Human Health and Diseases (Class - XII)

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Which of the following viruses causes the green monkey disease?

  1. Marburg virus

  2. Ebola virus

  3. Mumps virus

  4. Rubulavirus

Correct Option: A

Marburg virus or simply Marburg is the common name for the genus of viruses Marburgvirus, which contains one species, Lake Victoria Marburgvirus. The virus causes the disease Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever (MHF), also referred to as Marburg Virus Disease, and previously also known as green monkey disease due to its primate origin.

The fungus with bioluminescent characteristic is

  1. Claviceps purpurea

  2. Omphalotus olearius

  3. Cordyceps sinensis

  4. Trametes versicolor

Correct Option: B

This fungus is distinguished by its bioluminescent characteristic. Ingestion of even small amounts of this highly toxic fungus can lead to severe diarrhea, vomiting and cramps.

Directions: The following question has four choices out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

The major mechanism of HER-2/neu oncogene activation in breast cancer is

  1. point mutation

  2. translocations

  3. deletion

  4. gene amplification

Correct Option: D

HER-2/neu activation in breast cancer is based on gene amplification and is an important prognostic indicator.

Chronic inflammation of eye occurs in the case of

  1. rabies

  2. dengue

  3. chickenpox

  4. trachoma

Correct Option: D

It causes inflammation of eyes and effects the conjunctiva and cornea.

Sarcoma is cancer of

  1. epithelial cells

  2. mesodermal cells

  3. blood cells

  4. polycythemia

Correct Option: B

This includes cancer of bones, cartilages, tendons, adipose and tissues, etc.

HIV mainly attacks

  1. B-cells

  2. cytotoxic T-cells

  3. stem cells

  4. helper T-cells

Correct Option: D

HIV enters helper T-cells and replicates inside to produce more virus.

Polio is caused by

  1. enterovirus

  2. paramyxovirus

  3. varicella

  4. rubeola

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Poliomyelitis, often called polio or infantile paralysis, is an infectious disease caused by the enterovirus.

Directions: The following question has four choices out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Which one of the following is an anaerobic gram negative cocci?

  1. Peptococcus

  2. Peptostreptococcus

  3. Sarcina

  4. Veillonella

Correct Option: D

Veillonella is anaerobic gram negative cocci.

Filariasis is caused by

  1. culex mosquito

  2. Ascaris lumbricoids

  3. Taenia solium

  4. Wuchereria bancrofti

Correct Option: D

The microfilarae larva of this helminth causes filaria.

Directions: The following question has four choices out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Which of the following diseases is caused by heliminth?

  1. Filariasis

  2. Malaria

  3. Giardiasis

  4. Mumps

Correct Option: A

It is caused by Wuchereria bancrofti . It is commonly known as elephantiasis due to swelling of legs, scrotum, etc.

Directions: The following question has four choices out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Which of these viral diseases in humans is caused by a DNA virus?

  1. Common cold

  2. Smallpox

  3. Mump

  4. Measles

Correct Option: B

Smallpox is caused by poxvirus, it is a DNA virus.

Directions: The following question has four choices out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Which of the following is a tick borne viral disease?

  1. Kyasanur Forest Disease

  2. Chickungunya

  3. Mayaro

  4. Semliki Forest

Correct Option: A

Kyasanur Forest Disease - It is a haemorrhagic fever caused by flavi virus and transmitted by tick.

In the human immune system, interferon is a part of

  1. cellular barrier

  2. physical barrier

  3. physiological barrier

  4. cytokine barrier

Correct Option: D

Interferon is a cytokine barrier.

Which of the following is not an RNA virus?

  1. Herpes virus

  2. Reovirus

  3. Deltavirus

  4. Rota virus

Correct Option: A

It is one of the viruses of a family of double-stranded DNA viruses.

The intermediate host of Trypanosoma is

  1. sand fly

  2. tse-tse fly

  3. aedes aegyptis

  4. anopheles mosquito

Correct Option: B

It is a blood sucking parasite.

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