Chemical Effects of Electric Current - 2

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Mohit took a piece of potato and inserted both ends of a copper wire into it. He connected the wire to a battery. Some change happened after some time in the piece. What is that change?

  1. A coloured spot is formed on the potato on the side of negative terminal.

  2. A coloured spot is formed on the potato on the side of positive terminal.

  3. The whole upper surface of the potato becomes coloured.

  4. The colour of the copper wire changes.

Correct Option: B

A coloured spot is formed on one terminal of the potato, which is the positive terminal.

Why is chromium used for electroplating?

(a) It does not corrode. (b) It is scratch resistant. (c) It is cheap, easily available and can be electroplated very easily.

  1. Only (a)

  2. Both (a) and (b)

  3. Only (c)

  4. Both (b) and (c)

Correct Option: B

Chromium does not corrode and is scratch resistant. Chromium is neither cheap nor is it easily available. Electroplating of chromium is a complex and controlled process as the chromium layer tends to peel off.

Which of the following statements is true for the purification of copper?

  1. A pure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and copper sulphate solution is the electrolyte.

  2. A pure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and distilled water is the electrolyte.

  3. An impure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and salty water is the electrolyte.

  4. An impure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and copper sulphate solution is the electrolyte.

Correct Option: D

In the purification of copper, an impure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal, pure copper rod is connected to the negative terminal and an aqueous solution of a copper salt, usually copper sulphate, is used.

Why is zinc-coated iron used in bridges?

  1. Zinc gives shiny appearance to iron.

  2. Zinc increases the strength of the structure.

  3. Zinc reacts with iron to produce an alloy which is less affected by temperature change, thereby preventing the structure from developing cracks.

  4. Zinc protects iron from rusting.

Correct Option: D

Zinc protects iron from rusting.

Which of the following lighting devices work(s) due to heating effect of electric current?

  1. CFL

  2. LED

  3. Bulb

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Bulb has a filament which glows when it becomes hot. So, it is based on the heating effect of electric current.

Which of the following effects of electric current is used in a sensitive tester?

  1. Magnetic effect

  2. Heating effect

  3. Chemical effect

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Magnetic effect of electric current is used in a sensitive tester.

Which of the following is a poor conductor of electricity?

  1. Alcohol

  2. Common salt solution

  3. Copper sulphate solution

  4. Aqueous solution of HCl

Correct Option: A

Alcohol is a poor conductor of electricity.

Who discovered the evolution of bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen upon passage of electric current through the electrodes immersed in water?

  1. Robert Hooke

  2. William Nicholson

  3. Einstein

  4. Edwin Aldrin

Correct Option: B

Why are food storage cans made of electroplated tin instead of being made of iron?

  1. Tin is less reactive than iron.

  2. Tin is more reactive than iron.

  3. Tin reacts with food to prevent spoiling.

  4. Tin is a non-reactive metal.

Correct Option: A

Tin cans are used for storing foods and are made by electroplating tin instead of iron because tin is less reactive than iron and does not react with food.

While checking a tester, why is it recommended not to join its free ends for more than a few seconds?

  1. It will fuse the tester.

  2. It will heat the wire.

  3. It can give shock.

  4. The cells of battery will drain very quickly.

Correct Option: D

While checking a tester, it is recommended not to join its free ends for more than a few seconds because the cells of battery will drain very quickly.

On passage of electric current through a liquid, which of the following would not indicate the occurence of a chemical effect?

  1. Rise in the temperature of solution

  2. Deposits of metal seen on electrodes

  3. Changes of colour of solutions

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D

Option (4) is correct.

Why does a brand new bicycle have shining handlebar and wheel rims?

  1. Due to electroplating

  2. Due to shining of metal

  3. Due to shining atoms

  4. Due to electrolysis

Correct Option: A

Due to electroplating, a brand new bicycle has shining handlebar and wheel rims.

Which of the following statements is true about passage of electric current through a copper sulphate solution?

  1. When electric current is passed through the copper sulphate solution, the copper sulphate does not dissociate.

  2. The free copper gets drawn to the electrode connected to the negative terminal of the battery.

  3. The free copper gets drawn to the electrode connected to the positive terminal of the battery.

  4. The mass of copper that gets deposited on one electrode is more than the mass of copper that gets depleted from the other electrode.

Correct Option: A

When electric current is passed through the copper sulphate solution, the copper sulphate does not dissociate.

A 1 kg carbon rod was connected to the negative terminal of a battery. A 2 kg copper rod was connected to the positive terminal. Both were dipped in an aqueous solution of copper sulphate and a current was passed for 15 minutes. Which of the following cannot be the mass of the carbon rod after this time?

  1. 1 kg

  2. 2 kg

  3. 2.5 kg

  4. 3 kg

Correct Option: A

Some of the copper from the copper rod gets deposited on the carbon rod. Hence, the mass of the carbon rod increases. Hence, its mass must be more than 1 kg. Hence, option (1) is not feasible.

Which of the following would result in dissolution of copper from one electrode and deposition of it on the other?

  1. Copper plate connected to the positive terminal, carbon rod connected to the negative terminal, and copper sulphate as the solution

  2. Carbon rod connected to the negative terminal, copper plate connected to the positive terminal, and copper sulphate as the solution

  3. Carbon rod connected to the negative terminal, copper plate connected to the positive terminal and an aqueous solution of sulphuric acid as the solution

  4. Carbon rod connected to the postive terminal of the battery, copper plate connected to the negative terminal of the body, and copper sulphate as the solution

Correct Option: B

Only in option (2) will the desired effect be reached.

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