Breathing & Exchange of Gases (Class - XI)

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The particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 1 µm get deposited in the airways through

  1. sedimentation

  2. impaction

  3. Brownian diffusion

  4. interception

Correct Option: C

For particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1 µm, Brownian diffusion is a major way for deposition in airways where the bulk flow is very low or absent.

Which of the following structures prevent(s) the food from entering into the wind pipe and lungs during swallowing?

  1. Sphincter muscles

  2. Epiglottis

  3. Mouth

  4. Oesophagus

Correct Option: B

Epiglottis is a flap of cartilage located in the throat behind the tongue and in front of the larynx. 

Which receptor maintains the fluid balance in the body?

  1. Baroreceptor

  2. Chemoreceptor

  3. Interoceptor

  4. Osmoreceptor

Correct Option: D

It is a sensory receptor mainly found in the hypothalamus.

No respiratory pigment is found in

  1. cockroach

  2. earthworm

  3. rabbit

  4. frog

Correct Option: A

  Blood of Cockroach does not contain respiratory pigment.

Oxygenated of blood occurs in

  1. gills

  2. spleen

  3. lungs

  4. liver

Correct Option: C

Oxygenation of blood occurs in lungs

Book-lungs are the respiratory organs of a

  1. scorpion

  2. prawn

  3. snail

  4. cockroach

Correct Option: A

 Book-lungs are the respiratory organs of a scorpion.Each of these organs is found inside an open ventral abdominal, air-filled cavity (atrium) and connects with the surroundings through a small opening for the purpose of respiration.

During hibernation, frogs respire by

  1. external gills

  2. lungs and buccopharyngeal cavity

  3. internal gills

  4. moist skin

Correct Option: D

Frogs use their skin to soak in the oxygen their bodies require. When they hibernate, they utilize the skin for any and all breathing. Damp skin is a must for subcutaneous gas exchange. If a frog's skin becomes dry, it will no longer be able to take in oxygen.

Vestibular folds are also known as

  1. rima glottidis

  2. aditus

  3. glottis

  4. false vocal cords

  5. wind pipe

Correct Option: D

Vestibular folds are also known as false vocal chords. They are also called venticular folds. They are called false vocal cords because they are not involved in voice production.

Which of the following organs produces sound in humans?

  1. Pharynx

  2. Larynx

  3. Epiglottis

  4. Nasal conchae

  5. Syrinx

Correct Option: B

It is a special organ of respiratory tract that is present in proximal region of trachea.

Inflammation of pleural sacs due to infection or excessive pleural fluid is called

  1. eupnea

  2. polypnoea

  3. trachypnoea

  4. pleurisy

  5. hyperpnoea

Correct Option: D

It is the inflammation of pleural sacs due to excessive pleural fluid.

The point of branching of trachea into two primary bronchi is called

  1. gullet

  2. carina

  3. hilum

  4. aditus

  5. oropharynx

Correct Option: B

At the level of the fifth thoracic vertebra, trachea divides to form a left and right primary bronchi.

Which of the following cartilages is the largest?

  1. Corniculate cartilage

  2. Cricoid cartilage

  3. Arytenoid cartilage

  4. Thyroid cartilage

  5. Cuneiform cartilage

Correct Option: D

It is the largest cartilage. It is broad and C-shaped in outline, with a V-shaped notch on the superior edge. There are two small elongated club-shaped nodules of elastic fibro cartilage which lie above and anterior to corniculate cartilage.

Which of the following cells eliminate particles and microbes reaching the alveoli?

  1. Clara cells

  2. Brush cells

  3. Dense core granulated cells

  4. Dust cells

  5. Tracheoles

Correct Option: D

The cells which eliminate particles and microbes reaching the alveoli are called dust cells. These are also known as macrophages.

Which of the following is incorrect regarding the different steps of respiration?

  1. Breathing or pulmonary ventilation facilitates intake of alveolar air and expulsion of atmospheric air.

  2. Diffusion of gases takes place across alveolar membrane.

  3. Oxygen is transported to the tissue by blood.

  4. Diffusion of O2 and CO2 takes place between blood and tissues.

  5. Catabolism leads to utilisation of O2 by the cells and the release of CO2.

Correct Option: A

Breathing or pulmonary ventilation facilitates intake of atmospheric air and expulsion of alveolar air.

Which of the following bones help in breathing process?

  1. Ossicles

  2. Phalanges

  3. Ribs

  4. Vertebrae

  5. NA

Correct Option: C

The movement of ribs and sternum facilitates the process of breathing.  

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