covalent bonds between the atoms along each chains

  4. they are large cross linked molecules with strong electrovalent bonds between the atoms along each chain

Correct Option: C

 Thermosetting plastics are formed by sharing of electrons. It means that they form a covalent bond between their sub units. Covalent bonds of  their sub-units are very strong. This makes thermosetting plastic a strong cross linked molecule, which becomes hard to break, even by heating. 

Bakelite is used for making electrical switches and handles of various utensils because

  1. it is a good conductor of heat and poor conductor of electricity

  2. it is a poor conductor of heat and good conductor of electricity

  3. it is a good conductor of both heat and electricity

  4. it is a poor conductor of both heat and electricity

Correct Option: D

Bakelite is a poor conductor of both heat and electricity. So, it is used to make switches and utensil handles. 

What are thermoplastics?

  1. The ones which can be deformed easily.

  2. The ones which do not become soft on heating.

  3. The ones which do not melt on heating.

  4. The ones which are hard and rigid.

Correct Option: A

Thermoplastics melt down easily on heating and can be moulded to give various shapes. It means that they can be deformed easily and are not rigid. 

Which of the following plastics is used for non-stick coating on cookware?

  1. Melamine

  2. Teflon

  3. Bakelite

  4. Nylon

Correct Option: B

Non-stick coating on cookware should be made of such a material that it neither reacts with oil nor allows the oil to stick over it. Teflon possesses both these properties. That is why it is used for coating cookware. 

Handles of frying pans are made up of plastic. This is because plastic is a _____.

  1. good conductor of heat

  2. bad conductor of heat

  3. good conductor of electricity

  4. bad conductor of electricity

Correct Option: B

Plastics are bad conductors of heat. So, they are used for the said purpose.

Which of the following properties makes plastic suitable for storing various kinds of chemicals and pickles?

  1. Light weight

  2. Lower price

  3. Good strength

  4. Non-reactive nature

Correct Option: D

Chemicals and pickles need to be stored in such vessels, which are non-reactive. If they react, the chemical nature of chemicals and taste of pickles would be spoilt. Plastics are non reactive and thus are used for the same.

Why are handles of screw driver and tester made of plastics?

  1. Because plastics have good tensile strength.

  2. Because plastics are bad conductors of electricity.

  3. Because plastics are good conductor of heat and electricity.

  4. Because plastics are flexible.

Correct Option: B

 Handles of screw driver and tester should be made of such materials, which don't allow the current to pass through them. Otherwise we may get an electric shock. Plastics are bad conductor of electricity. 

Why do electric wires have a plastic covering?

  1. Because plastics are good conductor of heat.

  2. Because plastics are good conductor of electricity.

  3. Because plastics are bad conductor of electricity.

  4. Because plastics are bad conductor of heat.

Correct Option: C

 Electricity wires carry the current along their path. They need to be covered with such materials, which do not allow the current to pass thorough to avoid any accident when touched. The material thus used for this purpose should be a bad conductor of electricity. As plastic is a bad conductor of electricity therefore, it is used for the same purpose. 

Which of the following is a fire proof plastic?

  1. Teflon

  2. Melamine

  3. Polythene

  4. Polystyrene

Correct Option: B

 Teflon is non reactive towards oil. Plastics and polystyrene melt down, if they catch fire. Melamine is resistant to fire and therefore, it is known as fire proof plastic. 

Why are electric plugs, switches and plug boards made of thermosetting plastics?

  1. Because thermosetting plastics are not biodegradable.

  2. Because thermosetting plastics cannot be deformed, and these are poor conductors of heat and electricity.

  3. Because thermosetting plastics have high tensile strength.

  4. Because thermosetting plastics have light weight, lower price, and these can be handled easily.

Correct Option: B

Electric plugs, switches etc. should be made of such materials, which neither allow the heat nor the current to pass through. Also, they should not melt down on heating. Thermosetting plastics possess these properties. Therefore, they are used for the same purpose. 

Why is disposal of plastics a major problem?

  1. It is a degradable substance.

  2. It is a non-biodegradable substance.

  3. It is a biodegradable substance.

  4. It is a reusable substance.

Correct Option: B

Plastics are very useful but they do not get decomposed by microbial action, which causes many problems. It means that they are non-biodegradable.

Which of the following materials is not environment friendly?

  1. Paper

  2. Wood

  3. Plastic bag

  4. Cotton cloth

Correct Option: C

 Environment friendly materials are those, which are easily decomposed by the bacterial action. Paper, wood and cotton clothes are decomposed into simpler substances by bacterial action. Plastic bags are not decomposed and thus are not eco friendly. 

Which of the following substances decompose(s) within one or two weeks?

  1. Cotton clothes

  2. Woollen clothes

  3. Paper

  4. Peels of vegetables and fruits left over foodstuff etc

Correct Option: D

 Decomposition refers to the breakdown of complex substances into simple ones. Different substances take different time period for the same process. Vegetables and fruit peels take about a week or two for  the same, while cotton and woollen clothes take longer. But, paper will be decomposed within a few days only. 

Which property of melamine plastics enables them to make fire men uniform?

  1. Bad conductor of heat

  2. High tensile strength

  3. Resistance to fire

  4. Light weight and durability

Correct Option: C

 Melamine exhibits the unique property of resistance to fire. Fire men's uniform should be made of such materials only that it does not catch fire. 

Why substances like tin, aluminium metal cans are advised to be banned?

  1. Because they get decomposed easily by bacteria

  2. Because they do not decompose easily by natural process

  3. Because they can be recycled again and again

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Non-biodegradable substances are the ones which cannot be broken down further into simpler substances by natural processes. Tin, aluminium and metal cans possess the same property and thus, are known as non-biodegradable substances. Such substances are hard to dispose of. Hence it is advisable to minimize the use of non-biodegradable material.

Which of the following is not a non–biodegradable substance? 

  1. Plastic bag 

  2. Woolen clothes 

  3. Tin 

  4. Aluminium 

Correct Option: B

Plastics cannot be decomposed by microbial action. Tin and aluminium are metals and the same is true for metals also. Woolen clothes are obtained from natural source and thus, are biodegradable. 

Which of the following materials cannot be recycled again?

  1. Plastic bags

  2. Tin and aluminium

  3. Metal cans

  4. Cotton clothes

Correct Option: D

Recycling means that the substance is moulded in one or the other way and is used in some alternate way. Plastics and metals can be recycled in various ways, while cotton clothes once used can be reused but cannot be recycled. 

How are plastic bags different from jute or cotton bags?

  1. Plastic bags are more spacious than jute and cotton bags.

  2. Plastic bags are more durable than jute bags.

  3. Plastic bags are costlier than jute bags.

  4. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, but jute and cotton bags are biodegradable.

Correct Option: D

Jute and cotton are natural fibres, and they get decomposed into simper substances but plastics do not get decomposed. So, plastic bags are non biodegradable, while jute and cotton bags are biodegradable. 

Which of the following practices is not environment friendly?

  1. Not throwing plastic bags in the water bodies.

  2. Keeping the switches on, even when not required.

  3. Taking a cotton or jute carry bag while going for shopping

  4. Minimising the use of plastic materials.

Correct Option: B

 Eco friendly practices lead to a safe environment by wise use of resources. Keeping lights on, when not in room does not lead to a proper use of resources and thus not eco-friendly. Plastic being non biodegradable should be avoided and should not be thrown in water bodies. 

Which of the following chemicals has a fruity smell?

  1. Ethylene

  2. Ester

  3. Glucose

  4. Cellulose

Correct Option: B

Some chemicals give out a characteristic odour when smelt. Esters are the group of chemicals, which give out a peculiar smell of fruits. 

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