Endocrine System

Description: This paper will test the student knowledge about Endocrine System which is very important chapter for competitive exams as well.
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Biology - Endcorine system Endocrine System Human Endocrine System
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_______ plays a very important role in the regulation of the 24-hour (diurnal) rhythm of our body.

  1. Thyroxine

  2. Thymosin

  3. Melatonin

  4. Glucagon

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

Melatonin controls the night-day cycle, thereby allowing regulation of 24 hour rhythm of our body.

Which of the following is a function of adrenaline?

  1. Secreting gastric juice

  2. Increasing the heart rate and blood pressure

  3. Reducing blood sugar level

  4. Helping in spermatogenesis

  5. NA

Correct Option: B

Adrenaline is an emergency hormone secreted by adrenal glands.

Which of the following occurs in case of thymus damage?

  1. Loss of antibody-mediated immunity

  2. Production of blood cells

  3. Reduction of haemoglobin content in the body

  4. Loss of cell-mediated immunity

  5. NA

Correct Option: D

Thymus plays a major role in the development of the immune system.

What is the name of the outer layer of adrenal cortex?

  1. Zona reticularis

  2. Zona fascicularis

  3. Zona fasciculata

  4. Zona glomerulosa

  5. NA

Correct Option: D

The outer layer is known as zona glomerulosa.

Sohan has excessive height because of excess growth hormone. Which condition will this cause?

  1. Cushing syndrome

  2. Acromegaly

  3. Diabetes mellitus

  4. None of these

  5. NA

Correct Option: B

It is a syndrome that results when the anterior pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone (GH) at puberty.

Pituitary gland is under the control of

  1. adrenal gland

  2. hypothalamus

  3. thyroid gland

  4. None of these

  5. NA

Correct Option: B

Hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland.

What is the chemical nature of the hormones produced by pancreas?

  1. Glycolipids

  2. Glycoproteins

  3. Steroids

  4. Polypeptides

  5. NA

Correct Option: D

Hormones produced by pancreas are polypeptides in nature.

Which hormone regulates the growth of mammary glands and formation of milk in them?

  1. Prolactin

  2. ACTH

  3. LH

  4. FSH

  5. NA

Correct Option: A

Prolactin (PRL)  is a protein that is best known for its role in enabling female mammals to produce milk.

Which of the following hormones affect(s) our stomach, pancreas and gall bladder?

  1. Secretin

  2. Cholecystokinin

  3. Gastrin

  4. All of the above

  5. NA

Correct Option: D

Gastrin, secretin and cholecystokinin are all gastrointestinal hormones. They control various functions of the digestive organs.

Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

  1. Antidiuretic hormones - Kidneys

  2. Lutenising hormone - Mammary glands

  3. Prolactin - Mammary glands

  4. Gastrin - Digestive tract

  5. NA

Correct Option: B

Lutenising hormone helps in promoting spermatogenesis and ovulation.

Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

  1. Insulin - Diabetes mellitus (disease)

  2. Glucagon - Beta cell (source)

  3. Oxytocin - Posterior pituitary (release)

  4. FSH - Spermatogenesis (function)

  5. NA

Correct Option: B

A peptide hormone produced by alpha cells of the pancreas

In adults, insufficient thyroxine can lead to

  1. goitre

  2. tetany

  3. cretinism

  4. myxedema

  5. NA

Correct Option: D

Myxedema is caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland.

Where are the islets of Langerhans found?

  1. Anterior pituitary

  2. Posterior pituitary

  3. Spleen

  4. Endocrine region of pancreas

  5. NA

Correct Option: D

The islets of Langerhans are the regions of pancreas that contain its endocrine cells.

Which part of the human brain maintains the regulation of body temperature?

  1. Hypothalamus

  2. Medulla oblongata

  3. Cerebellum

  4. Cerebrum

  5. NA

Correct Option: A

The body keeps its core temperature controlled by the hypothalamus.

________ is produced by the thyroid gland.

  1. Thryoid stimulating hormone

  2. Adrenocorticotropic hormone

  3. Calcitonin

  4. Oxytocin

  5. NA

Correct Option: C

Produced  by the parafollicular cells

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