Botany Test - III

Description: Online Complete Study material for Medical Entrance, Class XI, Class XII, Biology, Class XI Biology, Class XII Biology, Class XI Chemistry, Class XII Chemistry, CBSE Biology, ICSE Biology, Botany Test, Botany, Botany Notes
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Botany Systematics Aspects of Taxonomy Kingdom Fungi Classification of Fungi Introduction to Asexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction Ecological Adaptations Adaptations to the Environment Meristematic Tissue
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The term new systematics was introduced by

  1. Linnaeus

  2. Theophrastus

  3. Bentham & Hooker

  4. Huxley

Correct Option: D

 The term new systematics was introduced by Huxely. In new systematics the species are considered related to one and another, mutable and show gradual modification.

Puffball is

  1. moss

  2. fungus

  3. algae

  4. liverwort

Correct Option: B

 A puffball is a member of any of several groups of fungi in the division Basidiomycota.

Apogamy is

  1. a mode of vegetative reproduction

  2. formation of sporophyte from vegetative tissue of gametophyte without gamete formation

  3. formation of gametophyte from vegetative tissue of sporophyte without spore formation

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

 Apogamy is formation of sporophyte from vegetative tissue of gametophyte without gamete formation.

Brown rot in pear is caused by

  1. Bacillus amylovorous

  2. Monilinia fructicola

  3. Fusarium moniliformae

  4. Sclerospora fruiticola

Correct Option: B

 Brown rot in pear is caused by Monilinia fructicola.Brown rot causes blossom blight, twig blight; twig canker and fruit rot.

Apex is modified into tendril in

  1. antignon

  2. clematis

  3. gloriosa

  4. lathyrus aphaca

Correct Option: C

 Apex is modified into tendril in gloriosa.In weak- stemmed plants, leaf or a part of leaf gets modified into green thread­like structures called tendrils which help in climbing around the support.

Exarch xylem is found in

  1. root only

  2. dicot stem & dicot root

  3. monocot stem & monocot root

  4. stem only

Correct Option: A

 The roots of vascular plants are normally considered to have exarch development .Exarch is used when there is more than one strand of primary xylem in a root, and the xylem develops from the outside inwards towards the center, i.e. centripetally.

Lamina is modified into pitcher to store water in

  1. nepenthes

  2. saracaenia

  3. dischidia

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

 Lamina is modified into pitcher to store water in dischidia.This is a device to catch insects for fulfilling the deficiency of nitrogen in the medium where plant is growing.

Cleistogamy is found in

  1. ficus

  2. arachis

  3. helianthus

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

 Cleistogamy is found in family Arachis. Cleistogamy or automatic self-pollination describes the trait of certain plants to propagate by using non-opening, self-pollinating flowers.

Gene causing sickle-celled anaemia is located on

  1. X-chromosome

  2. Y-chromosome

  3. Autosome

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

 Sickle-celled anaemia is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, which means both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive condition each carry one copy of the mutated gene, but they typically do not show signs and symptoms of the condition.

Layering is mode of vegetative reproduction in

  1. grape vine

  2. cestrum nocturnum

  3. bignonia

  4. rose

Correct Option: C

 Layering is mode of vegetative reproduction in bignonia.In this method, a branch of the plant is pulled towards the ground and a part of it is covered with moist soil leaving the tip of the branch exposed above the ground. After some time, new roots develop from the part of the branch buried in the soil. The branch is then cut off from the parent plant. The part of the branch which has developed roots grows to become a new plant (just like the parent plant).

How many genotypes are represented by tall plants bearing red flowers in F-2 generation in pea plant?

  1. 4

  2. 3

  3. 2

  4. 6

Correct Option: A

 There are 4 genotypes which are represented by tall plants bearing red flowers in F-2 generation in pea plant.

Individuals of same species inhabiting in a particular locality constitute

  1. population

  2. community

  3. flora

  4. fauna

Correct Option: A

 Individuals of same species inhabiting in a particular locality constitute population.Populations may be relatively small and closed, as on an island or in a valley, or they may be more diffuse and without a clear boundary between them and a neighboring population of the same species.

Which of the following genes have lethal effect?

  1. Gene controlling the production of hemoglobin

  2. Defective gene causing haemophilia

  3. Dominant allele of gene controlling fur colour in mice in homozygous state

  4. Recessive allele of gene causing sickle-celled anaemia in heterozygous state

Correct Option: C

 Recessive allele of gene causing sickle-celled anaemia in heterozygous state have lethal effects.

Which of the following was the first organisms to show oxygenic photosynthesis?

  1. Photosynthetic bacteria

  2. Chemosynthetic bacteria

  3. Green algae

  4. Cyanobacteria

Correct Option: D

  Cyanobacteria was the first organisms to show oxygenic photosynthesis.Photoautotrophic, oxygen-producing cyanobacteria created the conditions in the planet's early atmosphere that directed the evolution of aerobic metabolism and eukaryotic photosynthesis.

Which of the following is an edible ascomycete?

  1. Mushrooms

  2. Agaricus

  3. Morchella

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

 Morchella is an edible ascomycete. These distinctive fungi appear honeycomb-like, with their cap composed of a network of ridges with pits.

In which organic compound is carbon of carbon dioxide incorporated in C-4 plants?

  1. Phosphoenol pyruvic acid

  2. Oxaloacetic acid

  3. RUDP

  4. Phosphoglyceric acid

Correct Option: B

 In oxaloacetic acid carbon of carbon dioxide is incorporated in C-4 plants.

Temperature increases with increase in height in

  1. mesosphere

  2. stratosphere

  3. thermosphere

  4. Both b & c

Correct Option: D

 Temperature increases with increase in height in thermosphere. The dynamics of the thermosphere are dominated by atmospheric tides, which are driven by the very significant diurnal heating.

Conversion of carbohydrates into amino acids in plants occur in

  1. peroxisomes

  2. chloroplasts

  3. mitochondria

  4. leucoplasts

Correct Option: C

 Conversion of carbohydrates into amino acids in plants occur in mitochondria.

Succession, starting at bare rock is termed as

  1. xerosere

  2. lithosere

  3. hydrosere

  4. psammosere

Correct Option: B

 Succession, starting at bare rock is termed as lithosere. In the case of a lithosere the pioneer species will be cyanobacteria and algae, which create their own food and water—i.e., they are autotrophic and so do not require any external nutrition (except sunlight).

In which of the following living plant cells, golgi complex is absent?

  1. Bundle sheath cells

  2. Sieve tube cells

  3. Tracheids

  4. Companion cells

Correct Option: B

  In sieve tube cells, golgi complex is absent. The main function of the sieve tube is transport of carbohydrates, primarily sucrose, in the plant (e.g., from the leaves to the fruits and roots).

Respiratory quotient in succulents is

  1. one

  2. more than one

  3. less than one

  4. zero

Correct Option: B

 Respiratory quotient in succulents is more than one as organic acids form the respiratory substrate.

Independent segregation of characters of different traits occurs due to

  1. crossing over

  2. independent assortment of chromosomes at anaphase-I

  3. independent assortment of chromosomes at anaphase-II

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

 All of the factors mentioned above help in independent segregation of characters of different traits.

Procambium is

  1. meristem present in between xylem & phloem

  2. cambium producing ground tissue

  3. tissue in subtropical region of shoot apex

  4. tissue differentiating into cambium in root

Correct Option: C

 Procambium is tissue in subtropical region of shoot apex.The procambium is characterized by intensive longitudinal cell growth and by the elongated (prosenchymal) shape of the cells. Cell division occurs in various directions, with vascular tissues— primary xylem and phloem—arising from the cells.

Vascular cryptogams are

  1. bryophytes

  2. pteridophytes

  3. spermatophytes

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

 Vascular cryptogams are pteridophytes, it refers to those vascular plants that do not make seeds.

Klinfelter’s syndrome is due to

  1. mutation of gene on sex chromosome

  2. trisomy of specific autosome

  3. non-disjunction of sex chromosome during oogenesis

  4. deletion of segment in x-chromosome

Correct Option: C

 Klinfelter’s syndrome is due to non-disjunction of sex chromosome during oogenesis,also known as 47,XXY or XXY.

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