Organisms and Populations (Class - XII)

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Which kind of interaction is shown by sea anemone and hermit crab?

  1. Symbiosis

  2. Amensalism

  3. Commensalism

  4. Parasitism

Correct Option: C

In this interaction, one is benefited and the other remains unaffected. 

Which of the following is associated with the description of life-forms in plant communities?

  1. Tansley

  2. Shelford

  3. Slobodkin

  4. Raunkiaer

Correct Option: D

 Raunkiaer gave the description of life-forms in plant communities.

Which of the following are not true regarding hydrophytes?

A. Stomata are sunken. B. Stem is slender and flexible. C. Emergent forms show heterophylly. D. Root system is either absent or poorly developed. E. They have thick cuticle, well-developed epidermis and hypodermis.

  1. A and B

  2. B and C

  3. C and D

  4. A and E

Correct Option: D

A and E are not the features of hydrophytes. 

Different types of population fluctuation are

A. flat type B. cyclic type C. gradual type D. seasonal type E. annual type

  1. A, B and C

  2. B, C and D

  3. A, B, D and E

  4. A, C, D and E

Correct Option: C

Fluctuations in natural population are affected by: birth and death rates, resources like food, water and space, natural calamities such as earthquake and volcanic eruptions, abiotic factors like temperature and rainfall, other organisms sharing habitat.

What is the advantage of velamen to the epiphytic plants?

  1. Photosynthesis

  2. Water absorption

  3. Respiration

  4. Water storage

Correct Option: B

Epiphytic plants hang in air, so they cannot absorb water from soil.

Match the List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list.

List I (Biomes)
List II (Species)
A. Coniferous forest 1. Spruce
B. Tropical rain forest 2. Rubber
C. Tropical deciduous forest 3. Sal
D. Temperate forest 4. Oak
  1. A – 3, B – 4, C – 1, D – 2

  2. A – 1, B – 4, C – 3, D – 2

  3. A – 3, B – 2, C – 1, D – 4

  4. A – 1, B – 2, C – 3, D – 4

Correct Option: D

 The correct answer is option no.4.

Biomes are defined by

  1. plant structures
  2. leaf types
  3. climate
  4. plant spacing

Which of the above are true?

  1. 1, 2 and 3

  2. 2, 3 and 4

  3. 1, 3 and 4

  4. 1, 2, 3 and 4

Correct Option: D

Biomes are climatically and geographically defined as similar climatic conditions on the Earth such as communities of plants, animals and soil organisms. Biomes are defined by factors, such as plant structures (such as trees, shrubs and grasses), leaf types (such as broadleaf and needleleaf), plant spacing (forest, woodland and savanna) and climate. Unlike ecozones, biomes are not defined by genetic, taxonomic or historical similarities.

High growth at the time of exponential phase of human population growth curve is due to

  1. high birth and low death rates

  2. high birth and death rates

  3. low birth and high death rates

  4. low birth and death rates

Correct Option: A

In S-shaped or sigmoid curve, the growth rate is very high. The birth and death rates are two major determinants of population growth. Growth rate will be high when birth rate exceeds the death rate. 

In the case of saturated air, the column of air tends to be in stable equilibrium, when the prevailing lapse rate

  1. is equal to the wet adiabatic lapse rate

  2. is more than the wet adiabatic lapse rate

  3. is less than the wet adiabatic lapse rate

  4. does not vary with the wet adiabatic lapse rate

Correct Option: C

In a saturated air mass, if the prevailing lapse rate is less than its wet adiabatic lapse rate, the atmosphere is said to be in stable equilibrium. 

Which of the following biomes is incorrectly paired with the description of its climate?

  1. Savannah - Cool temperature and uniform precipitation during the year

  2. Tundra - extreme cold, permafrost and brief summer

  3. Chapparal - mild and wet winters, hot and dry summer

  4. Tropical - nearly constant temperature and rich varieties present here

  5. Steppe - temperate biome

Correct Option: A

Savannahs have warm temperature year round. There are actually two very different seasons in a savannah; a very long dry season (winter) and a very wet season (summer). 

Recent human population growth is attributed to

A. agricultural revolution B. genetic drift C. industrial revolution D. medical advances E. altruistic behavior

  1. A, C, D and E

  2. B and E

  3. A, B, C and D

  4. D and E

Correct Option: A

 Agricultural revolution has helped mankind with new varieties of plants and biofertilisers. Industrial revolution has given us lot of job opportunities by increasing the per capita income. Medical advances have increased our life span. Man is helping the society through his altruistic approach (to help others).

Organisms in a particular environment have special teeth structure, feet, body shape and body coverings. These adaptations are called

  1. structural adaptations

  2. ornamental adaptations

  3. behavioural adaptations

  4. temporary adaptations

Correct Option: A

Correct option is (1).

Which of the following is an example of mutualism?

  1. Crown gall

  2. Lichen

  3. Hypertrophy

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

A lichen is a composite organism that emerges from algae or cyanobacteria (or both), living among filaments of a fungus in a mutually beneficial (symbiotic) relationship.

Match the following:

1. Mutualism a. Mycorrhizae on the surface of plants
2. Commensalism b. Lianas using trees for vertical support
3. Protocooperation c. Sea anemone attached to the cells of hermit crab
4. Exploitation d. Cattle grazing grass
  1. 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - b, 4 - a

  2. 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - b

  3. 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - d

  4. 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - b

Correct Option: C

Mutualism - Mycorrhizae on the surface of plants Commensalism - Lianas using trees for vertical support Protocooperation - Sea anemone attached to the cells of hermit crab Exploitation - Cattle grazing grass

Match the following:

Column I Column II
A. Mesothermic i. Grow in a wide range of temperature, from 0 to 55°C
B. Hekisothermic ii. Live in a narrow range of temperature, like aquatic plants
C. Eurythermic iii. Live in neither hot nor cold climates, as in tropical rain forests
D. Stenothermic iv. Mostly grow in alpine regions
  1. A – iv, B – i, C – ii, D – iii

  2. A – ii, B – iii, C – iv, D – i

  3. A – iii, B – iv, C – i, D – ii

  4. A – iii, B – i, C – iv, D – ii

Correct Option: C

Eurythermic plants are those which grow in a wide range of temperature, from freezing to 55°C.

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