Botany 14

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The chromosome number in the diploid somatic cells in Pisum sativum is

  1. 12

  2. 14

  3. 16

  4. 18

Correct Option: B

The supplementary gene ratio is 9:3:4

  1. True

  2. False

  3. It is 9:7

  4. It is 12:3:1

Correct Option: A

Example for supplementary gene is

  1. Cucurbits

  2. Triticum

  3. Sorghum

  4. Oryza

Correct Option: C

Autotetraploids may arise by

  1. dispermy

  2. fusion of an abnormal diploid gamete

  3. fusion of two abnormal diploid gametes

  4. triple fusion

Correct Option: C

Due to the activity of supplementary genes, the colour of glume in Sorghum is changed to

  1. purple

  2. red

  3. brown

  4. white

Correct Option: B

A pentaploid of Solanum has _____ chromosomes which is five times of the basic genome

  1. 40

  2. 60

  3. 50

  4. 35

Correct Option: B

Roots and stems of plants increase in length due to the activity of

  1. lateral meristems

  2. apical meristems

  3. cambium tissues

  4. intercalary meristems

Correct Option: B

Assertion A ; Reason R

(A) Secondary growth will not occur in dicot stem (R) Cambium is a meristematic tissues which allows secondary growth

  1. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  2. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  3. Assertion is true and reason is false

  4. Assertion is false and reason is true

Correct Option: D

Assertion A ; Reason R (A) Tracheids conduct water and mineral salts in Gymnosperms (R) Due to the presence of protoplasm, tracheids are living cells

  1. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  2. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  3. Assertion is true and reason is false

  4. Assertion if false and reason is true

Correct Option: C

Raphanobrassica was first produced by a Russian cytologist

  1. Karpachanko

  2. Ivanowskii

  3. Fujikaroa

  4. Tarakanova

Correct Option: A

The genus _____ is the first known allotetraploid

  1. Raphanus sativus

  2. Triticum vulgare

  3. Brassica oleracea

  4. Raphanobrassica

Correct Option: D

A layer of parenchyma cells surrounding each vein in leaves is called as

  1. Border parenchyma

  2. Palisade parenchyma

  3. Spongy parenchyma

  4. Chlorenchyma

Correct Option: A

Assertion (A) ; Reason (R) (A) While chewing the pear fruit, we can feel the gritty nature (R) Pear fruit has sclereids in the ground tissue

  1. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  2. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  3. Assertion is true and reason is false

  4. Assertion if false and reason is true

Correct Option: A

Assertion (A) ; Reason (R) (A) Trees of higher plants continue to grow throughout their lives (R) Trees contain meristematic tissue which perpetuate themselves

  1. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  2. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  3. Assertion is true and reason is false

  4. Assertion if false and reason is true

Correct Option: A

Ascent of sap can be explained by _______ experiment

  1. Thistle-funnel

  2. Potato osmoscope

  3. Ringing

  4. Capillary Force

Correct Option: C

A compact layer of thin walled cells seen around the vascular bundle of leaf is called as

  1. Bundle cap

  2. Bundle sheath

  3. Endodermis

  4. Starch sheath

Correct Option: B

In leaf, xylem lies towards the

  1. lower epidermis

  2. mesophyll

  3. upper epidermis

  4. bundle sheath

Correct Option: C

There is no differentiation into cortex and stele in

  1. monocot root

  2. dicot root

  3. monocot stem

  4. dicot stem

Correct Option: C

Assertion A , Reason R

(A) In monocot root polyarch xylem is present (R) In some plants, xylem has four protoxylem points

  1. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  2. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  3. Assertion is true and reason is false

  4. Assertion if false and reason is true

Correct Option: B

_______ is a cofactorin enzymes, it is important in evolving O2 during photosynthesis

  1. Mn

  2. Cu

  3. Zn

  4. Mo

Correct Option: A

______ is not a macronutrient

  1. C

  2. Cu

  3. N

  4. Fe

Correct Option: B

Assertion A, Reason R (A) The innermost layer of cortex is called as starch sheath (R) Starch grains are abundant in these cells

  1. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  2. Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  3. Assertion is true and reason is false

  4. Assertion if false and reason is true

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is/are wrong?

a) In maize root xylme is tetrarch; in bean root it is polyarch b) Xylem and phloem are arranged radially alternating with each other c) Xylem is usually tetrarch in dicot root, and polyarch in monocot root

  1. (a) and (b) only

  2. (a) and (c) only

  3. (c) only

  4. (a) only

Correct Option: D

Deficiency of Nitrogen causes

  1. premature leaf fall

  2. chlorosis of leaves

  3. necrosis of stem

  4. chlorosis in veins

Correct Option: B

(a) Pholem parenchyma is present in monocot stem, but not in the other (b) Starch sheath is present in dicot stem, but not in the other (c) Hypodermis is collenchymatous in dicot stem and sclerenchymatous in the other (d) Vascular bundles are skull shaped in dicot stem and wedge shaped in others

  1. (a) and (b) only

  2. (b) and (c) only

  3. (c) and (d) only

  4. (d) and (a) only

Correct Option: B

The process of the absorption of mineral salts is of _______ types

  1. 5

  2. 4

  3. 3

  4. 2

Correct Option: D

The ground tissue system that lies between the epidermal layers is

  1. dorsiventral tissues

  2. obilateral tissue

  3. mesophyll tissue

  4. vascular tissue

Correct Option: C

Premature leaf fall can be due to the deficiency of

  1. Nitrogen

  2. Magnesium

  3. Phosphorus

  4. Iron

Correct Option: C

One type of tissues in the plant body of angiosperms have cells which are isodiametrical, with dense cytoplasm and prominent nucleus. Another type consists of cells that have lost the power of dividing and have attained definite form and size. These types are respectively

  1. apical meristems and lateral meristems

  2. meristematic tissues and permanent tissues

  3. simple tissues and complex tissues

  4. tracheids and xylem fibres

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is/are wrong? (a) Stem, root and leaf has three tissue systems (b) Each vascular bundle consists of phloem lying towards the upper epidermis and xylem towards the lower epidermis (c) Dicot leaves are dorsiventral (d) Epidermis consists of a single layer of closely packed cells with cuticles

  1. (a) only

  2. (b) only

  3. (b) and (c) only

  4. (c) and (d) only

Correct Option: B

______ is involved in the biosynthesis of IAA

  1. Boron

  2. Copper

  3. Manganese

  4. Zinc

Correct Option: D

Mineral elements can be classified into

  1. micronutrients and macronoutrients

  2. essential and non essential

  3. major elements and trace elements

  4. all the three are correct

Correct Option: D

Companion cells are specialised parenchyma cells present only in

  1. pteridophytes

  2. gymnosperms

  3. bryophytes

  4. angiosperms

Correct Option: D

Absorption of water and absorption of mineral salts are

  1. two independent events

  2. two dependent events

  3. one and same

  4. two non essential processes

Correct Option: A

Which of the following statements on the structure of root is/are true? a) In monocot root xylem is polyarch and pith is absent b) Xylem is exarch; it may vary from diarch to tetrarch c) Phloem and xylem are arranged radially d) In dicot root a prominent pith occurs

  1. (b) and (c) only

  2. (a) and (d) only

  3. (c) only

  4. (a), (b) and (c) only

Correct Option: A

To which part of the root is the starch sheath of dicot stem homologous?

  1. Bundle sheath

  2. Endodermis

  3. Pericycle

  4. Rhizodermis

Correct Option: B

Path of sap movement is the lumen of

  1. xylem

  2. phloem

  3. pith

  4. casparian cells

Correct Option: A

In which type of plants Aerenchyma tissue is present?

  1. Epiphytes

  2. Xerophytes

  3. Mesophytes

  4. Hydrophytes

Correct Option: D

Which is not a constituent of enzyme cafactor?

  1. Manganese

  2. Copper

  3. Zinc

  4. Boron

Correct Option: D

Which of the following statements is wrong?

  1. Starch sheath is present in dicot stem but not in monocot stem

  2. Hypodermis is sclerenchymatous in dicot stem but collenchymatous in monocot stem

  3. Pith is usually absent in dicot root but prominent in monocot root

  4. Internal leaf is composed of epidermis, mesophyll and vascular tissues

Correct Option: B
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