English Usage Test 34

Description: English Usage Test - Free english verbal ability test for entrance examinations like mba entrance, gre, sat, gmat, toefl preparation and practice tests
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Tags: English Usage Test English Skills GRE Preparation GMAT TOEFL SAT English Verbal Ability English Speaking IELTS LAW Bank PO English Verbs Syllogism Sentence Arrangement (Para Jumbles) Sentence Rearrangement Letter P Word Usage Logical Reasoning (Sentence Based) Reasoning Verbal Reasoning
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Directions: The following question contains six statements. Choose the option in which the statements are logically related i.e. the third can be logically deduced from the first two.

A. No man can be wise without logic in his head. B. Wise head without empty logic is not possible. C. No man can be wise on an empty stomach. D. Wisdom and logic are stored in the head. E. Empty stomach empties the logic from one's head. F. Some stomachs are equally wise.

  1. ACB

  2. EFD

  3. EAC

  4. DBE

Correct Option: C

Option (3) EAC 

Directions: The following question contains six statements. Choose the option in which the statements are logically related i.e. the third can be logically deduced from the first two.

A. Humour is the soul of brevity. B. A good host is expected to be brief. C. Brevity is the soul of wit. D. Judgment is the soul of humour. E. A good host must be witty. F. Wit is the soul of brevity.

  1. BCF

  2. AED

  3. CEB

  4. ABC

Correct Option: C

Option (3) CEB

Directions: The following question contains six statements. Choose the option in which the statements are logically related i.e. the third can be logically deduced from the first two.
A. Feelings are wiser than the intellect.
B. The heart is wiser than the intellect.
C. The mind is wiser than the intellect.
D. The intellect is wiser than the mind.
E. The heart is wiser than feelings.
F. The heart is wiser than the mind.

  1. ACE

  2. BDF

  3. BED

  4. EAF

Correct Option: B

Option (2) BDF B à The heart is wiser than the intellect D à The intellect is wiser than the mind. An order is obtained from above two sentences Heart > intellect > mind This automatically implies that heart is wiser than mind and that idea is presented in sentence F. This marks option (2) as correct answer.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.

  1. An ideology is a system of belief that aspires to explain and to change the world.

A. Some thinkers and writers attacked the divine right of the French king to rule and questioned orthodox religious traditions associated with the Roman Catholic Church.

B. Today, social scientists conceive of ideology as a systematic set of principles that link perceptions of the world to explicit moral values.

C. The concept of ideology originated in France during the late 18th century.

D. The philosopher Destutt de Tracy coined the term 'ideology' to denote a science of ideas that would be based, not on the discredited principles of faith authority linked to the church and the monarchial state, but on knowledge gained form the human senses.

  1. An ideology not only interprets the meaning of events, but also posits the need for change in the existing situation.
  1. BADC

  2. ACDB

  3. CADB

  4. ABCD

Correct Option: C

Sentences C, A and D are related together by the virtue of French connection. As 3 introduces the idea that ideology originated in France in 18th Century, so it should come before both 1 as well as 4. Though, both CDA and CAD make sense but order CAD is far more better than CDA because in sentence A, the origin of ideology concept is described and that description is illustrated in sentence D with reference to Destutt de Tracy. Look at answer choices and you shall find only option (3) providing us with such valid order. This marks option (3) as correct answer.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.

  1. Gears are toothed wheels that transmit force and motion of one rotating, geared shaft to another.

A. Depending on the relative sizes of the meshing gears, a variety of speed or force multiplications can be obtained.

B. For gearing, it is more common to speak of torque than force.

C. It is possible to simply change the direction of motion.

D. Teeth can be formed on the outside, as for external gears, or on the inside, as for internal gears.

  1. Torque is equal to force multiplied by distance from the point of force application to the centre of rotation.
  1. DCBA

  2. BCAD

  3. DACB

  4. ABCD

Correct Option: C

Sentence B as well as 6 both describes the concept of Torque as implied in relation to gears, therefore, these two must come together. The order presenting such sequence is available in option (3), hence, it is the correct answer.

Directions: Find the statement where the given word hasn't been used correctly.


  1. Often the full house on opening nights brings in no profit because it's full of paper.

  2. The old man has a dry paper skin.

  3. The rise in the value of its shares has given the company a huge paper profit.

  4. They tried to paper over the cracks in their marriage by a show of public affection.

Correct Option: B

In option (1), the term paper has been used to mean complimentary (i.e. free!) tickets, so the given usage is correct. In option (2), the meaning implied is thin or flimsy like paper but instead of paper, the term required was papery. Thus, sentence depicts the incorrect usage of paper. Paper profit as implied by sentence (3) refers to expression in theory rather than in practice. In option (4), paper over the cracks imply an attempt to hide disagreement or friction. Thus, incorrect usage can be inferred from above explanation is option (2). 

Directions: Find the statement where the given word hasn't been used correctly. POCKET
  1. The speaker asked the audience to put their hands into their pockets and support the charity.

  2. Pocket all the lines given to you.

  3. He pocketed his pride and apologized.

  4. Those two are always together and live in each other's pockets.

Correct Option: B

For option (1), the expression of pocket implies to give money, especially generously. For option (3), the expression used is 'to conceal or hold back the feeling'. For option (4), the expression implied is 'to be too dependent on each other'. For option (2), 'pocket all the lines given to you' is grammatically correct but theoretically, we packet physical things like cash, money, etc. and not abstract quantities. Thus, option (2) is incorrect usage of term pocket.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.

  1. Machines can be divided into four groups: mechanical, electrical, fluid power, and prime movers.

A. Common examples of prime movers include waterwheels, windmills and nuclear energy plants.

B. They also convert energy in moving fluids to mechanical energy, as fluid motors, hydraulic cylinders, and turbines.

C. Prime movers convert natural forms of energy, such as those found in streams and winds, into mechanical energy.

D. Fluid-power machines convert mechanical energy to energy in moving fluids, as in compressors and hydraulic pumps.

  1. Similarly, electric machines convert mechanical to electrical energy as in generators and alternators and convert electrical to mechanical energy in electrical motors and loudspeakers.
  1. BDAC

  2. CADB

  3. BACD

  4. CBDA

Correct Option: B

As one can easily infer that sentence C describes the conversion of various forms of energy by prime movers, therefore, as in sentence A, example of prime movers has been given, it follows sentence C. In sentence 6, an analogy of electric machines converting two different forms of energy have been given. This therefore, needs some example preceding it. Therefore, DB should precede sentence 6. This sequence is presented in option (2), hence the answer.

Directions: For the following question, select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Fundamental

  2. Precocious

  3. Kernel

  4. Keynote

Correct Option: B

Fundamental, kernel and keynote, all refer to the basic idea. This implies that these three words can be related together and marks 'precocious' meaning gifted, intelligent as not belonging to the group formed.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.
1. Gustave Flaubert's 'Madamame Bovary' (1857) is the acclaimed masterpiece of realistic fiction in 19th century French literature.
A. Madame Bovary amasses huge debts ad finally, in a state of complete demoralization, poisons herself.
B. The novel, the desperate attempts of Eunna Bovary to escape from the boredom and drabness of provincial life.
C. When the novel was published, Flaubert was charged with immorality by the courts.
D. Unhappy in her marriage, she encountered only mediocrity in the lover she originally believed could save her.
6. But it is the unflattering portrayal of bourgeois society that aroused them, not any act of immorality in the novel.

  1. ADCB

  2. ACDB

  3. DCBA

  4. BDAC

Correct Option: D

In sentence C, Flaubert has been described being charged with immorality by the courts. In sentence 6, the speaker denies the charge by saying that portrayal of bourgeois society aroused them and not acts of immortality, therefore, it must be preceded by sentence C. This sequence is provided to us in option (4), BDAC, which is the answer.

Directions: For the following question, select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Distraught

  2. Goofy

  3. Lunatic

  4. Ironclad

Correct Option: D

Terms 'distraught', 'goofy' and 'lunatic' are all used to refer to someone mad or crazy. The term 'ironclad' is used to refer protected or covered with iron and difficult to change or break. Therefore, option (4) is the answer.

Directions: An assertion is a point of view. An argument is a statement meant to convince another about a certain point of view. A counter-argument contains logic opposed to assertion. Based on these, classify the four sentences in following question:

(A) Concluding assertion
(B) Supporting reason
(C) Statement irrelevant to the argument (D) Counter - argument

A. Growing concern for manufacturers has to be taken into account and globalization ought to be checked.
B. Explosive growth of international business in the past few years has created unsought of opportunities.
C. We can grow with the growth of international business.
D. Telecommunications is the sunrise industry with massive investments bringing richer rewards.

  1. DABC

  2. AABD

  3. DDAC

  4. ADBC

Correct Option: A

Option (1) DABC The sentence given as assertion is 'Explosive growth of international business in the past few years has created unsought of opportunities'. As sentence A is against this globalization of business, it should be marked as counter-argument. Sentence C which supports international business can be easily marked as supporting reason. Sentence D is irrelevant as it refers to telecommunication and not international business. Therefore, option (1) is correct classification.

Directions: In the following question, four statements with blanks are given. Choose the option which fills in the blanks, the maximum number of times.

A. His uncle deals ________ real estate.

B. The performance of the company is not ________ the mark. C. He was sacked ________ the internal audit report had indicted him severely. D. The speech was humorous ________ content and terse in application.

  1. in

  2. as

  3. upto

  4. of

Correct Option: A

Sentences A and D can only be filled by using word 'in' to mark them valid. The blank given in sentence B requires term 'upto' and sentence C requires the word 'as'. Therefore, option (1) is required answer.

Directions: For the following question, select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Changing

  2. Determinate

  3. Mercurial

  4. Volatile

Correct Option: B

Words changing, mercurial and volatile are synonyms and therefore, they can be grouped together. 'Determinate' thereby can be marked as not belonging to the group.

Directions: For the following question, select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Mystify

  2. Illumine

  3. Elucidate

  4. Tutor

Correct Option: A

Terms illumine, elucidate and tutor are synonyms referring to clarify or explain. Term mystify is used to puzzle or bewilder deliberately. Therefore, mystify is the term not belonging to the group formed.

Directions: In the following question, four statements with blanks are given. Choose the option which fills in the blanks, the maximum number of times.

A. The thief was caught easily as he ________ the mistake of leaving his purse behind. B. The two schools of thought gradually ________ into one. C. The suspect was ________ prowling around here last night. D. She eventually relented and ________ the desired promise.

  1. made

  2. mixed

  3. melted

  4. seen

Correct Option: A

For sentences B and C, the appropriate words for the blanks are 'melted' and 'seen'. For sentence A as well as D 'made' can be appropriately used to fill the blanks. This marks option (1) as correct.

Directions: For the following question, select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Embrace

  2. Nuzzle

  3. Disentangle

  4. Caress

Correct Option: C

Terms embrace, nuzzle and caress, all are different types of affectionate touch or gestures as used by both humans as well as animals to show affection with other beings. On the other hand, the meaning of word 'disentangle' is to extricate oneself from something that entangles or confuses. Thus, one can mark this word as odd one among those given in various options.

Directions: In the following question, four statements with blanks are given. Choose the option which fills in the blanks, the maximum number of times.

A. You should care ________ your old grandparents because one day you will need the same from your grandchildren. B. The ordinance was promulgated ________ hasten the process of share market automation. C. ________ a buoyant economy, a high domestic savings rate is required. D. The apathetic government officials made him run ________ pillar to post.

  1. of

  2. to

  3. from

  4. for

Correct Option: D

While the first sentence is filled in by the word ‘for’ to mark it valid from those given in options, sentence B is cogently filled in by using the word ‘to’. Sentence C can again make use of the word ‘for’ to mark it correct. In sentence D, the word required is ‘from’. This marks ’for’ as the most repeatedly used term and therefore, option (4) is the correct answer.

Directions: An assertion is a point of view. An argument is a statement meant to convince another about a certain point of view. A counter-argument contains logic opposed to assertion. Based on these, classify the four sentences in following question:
(A) Concluding assertion
(B) Supporting reason
(C) Statement irrelevant to the argument
(D) Counter - argument
A. Never try to read a newspaper while traveling by a STC bus on Indian roads, it can permanently damage your vision.
B. We must save time and hence, we should carry newspaper along with us everywhere.
C. Trying to read while moving can be extremely injurious to your eyes.
D. Saving time is more crucial than temporary discomfort to the eyes.

  1. BCAC

  2. ADBB

  3. BDAD

  4. CCAD

Correct Option: C

Option (3) BDAD The sentence given to us as assertion is 'try to read while moving that can be extremely injurious to your eyes'. Sentence A cites the damage of reading while traveling, therefore, it can be marked as supporting argument. Both sentences B and D can be marked as counter-argument to the given sentence. Therefore, classification in option (3) is perfectly valid and can be marked as correct.

Direction: An assertion is a point of view. An argument is a statement meant to convince another about a certain point of view. A counter-argument contains logic opposed to assertion. Based on these, classify the four sentences in following question:

(A) Concluding assertion
(B) Supporting reason
(C) Statement irrelevant to the argument
(D) Counter - argument
A. Excavations in French caves proved that man originated somewhere in Europe.
B. Several fossils, indicating a gradual shift from short humanoids to present day upright skeletons have been found in Africa.
C. Archeology, by its very nature, is extremely cumbersome.
D. Fossil evidences indicate that Africa was the cradle humanity.

  1. ABCD

  2. DBCA

  3. ADBD

  4. ADCB

Correct Option: B

Option (2) DBCA Sentence given as assertion is 'fossil evidences indicate that Africa was the cradle of humanity'. Sentence A proving the origin of man in Europe is countering the assertion. Sentence B is supporting the given assertion, sentence C referring to 'Archeology' is irrelevant to assertion. Therefore the classification in option (2) is correct and we can mark it as correct answer.

Directions: The following question contains six statements. Choose the option in which the statements are logically related i.e. the third can be logically deduced from the first two.
A. * stands for multiplication.
B. (2 + 2) * = 5
C. 2 * 2 = 8
D. (3 + 2) * = 6
E. 3 * 2 = 9
F. * stands for increased by one.

  1. BDF

  2. AEC

  3. AED

  4. FEA

Correct Option: A

Option (1) BDF B à (2 + 2) × = 5 D à (3 + 2) × = 6 From B, we understand that the left hand side exhibits a relationship in which two numbers are added and then incremented by 1. Our assumption is validated by next sentence D. So, this logical assumption should be marked as answer for our question.

Directions: The following question contains six statements. Choose the option in which the statements are logically related i.e. the third can be logically deduced from the first two.
A. All exclaims are screams.
B. All screams are not exclaimed.
C. All screams are deafening.
D. All exclaims are enthusiastic.
E. All screams are enthusiastic.
F. All exclaims are deafening.

  1. BDE

  2. ADF

  3. CEF

  4. ACF

Correct Option: D

Option (4) ACF A à All exclaims are screams C à All screams are deafening The logical sequence of the above two statements must be that all exclaims are deafening, which has been rightly stated in statement F. Hence, option (4) is the answer.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.
1. Idealism, the philosophical view that the mind or spirit constitutes the fundamental reality, has taken several distinct but related forms.
A. Subjective idealism denies that material objects exist independently of human perception and thus, stand opposed to both realism and naturalism.
B. Plato is often considered the first idealist philosopher, chiefly because of his metaphysical doctrine of forms.
C. Objective idealism accepts commonsense 'realism' (the view that material objects exist) but rejects 'naturalism' (according to which the mind and spiritual values have emerged from material things).
D. Plato considered the universal Idea of Form - for example redness or goodness more real than a particular instance of the form - real object, a good action.
6. According to Plato, the world of changing experience is unreal, and the Idea of Form - which does not change and which can be known only reason - constitutes true reality.

  1. BCAD

  2. CABD

  3. CBAD

  4. ABCD

Correct Option: B

Sentence B, D and 6 all make reference to Plato and his objective idealism, therefore, these 3 should come together and also as sentence B introduces Plato in relation to philosophy, so ideal order should have BD6 as its part. Thus, one can easily see that option (2) is valid for our answer.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.
1. The iconoclastic movement was motivated by a variety of factors that possibly included Muslim influences, as well as the concern of some that the cult of icons was a form of idolatry.
A. The icon of Christ is therefore a confession of faith in Christ's divinity and humanity.
B. The Council of Nicaea also specified that images should be venerated but not worshipped, since worship (yatria) belongs to God alone and the worship of icons would mean idolatry.
C. The ideas promoted by the defenders of images served as doctrinal bases for the later development of Eastern Christian art, particularly in the Byzantine Empire and in Russia.
D. The essential argument of the orthodox defenders of the images was that, since God became man in Jesus Christ, he also assumed all human characteristics including visibility.
6. Iconoclasm was also a feature of the Protestant reformation of the 16th century, some Protestant groups still oppose the use of religious images.

  1. ACDB

  2. BCAD

  3. ABCD

  4. DACB

Correct Option: D

In sentence D, orthodox defenders of images have been described, referring to human characteristics assumed by Jesus Christ while in sentence A, a conclusion is made of both divinity and humanity of Christ, therefore, these two exist together in order DA. This marks option (4) as only valid answer choice.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.
1. One of the dominant forces in pop music of the 1980s and 1990s, Madonna Louise Ciccone was the first star to make music video work for her.
A. She is not an outstanding singer or dancer.
B. Her hit records are 'Madonna' (1983), 'Like a Virgin' (1985), 'Like a Prayer' (1989), and 'I' m Breathless' (1990).
C. But she has used her music videos to reinvent her image from street waif to sex symbol to glamorous star.
D. She has acted in movies and on stage with limited success, doing best in roles close to her image of the moment.
6. Her films include 'Desperately Seeking Susan' (1985), 'Dick Tracy' (1990), 'A League of Their Own' (1992), and the documentary 'Madonna, Truth of Dare' (1991).

  1. CABD

  2. CDAB

  3. DBCA

  4. ACBD

Correct Option: D

It is clear that sentences D and 6 should come together on account of reference made by them to films of Madonna. Sentence 1 describes Madonna being dominant force in pop music and making music video work for her. This is appropriately followed by sentence A and C in order, which specify writer's idea that though she is not a outstanding artist but by virtue of her video albums, she has reinvented her image to that of a star. So, one can easily mark that option (4) is correct order suited for this question.

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