
Description: This topic contains 25 mcq which is an important topic.
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Tags: Systematics Aspects of Taxonomy
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Who was the first person to propose binomial nomenclature?

  1. Casper Bauhin

  2. Carolus Linnaeus

  3. Lamarck

  4. Theophrastus

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: A

He was first to propose binomial nomenclature in his book PINAX.

Concept of genus was given by _________.

  1. Tournefort

  2. Brunfels

  3. Eichler

  4. John Ray

  5. Linnaeus

Correct Option: B

Concept of genus was proposed by him.

According to __________, there is an ideal pattern for each species.

  1. static concept

  2. dynamic concept

  3. biological concept

  4. typological concept

  5. nominalistic concept

Correct Option: D

There is an ideal pattern for each species.

Which branch of taxonomy is based on biochemical evidence?

  1. Alpha taxonomy

  2. Beta taxonomy

  3. Omega taxonomy

  4. Cytotaxonomy

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: C

It is based on biochemical evidence.

Any one of the two or more specimens cited by an author when there is no holotype is known as __________.

  1. paratype

  2. lectotype

  3. syntype

  4. neotype

  5. isotype

Correct Option: C

It is any one of the two or more specimens cited by author when there is no holotype.

Biological concept of species was given by ___________.

  1. Linnaeus

  2. Lamarck

  3. Ernst Mayr

  4. Cuvier

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

He gave biological concept of species.

__________ are those species that have overlapping areas of geographical distribution.

  1. Allopatric species

  2. Parapatric species

  3. Sympatric species

  4. Allochronic species

  5. Synchronic species

Correct Option: C

Sympatric species are the species having overlapping area of geographical distribution.

Which of the following suffix is used in animal kingdom for family?

  1. Aceae

  2. Ales

  3. Eae

  4. Opsida

  5. Idae

Correct Option: D

It is the suffix used in animal kingdom for family.

Hinny is formed by a cross between ___________.

  1. male horse and female donkey

  2. male donkey and female horse

  3. male tiger and female lion

  4. male lion and female tiger

  5. none of these

Correct Option: A

This cross forms hinny.

Which of the following refers to living species?

  1. Polytypic species

  2. Paleospecies

  3. Parapatric species

  4. Neontological species

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

Living species.

Who gave the statement "Taxonomy without phylogeny is the bone without flesh"?

  1. Engler and Prantl

  2. Takhtajan

  3. Bentham and Hooker

  4. Theophrastus

  5. None of these

Correct Option: B

He gave the statement, "Taxonomy without phylogeny is the bone without flesh".

Which of the following is a sterile hybrid?

  1. Hinny and liger

  2. Tigon and mule

  3. Hinny and mule

  4. Tigon and liger

  5. Liger and mule

Correct Option: C

Both are sterile.

Which terminology is used when the species and subspecies names are the same?

  1. Tautonyms

  2. Autonyms

  3. Synonyms

  4. Homonyms

  5. None of these

Correct Option: B

It refers to when species and subspecies name are same.

Which of the following is complete listing and description of the plants growing in a particular area?

  1. Fauna

  2. Monograph

  3. Manual

  4. Biota

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

It is the complete listing and description of the plants growing in a particular area.

What are cryptic species?

  1. True species which do not interbreed but are difficult to separate on basis of morphological characters alone.

  2. Species erected on basis of morphological characters only.

  3. Species having definite binomial name.

  4. Species with two or more subspecies.

  5. Species which are found as fossils only.

Correct Option: A

They are cryptic or sibling species.

Which of the following is used for poisoning of herbarium sheet?

  1. HgCl2

  2. Napthalene

  3. CS2

  4. All of these

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

 The specimens need poisoning to keep away insects and fungal pests. All of these are used for poisoning of herbarium sheet.

Who is known as the father of Indian botany?

  1. Theophrastus

  2. William Roxburgh

  3. Linnaeus

  4. Santapau

  5. None of these

Correct Option: B

He is known as the father of Indian botany.

Which of the following gardens is famous for palentological studies?

  1. Royal Botanical Garden, Kew

  2. Orto Botanica, Italy

  3. Pisa, Italy

  4. Palermo, Italy

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

It is famous for palentological studies.

In which type of garden is the main collection woody species?

  1. Arboretum

  2. Pinetum

  3. Orchidarium

  4. Bambusetum

  5. All of these

Correct Option: A

The main collection is woody species.

Who gave four kingdom classifications?

  1. Haeckel

  2. Whittaker

  3. Copeland

  4. Woese

  5. Linnaeus

Correct Option: C

He gave four kingdom classifications.

Ae is a suffix used for _________.

  1. division

  2. class

  3. order

  4. family

  5. none of these

Correct Option: B

The suffix used is ae or opsida or phyceae.

Tribe comes between __________.

  1. sub family and genus

  2. class and family

  3. division and order

  4. family and species

  5. none of these

Correct Option: A

Tribe is an intermediate category between sub family and genus.

"Enquiry into Plants" is written by ____________.

  1. Pliny The Elder

  2. John Ray

  3. Theophrastus

  4. Linnaeus

  5. Lamarck

Correct Option: C

He wrote "Enquiry into Plants".

Cladistic system of classification is based on ___________.

  1. evolutionary relationship

  2. natural relationship

  3. stamen characters

  4. habitat

  5. none of these

Correct Option: A

This is the basis of phylogenetic or cladistic system of classification.

Which of the following species plays a key role or central role in ecology of a place?

  1. Keystone species

  2. Biospecies

  3. Taxonomic species

  4. Paleospecies

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: A

These are the species that make a small proportion of total biomass of community, yet have an impact on community organization and survival.

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