Verbal Ability ( Mixed )

Description: Sample questions for Bank PO, MCA and MBA English paper. Covers idioms, antonyms, synonyms and sentence completion tasks.
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Learn English English vocabulary Vocabulary Objective English Idiomatic and Phrasal Use Antonyms Synonyms/Meanings Synonyms
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Directions: In the following question, sentence with a blank has been given. Select the best alternative to fill up the blank so as to make the sentence most meaningful.

Transnational corporations and foreign firms have ________ keen interest in investing in India.

  1. displayed

  2. expressed

  3. discussed

  4. negotiated

Correct Option: A

 'Displayed keen interest'.

Directions: Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option.

We should be careful as cellular phone operation is one of the key industries ________ to frauds worldwide.

  1. open

  2. vulnerable

  3. available

  4. welcome

Correct Option: B

 'Vulnerable' means a soft target, which the meaning of the sentence suggests.

Directions: The given sentence contains an idiom/phrase. You are to select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of this idiom/phrase.

To be a good orator, you don’t have to play to the galleries.

  1. To offend audiences

  2. Appease select audience

  3. To appeal to the public with lower taste

  4. To go prepared to the hall

Correct Option: C

 'To play to the galleries' means to please people by doing or saying things that will make people admire you, instead of doing and saying something important.

Directions: The given sentence contains an idiom/phrase. You are to select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of this idiom/phrase.

He has the gift of the gab.

  1. Gifted

  2. Is chattering

  3. A chatterbox

  4. A good conversationist

Correct Option: D

'Gab' is short for gabble (to talk); having a 'gift of gab' refers to someone who can speak well.

Directions: The given sentence contains an idiom/phrase. You are to select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of this idiom/phrase. Parental property has become a bone of contention between the two brothers.

  1. unifying factor

  2. a firm view

  3. something that causes a quarrel

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

A 'bone of contention' means something that causes disagreement.

Directions: The given sentence contains an idiom/phrase. You are to select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of this idiom/phrase. In the end, he had to eat the humble pie.

  1. apologise humbly

  2. adopt an aggressive attitude

  3. defend oneself vigorously

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The phrase means 'to act very humbly when one is shown to be wrong'. 

Directions: Choose the alternative that explains the given idiomatic expression.

To take someone to task

  1. To rebuke someone

  2. To praise someone

  3. To promote someone

  4. To dismiss someone

Correct Option: A

'To take someone to task' means to scold someone angrily.

Directions: The given sentence contains an idiom/phrase. You are to select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of this idiom/phrase. Once in a blue moon, we meet each other.

  1. Frequently

  2. Hardly ever

  3. Very seldom indeed

  4. In the light of a blue moon

Correct Option: C

'Once in a blue moon' means very rarely. 'Hardly ever' would mean never or next to none.

Directions: The given sentence contains an idiom/phrase. You are to select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of this idiom/phrase. He has been jobless for several months and it is his wife who keeps the pot boiling.

  1. avoid starvation

  2. keeps the fire burning

  3. be angry

  4. keeps cooking

Correct Option: A

'To keep the pot boiling' means to earn enough money to buy one's food.

Directions: Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word.


  1. undeveloped

  2. gay

  3. convincing

  4. conspicuous

Correct Option: D

'Latent' means hidden or concealed. 'Conspicuous' means visible.

Directions: Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word. Gracious

  1. benign

  2. churlish

  3. clement

  4. cautious

Correct Option: B

 'Gracious' means filled with God's faith, 'benign' and 'clement'  also mean the same; 'churlish' is derived from 'churl' which means 'rude and disrespectful'.

Directions: Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word. Macabre

  1. ugly

  2. extravagant

  3. lovely

  4. unholy

Correct Option: C

'Macabre' means gruesome, horrifying or deathly. The most opposite to it would be 'lovely'.

Directions: Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word. Impede

  1. fall away

  2. filter

  3. fester

  4. facilitate

Correct Option: D

 'Impede' means to be in the way or hinder, the opposite of this word would be 'facilitate' which means to render easy.

Directions: Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word. Novate

  1. modern

  2. ancient

  3. professional

  4. novice

Correct Option: B

 'Nov' means to make new (novice), hence, 'ancient' is the opposite in this case.

Directions: Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word. Solace

  1. discord

  2. relief

  3. tranquilization

  4. accommodation

Correct Option: A

 'Solace' means comfort and peace, all the options confirm to the same meaning, except option 1.

Directions: In the following questions, sentences with a blank have been given. Select the best alternative to fill up the blank so as to make the sentence most meaningful.

At the party, he met a young woman dressed _______ white and fell in love with her.

  1. in

  2. with

  3. at

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

'Dressed in white' means wearing white coloured clothes.

Directions: In the following questions, sentences with a blank have been given. Select the best alternative to fill up the blank so as to make the sentence most meaningful.

Normally in business, confidence level moves _______ line with the size of the firm.

  1. in

  2. up

  3. up with

  4. with

Correct Option: A

 To 'move in line with' means to grow together.

Directions: In the following questions, sentences with a blank have been given. Select the best alternative to fill up the blank so as to make the sentence most meaningful.

The kind of language you speak, ________ my ears.

  1. hurts

  2. hurt

  3. has hurt

  4. had hurt

Correct Option: A

 Present simple tense is maintained in the sentence, hence 'hurts'.

Directions: In the following questions, sentences with a blank have been given. Select the best alternative to fill up the blank so as to make the sentence most meaningful

First, the hardware must get _________ the ground.

  1. over

  2. of

  3. at

  4. off

Correct Option: C

 'At the ground' means to initiate operation.

Directions: In the following questions, choose the word from given alternatives which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in the question.


  1. solution

  2. role

  3. model

  4. treatment

Correct Option: C

 'Paradigm' means a pattern or model of something.

Directions: In the following questions, choose the word from given alternatives which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in the question.


  1. firmness

  2. strength

  3. will

  4. approach

Correct Option: C

 'Vol' means 'to will' (e.g benevolent).

Directions: In the following questions, choose the word from given alternatives which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in the question


  1. sentimental

  2. happy

  3. lucky

  4. scatterbrained

Correct Option: B

 'Felicity' means happiness or fortune.

Directions: In the following questions, choose the word from given alternatives which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in the question


  1. connoisseur of good food

  2. who has traveled widely

  3. chef

  4. voracious eater

Correct Option: A

 'Gourmet' means an expert of food.

Directions: In the following questions, choose the word from given alternatives which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in the question.


  1. symbol

  2. false representation

  3. document

  4. destroyer of images

Correct Option: A

 'Icon' means a picture or a representation.

Directions: In the following questions, choose the word from given alternatives which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word given in the question


  1. mental keenness

  2. faithfulness

  3. calm

  4. sincere

Correct Option: A

 The root word here is 'pers' meaning 'perception' or sense( e.g perception).

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