Botany Test 7

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The most common type of transpiration is:

  1. cuticular

  2. stomatal

  3. foliar

  4. lenticular

Correct Option: B

Wilting in plants occurs when

  1. phloem is blocked

  2. xylem is blocked

  3. epidermis is peeled off

  4. pith is blocked

Correct Option: B

In both evaporation and transpiration, water is lost in the form of vapour, yet they differ because

  1. frequency of water loss is different in both of them

  2. transpiration is a physical process and evaporation is physiological process

  3. transpiration is a physiological process and evaporation is a physical process

  4. the rate of water loss differs

Correct Option: C

The osmotic potential of a solution is denoted by the symbol:

  1. yx

  2. dy

  3. yp

  4. ys

Correct Option: D

The process which may lower the temperature of leaves is:

  1. respiration

  2. photosynthesis

  3. transpiration

  4. hydrolysis

Correct Option: C

Active K+ exchange mechanism for opening and closing of stomata was given by

  1. Darwin

  2. Levitt

  3. Scarth

  4. Khorana

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is used for determining the rate of transpiration in plants?

  1. Auxanometer

  2. Potentiometer

  3. Porometer

  4. Potometer

Correct Option: D

With increase in turgity of a cell surrounded by water, the wall pressure will:

  1. increase

  2. decrease

  3. fluctuate

  4. remain unchanged

Correct Option: A

Osmosis is defined as the process in which:

  1. wter diffuses from lower concentration to higher concentration

  2. solutes diffuse from lower concentration to higher concentration

  3. active transport of ions take place

  4. passive transport of ions take place

Correct Option: A

Exudation of xylem sap on cutting the shoot is due to

  1. transpiration

  2. guttation

  3. root pressure

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: D

Loss of turgor from the cells causes drooping of leaves during day, but they recover from it at night. This is called

  1. temporary wilting

  2. guttation

  3. permanent wilting

  4. exudation

Correct Option: A

______ percentage of water absorbed by herbaceous plants is lost during transpiration.

  1. 80

  2. 60

  3. 90

  4. 40

Correct Option: C

Dumb-bell shaped guard cells are found in:

  1. wheat

  2. bean

  3. groundnut

  4. sunflower

Correct Option: A

Root pressure is maximum when

  1. transpiration is very low and absorption is high

  2. transpiration is very high and absorption is also high

  3. transpiration and absorption both are low

  4. transpiration is high and absorption is low

Correct Option: A

Stomata open during the day time because the guard cells

  1. photosynthesize and produce osmotically active sugars

  2. are thin walled

  3. are bean shaped

  4. have to help in gaseous exchange

Correct Option: A

Sunflower contains

  1. cobalt chloride

  2. calcium chloride

  3. sodium chloride

  4. cobalt nitrate

Correct Option: A

If CO2 concentration suddenly increases around the leaf, which one of the following events will occur?

  1. Stomata opens gradually

  2. Stomata opens suddenly

  3. Transpiration will not be affected

  4. Decrease in transpiration due to sudden closure of stomata

Correct Option: D

Plants will undergo wilting under which one of these conditions?

  1. High temperature

  2. High humidity

  3. Heavy rainfall

  4. Absorption of water

Correct Option: A

Water potential is equal to

  1. y

  2. p + WP

  3. p + TP

  4. ys + yp

Correct Option: D

In rainy season, wooden door swells up due to

  1. imputation

  2. capillarity

  3. endosmosis

  4. exosmosis

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following is produced during water stress and causes closure of stomata?

  1. Abscisic acid

  2. Auxin

  3. Gibberellin

  4. Ethylene

Correct Option: A

Plant cells submerged in distilled water becomes:

  1. turgid

  2. flaccid

  3. plasmolysed

  4. impermeable

Correct Option: A

In a terrestrial habitat, the factor that affects temperature and rainfall conditions is:

  1. translocation

  2. transformation

  3. transpiration

  4. transduction

Correct Option: C

Generally the number of stoma per square cm leaf area is:

  1. in millions

  2. less than one hundred

  3. in thousands

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

The vacuolar membrane is called

  1. plasmalemma

  2. middle lamella

  3. tonoplast

  4. chromoplast

Correct Option: C

In many thin leaved mesophytes, stomata open during day and close at night. This comes under

  1. barley type

  2. potato type

  3. alfalfa type

  4. beam type

Correct Option: C

Increase in CO2 concentration around leaf results in

  1. partial closure of stomata

  2. complete closure of stomata

  3. opening of stomata

  4. no effect on stomatal opening and closing

Correct Option: A

In which of the following plants would metabolism be hindered, if the leaves are coated with wax on their upper surface?

  1. Hydrilla

  2. Lotus

  3. Pistia

  4. Vallisneria

Correct Option: B

Root pressure is maximum when

  1. transpiration is high and absorption is very low

  2. transpiration is very low and absorption is high

  3. transpiration is very high and absorption is also high

  4. transpiration and absorption both are low

Correct Option: B
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