Biology test -I

Description: Get Complete Study Material for Medical Entrance, B.Sc., Class XI, Class XII, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Class XI Biology, Class XII Biology
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Tags: Science Biology Medical Biology MBBS MD AFMC PMT BOTANY MEDICAL BIOLOGY UPSC B.Sc CBSE Genetics Genetics and Evolution Biology Kingdom- Plantae Plant Kingdom Common Diseases and Their Control Plant Breeding for Disease Resistance Pollination
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Genetics is the study of

  1. forms and features of plant organs

  2. heredity and variations

  3. classification based on characters of somatic chromosomes

  4. growth and differentiation in living organisms

Correct Option: B

Study of external characters of organisms is referred to as

  1. anatomy

  2. physiology

  3. morphology

  4. eugenics

Correct Option: C

Plant pathology includes the study of

  1. plant diseases

  2. symptoms

  3. control of diseases

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

The tallest tree is

  1. Pinus

  2. Acanthocephalus

  3. Sequoia

  4. Eucalyptus

Correct Option: D

The study of the pollen grains is

  1. palynology

  2. pedology

  3. phrenology

  4. mycology

Correct Option: A

Father of taxonomy is

  1. Aristotle

  2. Linnaeus

  3. Theophrastus

  4. Koch

Correct Option: B

National bird of India is

  1. Indian bustard

  2. ibis

  3. peacock

  4. nightingale

Correct Option: C

Microbiology deals with the study of

  1. animals

  2. plants

  3. microorganisms

  4. viruses

Correct Option: C

Branch of zoology dealing with study of behaviour of animals is

  1. ethology

  2. ecology

  3. sociology

  4. ichthyology

Correct Option: A

The branch of biology that deals with heredity is called

  1. genetics

  2. eugenics

  3. euthenics

  4. cytology

Correct Option: A

Zoology, Botany and Biology are Greek terms. The father of Biology and Zoology is Aristotle. Who is father of Botany?

  1. Aristotle

  2. Theophrastus

  3. Hippocrates

  4. Darwin

Correct Option: B

One Angstorm is equal to

  1. 10-6 metres

  2. 10-8 metres

  3. 10-10 metres

  4. 10-12 metres

Correct Option: C

Study of eggs of birds is called

  1. osteology

  2. odontology

  3. oology

  4. ornithology

Correct Option: C

The father of modern botany is

  1. Brunfels

  2. Bauhin

  3. Pasteur

  4. Linnaeus

Correct Option: B

Study of nuclear cytology is known as

  1. neurology

  2. mycology

  3. karyology

  4. radiology

Correct Option: C

Who among the following demonstrated that A + T = G + C in all the classes of DNA?

  1. Watson and Crick

  2. R.Q. Holley

  3. Luria

  4. E. Chargaff

Correct Option: D

Study of animals that live and subsist on other animals is

  1. pathology

  2. ecology

  3. parasitology

  4. taxonomy

Correct Option: C

Electron microscope employs

  1. fluorochromes

  2. polarizer and analyser filters

  3. objective and occular lenses

  4. electromagnetic lenses

Correct Option: D

Ozone layer is found in

  1. hydrosphere

  2. stratosphere

  3. lithosphere

  4. troposphere

Correct Option: B

The study of growing flowering plants is called _____________

  1. Floriculture

  2. Horticulture

  3. Anthropology

  4. none above

Correct Option: A

 The study of growing flowering plants is called floriculture.

The word 'Genetics' was coined by

  1. Mendel

  2. Watson

  3. Johnson

  4. Bateson

Correct Option: D

Who discovered and coined and term 'cell'?

  1. Hooke and Harvey

  2. Hook

  3. Leeuwenhoek

  4. Schleiden and Schwann

Correct Option: B

'Omnis cellula e cellula' was given by

  1. Leeuwenhoek

  2. Robert Brown

  3. L. Pasteur

  4. R. Virchow

Correct Option: D

A person who has to plant trees in the forest, must have the knowledge of

  1. sericulture

  2. silviculture

  3. apiculture

  4. pisciculture

Correct Option: B

The increase in the rate of world population is because of

  1. industrialization

  2. increased food supply

  3. increased fecundity

  4. decreased infant mortality

Correct Option: A
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