Reproduction in Plants and Animals

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Total number of chromosomes in the gamete of fruit fly is

  1. 23

  2. 6

  3. 4

  4. 21

Correct Option: C

Total number of chromosomes in the gamete of fruit fly is 4.

The life span of parrot is

  1. 15 years

  2. 60 years

  3. 150 years

  4. 140 years

Correct Option: D

The life span of parrot is 140 years.

Asexual reproductive structure, found in sponges is called

  1. conidia

  2. gemmule

  3. zoospores

  4. exogenous buds

Correct Option: B

Asexual reproductive structure found in sponges is called gemmule.

Which of the following plants flowers once in twelve years?

  1. Bamboosa tulida

  2. Strobilanthus kunthiana

  3. Mangifera indica

  4. Triticum aestivum

Correct Option: B

Strobilanthus kunthiana  flowers once in twelve years

The animals which lay eggs are called

  1. viviparous

  2. bisexual

  3. oviparous

  4. monoecious

Correct Option: C

The animals which lay eggs are called oviparous.

Production of fruits without fertilisation is called

  1. parthanogenesis

  2. parthanocarpy

  3. apomixis

  4. polyembryony.

Correct Option: B

Production of fruits without fertilisation is called parthanocarpy.

Parthenogenesis is a regular phenomenon in

  1. cockroach

  2. housefly

  3. honey bee

  4. butterfly

Correct Option: C

Parthenogenesis is a regular phenomina in honey bee.

Pollination by bat is called

  1. anaemophily

  2. entamophily

  3. ornithophily

  4. chireptorophily

Correct Option: D

Pollination by bat is called chireptorophily.

Which of the following layers in microsporangium nourishes the pollengrains?

  1. Epidermis

  2. Endothecium

  3. Tapetum

  4. Endodermis

Correct Option: C

Tapetum layer in microsporangium nourishes the pollengrains.

The plant which shows anemophily type of pollination is

  1. salvia

  2. coconut

  3. vallisnaria

  4. hydrilla

Correct Option: B

The plant which shows anemophily type of pollination is coconut.

Which of the following animals shows oestrus cycle?

  1. Human

  2. Apes

  3. Cow

  4. Monkey

Correct Option: C

Cows show oestrus cycle.

The hard outer layer of pollengrain called exine, is made up of

  1. cellulose

  2. pectin

  3. sporopollenin

  4. lignin

Correct Option: C

The hard outer layer of pollengrain called exine, is made up of sporopollenin.

Which of the following structures is surrounded by a callose wall?

  1. Male gamete

  2. Egg

  3. Pollen grain

  4. Microspore mother cell

Correct Option: D

Microspore mother cell have callose wall.

Which of the following plants vegitatively propagates by leaf pieces?

  1. Agava

  2. Kalanchoe

  3. Asparagus

  4. Chrysanthemum

Correct Option: B

Kalanchoe vegitatively propagates by leaf pieces

The process of removal of anther for preventing self pollination is called

  1. bagging

  2. pollination

  3. emasculation

  4. apomixis

Correct Option: C

The process of removal of anther for preventing self pollination is called emasculation.

Pollen tube enters the embryo sac through

  1. central cell

  2. persistent synergid

  3. degenerated synergid

  4. egg cell

Correct Option: C

Pollen tube enters the embryo sac through degenerated synergid.

Which of the following is a true fruit?

  1. Apple

  2. Strawberry

  3. Cashew

  4. Mango

Correct Option: D

Mango is a true fruit formed from ovary.

Which of the following is a non-albuminous seed?

  1. Wheat

  2. Maize

  3. Barley

  4. Pea

Correct Option: D

Pea is a non-albuminous seed.

Which of the following is a parthenocarpic fruit?

  1. Apple

  2. Banana

  3. Strawberry

  4. Mango.

Correct Option: B

Banana is a parthanocarpic fruit.

Which of the following structures does not participate in asexual reproduction?

  1. Stolon

  2. Rhizome

  3. Zygote

  4. Tuber

Correct Option: C

Zygote is formed by sexual reproduction and is not associated with asexual reproduction.

Which of the following organisms has maximum number of chromosomes?

  1. Butterfly

  2. Housefly

  3. Ophioglossum

  4. Apple

Correct Option: C

Ophioglossum has 1260 chromosomes.

Which of the following chemical inhibitors initiates and maintains dormancy in mature seeds?

  1. Auxin

  2. Cytokinin

  3. Gibberlin

  4. Abscisic acid

Correct Option: D

Abscisic acid initiates and maintains dormancy in mature seeds

Polyembryoni is found in

  1. rice

  2. wheat

  3. citus

  4. pea

Correct Option: C

Polyembryoni is found in citus.

Transfer of pollengrains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of same plant is called

  1. autogamy

  2. xenogamy

  3. geitonogamy

  4. isogamy

Correct Option: C

Transfer of pollengrains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of same plant is called geitonogamy.

In angiosperms, double fertilisation results in two distinct portions of seed, zygote and endosperm. The role of endospermic portion of seed is to

  1. develop into the embryo

  2. nourish the embryo

  3. develop into stem

  4. form roots

Correct Option: B

The role of endosperm portion of seed is to nourish the embryo.

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