Plant Morphology

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In which of the following, petiole is modified into a green flat structure for the purpose of photosynthesis?

  1. Tendrils

  2. Phyllodes

  3. Leaf Spines

  4. Scale Leaves

Correct Option: D

Insect pollinated flowers have sticky pollen, which sticks to pollinating agents such as insects. Light and feathery pollens are a characteristic of wind-pollinated flowers.

Which of the following is a stem modification for food storage?

  1. Corm

  2. Sucker

  3. Stolon

  4. Offset

Correct Option: A

It grows vertically to the surface of the soil i.e., downwards. They are swollen up structures, axillary buds are present but they are not arranged properly i.e., internodes are present but not identified. Scale leaves are there around axillary bud. Contractile roots are present and they fix into the ground so that the stem will grow downwards. Axillary buds develop into a new corm e.g.,colocassia. Here stem is modified for food storage.

Parasites like Cuscuta develop

  1. Haustorial roots

  2. Floating roots

  3. Epiphytic roots

  4. Fusiform root

Correct Option: A

Parasites like Cuscuta develop a kind of root which penetrates into the tissue of the host plant and help to draw nutrients from the host by sucking it. The parasitic plants are not completely equipped to prepare their food. Hence, such plants have to depend on host plants for nutrients.

In which of the following, stem modifications help in photosynthesis?

  1. Twiner

  2. Thorns

  3. Phylloclade

  4. Bulbil

Correct Option: C

If the stem does photosynthesis, then it is called a phylloclade. It is flat, green and thick. It is flat for increasing the surface area, thick for storing water and green for photosynthesis. The leaves are modified into spines to reduce transpiration (evaporation of water from aerial parts of the plant). Cuticle is an outer covering which is present for preventing transpiration.

Which of the following roots are modified for storage of food?

  1. Prop roots

  2. Stilt roots

  3. Climbing roots

  4. Conical root

Correct Option: D

It is broad at the base and gradually tapers towards its apex e.g., in carrot the modified tap root is conical.It is modified for storage of food.

Which among the following is a sub aerial stem modification?

  1. Tuber

  2. Rhizome

  3. Runner

  4. Bulb

Correct Option: C

The branches originate from the main plant in all directions. From parent plant, daughter plants are produced. After growing for some time with the mother plant, the daughter plant is separated from the mother plant. In most plants vegetative propagation takes place. Only the mother plants contain true roots, the daughter plants contain adventitious roots.It is a sub aerial stem modification.

Which of the following roots have beads like structures associated with them?

  1. Respiratory roots

  2. Nodulated roots

  3. Sucking roots

  4. Contractile roots

Correct Option: B

It has beads like structures associated with them in which nitrogen fixing bacteria reside. Here nutrition is the vital function performed. It contains nitrates and nitrogen fixing bacteria. Rhizobium is the bacteria present. Plants coming under the pulse group will contain rhizobium (leguminous plants).

Which of the following roots does not have any definite shape?

  1. Stilt roots

  2. Nodulose roots

  3. Fasciculated roots

  4. Tuberous roots

Correct Option: D

Tuberous roots are without any definite shape, for example: sweet potato.

The outermost whorl of the flower is called

  1. Calyx

  2. Corolla

  3. Androecium

  4. Gynoecium

Correct Option: A

The outermost whorl consisting of units called sepals; these are typically green and enclose the rest of the flower in the bud stage. However, they can be absent or prominent and petal-like in some species.

Which of the following adaptations are not shown by entomophilous flowers?

  1. Flowers are often large and brightly coloured.

  2. The nectar is produced by the hypogynous or epigynous disc

  3. The entomophilous flowers do not emit scent

  4. Flowers offer food to the insect visitors

Correct Option: C

Many entomophilous flowers emit scent.

Which among the following does not favour cross pollination?

  1. Herkogamy

  2. Heterostyly

  3. Self incompatibility

  4. Cleistogamy

Correct Option: D

Some plants never open to ensure complete self-pollination. This condition is called cleistogamy, e.g., Commelina bengalensis, Oxalis, Viola, etc.. The cleistogamous flowers are bisexual small, inconspicuous, colourless and do not secrete nectar.

Which among the following is a cluster of two or more flowers in the inflorescence?

  1. A spike

  2. A spikelet

  3. A spine

  4. The sepals

Correct Option: B

A spikelet is a secondary spike found in grasses; it is a cluster of two or more flowers in the inflorescence.

In which of the following ovules, the embryo sac is curved like a horse shoe ?

  1. Circinotropous

  2. Amphitropous

  3. Campylotropous

  4. Orthotropous

Correct Option: B

Ovule as well as embryo sac is curved like a horse shoe e.g., Lemna, Poppy, Alisma.

The fruit developing from the inflorescence is known as

  1. Fleshy multiple fruit

  2. Fleshy aggregate fruit

  3. Fleshy simple fruits

  4. An accessory fruit

Correct Option: A

Fleshy multiple fruit is formed from a cluster of flowers called an inflorescence. Each flower does produce a fruit, but these mature into a single mass. Examples are mulberry, pineapple and breadfruit.

Pollination done by birds is known as

  1. Anemophily

  2. Entomophily

  3. Hydrophily

  4. Ornithophily

Correct Option: D

Ornithophily or Bird Pollination is the pollination of flowering plants by birds.

The paired appendages found at the base of the petiole are known as

  1. Stamen

  2. Stigma

  3. Stipules

  4. Stipe

Correct Option: C

Stipules are small, paired appendages (sometimes leaf-life) that are found at the base of the petiole of leaves of many flowering plants.

A newly germinated plant is known as

  1. Spore

  2. Stele

  3. Sprout

  4. Stolon

Correct Option: C

A sprout is a very young plant (newly germinated) or the new growth on a plant (a shoot).

Pineapple, jack fruit and fig are the examples of

  1. Simple fruits

  2. Aggregate fruits

  3. Composite fruits

  4. Accessory fruits

Correct Option: C

 When a fruit is not developed from a single flower but from an inflorescence, the whole structure forming a fleshy mass often extending beyond the ovaries, is called composite fruit, e.g., pineapple, jack fruit and fig.

The fruit developed from a single carpel is known as

  1. Dehiscent Fruit

  2. Indehiscent Fruit

  3. Temperate fruit

  4. Bramble fruit

Correct Option: A

A fruit developed from a single carpel may split from only one side at maturity to discharge its seeds. Such a fruit is called a follicle. Examples are columbine (Aquilegia spp.), milkweed (Asclepias spp.), larkspur (Delphinium spp.), and magnolia (Magnolia spp.).

Which of the following is a pitted fruit with stony interior?

  1. A drupe

  2. A berry

  3. A pome

  4. A dry fruit

Correct Option: C

A pome is a pitted fruit with a stony interior. The pit usually contains one seed chamber and one seed. This very specialized fruit type develops from the ovary, with most of the fleshy part formed from the receptacle tissue (the enlarged base of the perianth). Pomes are characteristic of one subfamily of the family Rosaceae (rose family). Examples of pomes are apple (Pyrus malus), pear (Pyrus communis), and quince (Cydonia oblonga).

Which among the following fruits is composed of two or more carpels ?

  1. Achene

  2. Capsule

  3. Caryopsis

  4. Follicle

Correct Option: B

A capsule is a type of simple, dry fruit produced by many species of flowering plants. A capsule is a structure composed of two or more carpels that in most cases is dehiscent, i.e., at maturity, it splits apart (dehisces) to release the seeds within.

The root hair are visible in ---------------------------------- region of the root.

  1. Root cap

  2. Zone of cell division

  3. Zone of cell elongation

  4. Zone of maturation

Correct Option: B

An apical meristem lies under and behind the root cap and, like the stem apical meristem, it produces the cells that give rise to the primary body of the plant.

A hard-shelled fruit among the following is

  1. Legume fruit

  2. Loment

  3. Nut

  4. Samara

Correct Option: C

A nut is a hard-shelled fruit of some plants having an indehiscent seed. Nuts are a composite of the seed and the fruit, where the fruit does not open to release the seed. Most seeds come from fruits, and the seeds are free of the fruit, unlike nuts such as hazelnuts, hickories, chestnuts and acorns, which have a stony fruit wall and originate from a compound ovary.

The diameter of the root may exceeds its length in

  1. Ramose root

  2. Fusiform root

  3. Conical root

  4. Napiform root

Correct Option: D

The napiform root, swells out in its upper part so that its diameter equals or exceeds its length, as in Erigenia bulbosa , Turnips etc..

A fruit developing from multiple carpels is

  1. A schizocarp

  2. A silique

  3. An achene

  4. A berry

Correct Option: A

A schizocarp is a dry fruit that develops from multiple carpels. When mature it splits up into mericarps. Mericarps are often 1-seeded as in, for example, Malva, Malvastrum, and Sida. In others, for example, in Abutilon, the mericarps have two or more seeds.

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